James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 1 March 1781
James Lovell to Abigail Adams
March 1st. 1781
[In my last I told] you that the Case [which was brought] to my Lodgings for your Benefit did not appear full according to the common Mode of Packing for a Voyage. I ought to have endeavored to give you a Kind of Invoice of its Contents. I had not Time. It will now perhaps enable you to decide whether there have been Filchings if I give you only the following Sketch.
18 Ells of Diaper at 10
some Persian & Gauze
Gloves & a Band Box with a number of small Articles Fans Ribbons Lace Ferrets
Threads of difft. Colrs, and Cotton for Tambour
3 p[iece]s Linnen
White Broad Cloth & some Yards of blue Silk
a Box of Tea
Black broad Cloth
2 ps. Linnen
1 ps. Cambrick
Silk Hose. Gloves. Hankerchifs. sewing silk
Broad [Cloth] & Serge
1 ps. Linnen
1 ps. Cambrick
Silk Hose
6 Ells Linnen
1 ps. Cambrick
some Gauze & Fans
1 ps. Linnen
1 ps. Chintz
12 Handkerchfs.
some black Parisnett & Lace
What made me most apprehend Roguery is finding no Cambrick for yourself. However, there was such a general Slovenlyness in the Packing, that there is Room to hope the Vacancy is no Proof of Loss.
[The Articles of Confederation] have been signed by [the delegates of Maryland] this day, which will have a good Effect in Europe if not in America.1—But it is needless to enlarge on this or any other Topic of Intelligence as the Opportunity by Doctr. Winship will be slower than the Post. Perhaps I shall send you some little Articles, at least the Band Box, or the Tea Box.
RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Mrs. A Adams Braintree near Boston”; endorsed: “March 1. 81.” MS has a large hole near the top of all four pages. Conjectural readings have been supplied for the resulting gaps in the text.