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Results 501-550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 297). The manuscript is in JM’s hand. Charles Thomson entered...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 20 March 1796. On 27 March, GW wrote Pearce: “Yesterday...
503[Diary entry: 6 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run, and Ferry before Dinner. In the Afternoon Doctr. Rumney and Mr....
In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable...
I am glad to find by yours of the 16th ulto that you had nearly surmountd the difficulties...
The services of Captain Elliott, who is with a Company of Artillery drawn from Fort Mifflin, and...
Valley Forge, February 16, 1778 . Describes sufferings at Camp because of lack of food and...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of...
Were I as Ceremonious as I suppose the Ladies will be about their Tea visits, after the late...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have so many Obligations to my kind Friend, that I...
Yours of the 3d. came to hand yesterday morning. I shall be happy to hear of the arrival of the...
Tho I have already acknowledged all your Letters, I will not let captain Scoet sail without a few...
I am honour’d with yours of the 19th. Inst. I received a Letter from Capt. Jackson dated at...
At a meeting of the Officers of the Continental line in October last to appoint officers of the...
26 January 1802, Hamburg. Wrote on 2 Dec. acknowledging receipt of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter...
Cadiz, 2 Jan. 1793 . Contrary winds having detained the vessel by which he intends to proceed to...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Your mind is too enlarged, as well as your Genius too...
John Dickinson accepts with many Thanks the Copy of the late Resolution of the Legislature of...
Your favor of Aug. 12. is duly recieved, covering the letter of mr Reynolds and some printed...
I have received your letter of March 23rd and have forwarded to the Secretary of War Capt:...
I received your obliging Letter at New York, and it was peculiarly acceptable to me and my...
I lay before you a report of the Secretary of state on the case of the Danish brigantine Henrich,...
Whereas, combinations to defeat the execution of the law for the valuation of lands and...
I inclose you a Versification of the Speech of Logan , which I have just published. The knowledge...
525Wednesday. May 22. 1771. (Adams Papers)
At Plymouth. Put up at Wetheralls, near the County House—lodged with Mr. Angier, where we had a...
52614th. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Lincoln, and immediately after dinner we again proceeded on our journey and by 5...
527[Diary entry: 17 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 17th. Thermometer at 38 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 48 at Night. A thick fog till 9...
I Received your Excellency’s letter concerning the Cyphers . The Vessel that I am in here, and...
By advices just received from Col. Brodhead, dated at Fort Pitt the 10th Ulto I am informed there...
530Advertisement, 1 November 1750 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 1, 1750. Whereas on Saturday night last, the house...
By the last mail I received your respectful note of the 3d instant, with a volume of documents...
Your Excellencys Letter came to hand about seven OClock last Night at this Place. Colonell Hubley...
It has for some time past that I have promised myself the pleasure of paying you a Visit, yet the...
Your letter of the 30th: of June, I received on the 22d. of October, since which time I have been...
The Sun is just making his appearance for the first time these five days, during which we have...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you this morning you desired to know how we had succeeded in...
Enclosed is a letter from Captain Pasteur to the S of War— I understood from G. Wilkinson that...
Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, 18 Aug. 1777. When writing to GW on 11 Sept. , Custis...
539[February 1754] (Adams Papers)
This winter, we had a vacation. In the winter of 1754 we had no snow at all save a smattering or...
I feel my Self happy in the hope that you will Shortly be at the head of the General Government...
I received this morning a letter from Coll o B Peyton of Richmond , enclosing a check on the Bank...
§ From Alexander J. Dallas. 3 June 1806. “It gives me great pleasure, to comply with the request...
Since Mrs. Adams’s Departure I have revolved within myself, whether you would not have an...
It was fortunate that a duplicate of your letter to Mr. Jefferson went so soon from Alexandria....
After my return to Mount Vernon I looked through the letter books, and noted down the dates of...
Last week I sent you a number of the Monthly Theological Repository, containing some Speculations...
I had the honor to write your Excellency when at Monticello in this state, on the subject of the...
ALS : New Jersey Historical Society; draft: Library of Congress I was very much obliged by the...
RC (William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan). The inclosed extracts appear as...
I received your letter of the 11 th ins t last night & hasten to reply to it—tho’ I regret to say...