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Results 501-550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
501 Adams, John Decr. 31st. 1766. 1766-12-31 “Whatever tends to create in the Minds of the People, a Contempt of the Persons of those who hold...
502 Adams, John [1766?] 1766-01-01 Q uery . The Service done by Tommy Hutchinson, for the Province, for which he had a Grant of 40£....
503 Adams, John [March 1767] 1767-03-01 Went with Captn. Thayer to visit Robert Peacock and his poor distressed Family. We found them, in...
504 Adams, John Saturday March 1767. 1767-03-01 Went with Captn. Thayer to visit Robert Peacock and his poor distressed Family. We found them, in...
505 Adams, John [April 1767] 1767-04-04 Suits generally Spring from Passion. Jones vs. Bigelow, Cotton and Nye arose from Ambition. Jones...
506 Adams, John April 4th. 1767. 1767-04-04 Suits generally Spring from Passion. Jones vs. Bigelow, Cotton and Nye arose from Ambition. Jones...
507 Adams, John 1767 April 8th. Wednesday. 1767-04-08 Mounted my Horse in a very Rainy Morning for Barnstable leaving my Dear Brother Cranch and his...
508 Adams, John [May 1767] 1767-05-16 At Howlands in Plymouth. Returned this day from Barnstable. The Case of Cotton and Nye at...
509 Adams, John May [16], 1767. Saturday Night. 1767-05-16 At Howlands in Plymouth. Returned this day from Barnstable. The Case of Cotton and Nye at...
510 Adams, John 1767 May [17] Sunday. 1767-05-17 At Plymouth, went to Mr. Robbins’s Meeting in the Morning, and sat with Mr. Hovey. Dined with...
511 Adams, John Monday Morning [18 May] 1767-05-18 A fine Sun and Air. Cushing at Barnstable said to me—happy is he whom other Mens Errors, render...
512 Adams, John [January 1768] 1768-01-30 To what Object, are my Views directed? What is the End and Purpose of my Studies, Journeys,...
513 Adams, John 1768. January 30th. Saturday Night. 1768-01-30 To what Object, are my Views directed? What is the End and Purpose of my Studies, Journeys,...
514 Adams, John [August 1769] 1769-08-10 John Tudor Esq. came to me, and for the third Time repeated his Request that I would take his Son...
515 Adams, John Boston August 10. 1769. 1769-08-10 John Tudor Esq. came to me, and for the third Time repeated his Request that I would take his Son...
516 Adams, John Aug. 11th. 1769. Fryday. 1769-08-11 Mr. Tudor came, for the first Time and attended the Office, all Day, and paid me £10 St.—In the...
517 Adams, John 1769. Aug. 12. Saturday. 1769-08-12 Dined at Mr. Isaac Smiths and in the Evening went to Braintree.
518 Adams, John Aug. 13. Sunday. 1769-08-13 At Mr. Quincys. Here is Solitude and Retirement. Still, calm, and serene, cool, tranquil, and...
519 Adams, John Monday August 14. 1769-08-14 Dined with 350 Sons of Liberty at Robinsons, the Sign of Liberty Tree in Dorchester. We had two...
520 Adams, John Tuesday. Aug. 15. 1769-08-15 Rode to Taunton, 16 miles before 9 O Clock, tho I stopped and breakfasted at Haywards in Easton 9...
521 Adams, John [September 1769] 1769-09-02 Tho this Book has been in my Pocket, this fortnight, I have been too slothfull, to make Use of...
522 Adams, John 1769. Septr. 2. Saturday Night. 1769-09-02 Tho this Book has been in my Pocket, this fortnight, I have been too slothfull, to make Use of...
523 Adams, John Sept. 3d. Sunday. 1769-09-03 Heard Dr. Cooper in the forenoon, Mr. Champion of Connecticutt in the Afternoon and Mr. Pemberton...
524 Adams, John Monday [4 September]. 1769-09-04 Spent the Evening at Dr. Peckers, with the Clubb. Mr. Otis introduced a Stranger, a Gentleman...
