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Results 501-550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I hope that you will excuse the liberty I now take in addressing you, as it is prompted only by a...
I have seen no evidence yet that a successor has been appointed to Mr Breckenridge. I hope the...
The Volume so kindly presented to Mrs. Madison and myself has afforded us great pleasure. Few can...
My delay in returning you my thanks for your very obliging letter & its valuable contents has ill...
A quorum of the Board was not formed untill Friday, July 12th. when John H. Cocke & Joseph C....
A note from Mr Kane informs me that Mr Longacre—whom I had previously the pleasure of knowing,...
The inclosed letters contain all the information I can give on the subject of a successor to Dr....
I inclose my answer to two letters from Mr. Jefferson, referred to in your inquiries Thro’ Dr....
The other day I was Extremly Sorry to See your Name in a Newspaper, their Calld a freind and...
You were right in supposing that my thoughts had been given to the subject of the void made in...
Your letter of May 28th. was duly received. In it you ask my opinion on the retention of the land...
Since my answer to your two letters, I have heard nothing from Mr. Clarke, on the subject of them...
Annexed I send for your approval, my check on the President & Directors of the Literary Fund, for...
I have received your letter of the 5th inst: It would have given me much pleasure to have aided...
My friend Dr Patterson & myself have arranged our University matters in such sort as to be able...
You are aware of the loss the University is sustaining by the resignation of Doctr Dunglison, and...
Your letter of the 30th. Ult was duly recd. with the little volume to which it refers. The facts...
Mr. J. C. Hamilton has the Honor to acknowledge the receipt by this days Mail of the Extract from...
I have shown to son Robert the letter from E. H. Taylor to you and have received for answer that...
You have probably been informed by Mr Jno., H, Lee of Kentucky of an arrangement which he made...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th. inst., inclosing fifty...
I have recd. your letter of the 27th. Ult. accompanying the introductory one from my friend Mr....
I have recd. your letter of the 6 inst containing among other communications on the part of the...
I have the honor to ask your acceptance of the portrait herewith transmitted, of my late lamented...
It is so long since the date of your letter informing me that you should in a few days make sale...
Sales Tobacco by Bernard Peyton For account James Madison Esqr 1833 June 5 For Cash. . 4 Hhds...
Learning from my Father that it was his intention to make you a visit, I have taken the liberty...
Yours of the 19th May was recd the 26th of the same month. I am under the necessity of troubling...
It is some time since I submitted to the public certain observations on the writings of the late...
A Stranger to you but descended from a numerous family by whom I have been always taught to...
It has been suggested that the Govr. may wait for some regular notice of the Death of Genl....
I have just received a letter from Mr. Madison, in which he says,— "It has been suggested that...
It was a saying of one of the wise men of antiquity that a Great Book was a Great Evil ; thereby...
I recd. a few days ago your letter of May 1st relating to the military services of your father,...
I received in due course of the Mail your obliging letter of the 6t. Ulto. and was extremely...
It would have afforded gratification to have personally presented the letter of introduction on...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Lawrence, with the acknowledgments due for a Copy of the...
I have the honor to have received your favour of the 16th inst. covering a communication from...
The long continued rains have, for the last fortnight, deprived us of the pleasure of our...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 9th. inst: The task it suggests for me, is beyond the...
private Your favour of the 13th ult: was duly recd. and I thank you for the communication— It...
I recd. yesterday your letter of the 14: I feel too much regard for the University of Virga. not...
Inclosed I send you the 3d. Bills of exchange, drawn upon Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co. of London...
I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have just recd from Docr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
I have this day received a Communication from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the...
"Professor Davis begs of me to express to you officially his desire to occupy my Pavilion &...
Your letters of {2m#} & of {2m#} were duly recd. The articles referred to in the first were...
I take the liberty of asking a few moments of your time, if it can be spared without serious...