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MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 297). The manuscript is in JM’s hand. Charles Thomson entered “Madison, Bland” at the top to signify who made and seconded the motion, and “Madison” at the bottom to indicate that JM demanded a roll call. Below the second “Madison,” Thomson recorded the vote on the motion. On a cover addressed by a clerk of the War Office to “His Excellency, The President of...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 20 March 1796. On 27 March, GW wrote Pearce: “Yesterday brought me your letter of the 20th instant.”
503[Diary entry: 6 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run, and Ferry before Dinner. In the Afternoon Doctr. Rumney and Mr. James Adam came here & lodged. James Adam’s visit today and Matthew Campbell’s calls during the next four days must have concerned GW’s current business with Robert Adam & Co.: the sale of 929,700 herring and 10,894 shad for a total price of £184 17s. and the purchase of three slaves for £185 (...
In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable meeting, held on the 24th. ult. in this place, I forward you their address, under cover to our representative in Congress.—Hoping that this small tribute of their respect will not be unacceptable. Very Respectfully, Your obt. huml. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I am glad to find by yours of the 16th ulto that you had nearly surmountd the difficulties attending the march of the troops from Petersburg —I have no objection to you proceeding yourself to the southward, which I hope will afford that releif to your disorder, which you expect—You will give the most pointed orders to the Officer who shall be left to bring on the Rear, not to lose a moments...
The services of Captain Elliott, who is with a Company of Artillery drawn from Fort Mifflin, and now in Northampton County, being indispensable to make draughts for Cannon and to superintend a laboratory, which it is intended to commence without loss of time, I pray you to direct Capt McClellan, or any other Captain of the Corps you may think proper, to relieve him as soon as possible—Captain...
Valley Forge, February 16, 1778 . Describes sufferings at Camp because of lack of food and clothing. Asks Clinton to do all that is possible to forward supplies. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of the 16th. inst. that he still has two copies of the Sentimental journey sur petit papier Velin. it is the Petit format size which Th: Jefferson regards rather than the quality of the paper, because he happens to have all the works of Sterne in petit format, except his sentimal journey. if therefore...
Were I as Ceremonious as I suppose the Ladies will be about their Tea visits, after the late Indulgence of Congress, I should hardly have taken up my pen at this time to disturb your repose, or Interrupt your Business. Are you Sensible how seldom you write to me or does it proceed from Choice or Necessity. My writeing at this Time is mearly to discharge A Duty of Friendship. I have scarcely A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have so many Obligations to my kind Friend, that I dedicated a time to Visit all the Booksellers in London to search for foreign Electrical Books and could only find Two in French. One I take to be the same I sent for thy perusal but could not be certain which Elce [I] had not bought both for I sent it away just as I received it from France. I have many...