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Results 501-550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I was most sensibly pleased, with the Sight of the Dutch Liberty medal which you was so obliging...
When your Son delivered me your kind letter, little did I think, it would be so long, before I...
I received yesterday two Letters from each of our Sons at the Hague, who were very well and in...
I would not loose the Opportunity of writing to you—tho I must be short. Tedious, indeed is our...
In Consequence of its being a rainy Day and confind at Home I have an opportunity of...
I have the Mortification of being obliged to tell the amiable Portia that the Council of...
I dined on Monday at the Presidents with young La Fayette and his Preceptor, Tutor or Friend,...
I thank you for your kind letter of the 4 th: inst t: which came to hand last evening,...
Having just heard of a Small Brig bound directly from Nantes to Boston, I write you, one Line....
I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 30 th. I am much gratified that...
Saturday April 21 st , I received yours of the 9 th . I wrote to you the 1 st of April in answer...
The Post brought me two Letters from you, this Morning, one of the 7th. instant, and one before....
Vanity of vanity! & the conseiquenc of it is vexation of Spirit— who ever is inclin’d to live...
Your kind Letter by Cousin Tufts was a pleasing and fresh proof of your Goodsense, Piety of...
Since I had the Pleasure of addressing You, nothing of Importance has occurred in the Concerns of...
It gives me great pleasure to know you are so near me and I should have told you so and condoled...
I dined Yesterday with M r Madison. M rs Madison is a fine Woman and her two sisters are equally...
I had a tollerable Journey hither, but my Horse trotted too hard. I miss my own Mare—however I...
Your Effects, expected in the Alliance, came in the Ariel. Yesterday two Cases were brought to my...
This is St. Georges Day, a Festival celebrated by the English, as Saint Patricks is by the Irish,...
I am once more in the same pleasant situation as that which I described to you twenty months ago...
I have nothing to do here, but to take the Air, enquire for News, talk Politicks and write...
Doctr. Winship left this City Today and has been so kind as to take into his Care two small...
It was my intention to have written to you earlier after my return than this, but have found my...
Brisler has shipped, on board The Abby Captain Eames, two Barrells of Flour, one hundred Weight...
Accidents are often more Friendly to us, than our own Prudence.—I intended to have been at...
You are uneasy that I dont write enough. I understand you. You want me to unravel to you all the...
you put too much value on trifles which are only small marks of real regard & affection to you &...
I am afraid my dear Mamma, will accuse me again of neglect for not having written to her, since I...
Having been honored with the Vice Presidents consent to attend the Eulogium in Memory of D r...
The Alteration of Post Days or some other Cause has disappointed me of a Letter from you this...
If anything would awake the sleeping Muses or Call Back the Wandering Deities the Imagery of this...
It is an age since I have had the honor of a letter from you, and an age and a half since I...
I last week heard from all your sons they were well. After this you may read on calmly— We are...
The much-desired day is at last arrived: Peace hath crowned both your Wishes and Ours. The...
I have this morning rec d your kind Letters of 10 & 11 th. of May.— You mention Land bought by D...
By direction of Mr. Adams We have Consignd to Isaac Smith Esqr. a Case of Merchandize for you,...
In our absence from home, you was so obliging as to address a line to M rs Gerry, which she has...
1 Nankin Jacket 1 Brown Coat 1 Flannel Drawers 1 Shirt 2 Stocks 1 Pr. Thread Stockings 1 Pr....
I last week had to inform you of the Sudden death of my much value’d Freind Mrs Quincy I Now have...
I am sorry to find by your late Letter what indeed I expected to hear, that my Farm wants manure....
My Letters to you are an odd Mixture. They would appear to a Stranger, like the Dish which is...
I little expected, when writing to You on the 16th. instant, to have so soon congratulated You...
My Uncle Smith has been so kind as to send me word this Morning, that a Nephew of Mr Gill’s was...
I rec d. your several Letters of Jan y. 24. Feb y. 8 t & March the 10 th. by Cushing, Barnard &...
I have the pleasure of informing You, that Mr. Dana this day recieved a letter from Mr. A dams of...
I returned to the City the night before last on the 18 th: day after my departure. My Father sat...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 20th Instant, on a Matter of the highest Concern to...
Four precious letters from you have come to the hand of your apostate Son Thomas, without any...
This Letter, I presume, will go by the brave and amiable General Washington. Our Army will have a...