525 Adams, John Wednesday. Septr. 6. 1769. 1769-09-06 Mr. Cudworth told me on the Town house Steps, that Mr. Charles Paxton, the Commissioner, told him...
526 Adams, John [October 1769] 1769-10-19 Last night I spent the Evening, at the House of John Williams Esqr. the Revenue officer, in...
527 Adams, John 1769. Octr. 19th. Thurdsday. 1769-10-19 Last night I spent the Evening, at the House of John Williams Esqr. the Revenue officer, in...
528 Adams, John 1769. Octr. 24th. 1769-10-24 Sunday last I rode to Braintree in the Morning, and heard Mr. Gay, of Hingham forenoon and...
529 Adams, John [November 1769] 1769-11-01 Saturday after attending Court in the Morning, I dined by particular Invitation at Mr. Winthrops...
530 Adams, John November 1769. 1769-11-01 Saturday after attending Court in the Morning, I dined by particular Invitation at Mr. Winthrops...
531 Adams, John [December 1769] 1769-12-23 At my Office reading Sidney. I have been musing this evening upon a Report of the Case of the 4....
532 Adams, John 1769. Decr. 23. Saturday Night. 1769-12-23 At my Office reading Sidney. I have been musing this evening upon a Report of the Case of the 4....
533 Adams, John [January 1770] 1770-01-01 At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He...
534 Adams, John 1770 January 16. 1770-01-16 At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He...
535 Adams, John [Draft of a Newspaper Communication, January? 1770.] 1770-01-01 “If I would but go to Hell for an eternal Moment or so, I might be knighted.” My dear Children—...
536 Adams, John [February 1770] 1770-02-26 Rode from Weymouth. Stoppd at my House, Veseys Blacksmith shop, my Brothers, my Mothers, and...
537 Adams, John 1770. Monday Feby. 26. or Thereabouts. 1770-02-26 Rode from Weymouth. Stoppd at my House, Veseys Blacksmith shop, my Brothers, my Mothers, and...
538 Adams, John [June 1770] 1770-06-19 Rambled with Kent, round Landlord Treadwells Pastures, to see how our Horses fared. We found them...
539 Adams, John Ipswich June 19. 1770. Tuesday Morning. 1770-06-19 Rambled with Kent, round Landlord Treadwells Pastures, to see how our Horses fared. We found them...
540 Adams, John June 25. 1770. Boston. 1770-06-25 Blowers . In the Reign of Richard the 2d. or Henry 6th. you may find Precedents for any Thing....
541 Adams, John June 26. 1770-06-26 Last of Service; very little Business this Court. The Bar and the Clerks universally complain of...
542 Adams, John June 27. Wednesday Morn. 1770-06-27 Very fine—likely to be hot—at my Office early. The only Way to compose myself and collect my...
543 Adams, John June 28. Thursday. 1770-06-28 Mr. Goldthwait . Do you call tomorrow and dine with Us at flax Pond near Salem. Rowe, Davis,...
544 Adams, John June 29. 1770. Fryday. 1770-06-29 Began my Journey to Falmouth in Casco Bay. Baited my Horse at Martins in Lynn, where I saw T....
545 Adams, John June 30th. 1770. Saturday. 1770-06-30 Arose not very early and drank a Pint of new Milk and set off. Oated my Horse at Newbury. Rode to...
546 Adams, John [July 1770] 1770-07-01 Arose early at Paul Dudley Woodbridge’s. A cloudy morning. Took a Walk to the Pasture, to see how...
547 Adams, John July 1st. 1770. Sunday. 1770-07-01 Arose early at Paul Dudley Woodbridge’s. A cloudy morning. Took a Walk to the Pasture, to see how...
548 Adams, John July 2. 1770. 1770-07-02 Monday morning, in my Sulky before 5 o clock, Mr. Winthrop, Farnum and D. Sewall, with me on...
549 Adams, John July 3. 1770. Tuesday. 1770-07-03 Rose in comfortable Health.
550 Adams, John July 8. 1770 Sunday. 1770-07-08 This Week has been taken up in the Hurry of the Court, and I have not been able to snatch a...