James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 30 November 1810

From Albert Gallatin

Nover. 30th 1810

Dear Sir

I enclose the substance of a financial paragraph, also a statement of the receipts & expenditures of the year ending 30th Septer. last and an estimate of those of this quarter. These will supply you with all the facts on which the paragraph is founded.1

In the paragraph for military schools, I would place in the most conspicuous point of view (when speaking of revision of existing law) the necessity of placing them on a respectable footing. It is now worse than none. I believe that no teacher but a drawing master is allowed out of the corps & I know that Hasler2 as professor of mathematics was discharged as not authorized by law. Respectfully Your obt. Servant

Albert Gallatin

[First Enclosure]

The receipts into the treasury during the year ending on the 30th of Septer. last (and amounting to more than eight millions and a half of dollars) have exceeded the current expenses of government including therein the interest on the public debt. For the purpose of reimbursing at the end of this year 3,750,000 dollars of the principal, a loan to that same amount had been negotiated, which has subsequently, on the application of the Secretary of the Treasury, been reduced to 2,750,000 dollars. For the probable receipts of next year and other details I refer you to the statements which will be transmitted from the Treasury and which will enable you to judge what further provision may be necessary for the service of the ensuing years.3

[Second Enclosure]

Receipts & expenses of the year ending 30th Septer. 1810
Specie in treasury on 1st Octer. 1809 5,828.936.01
Receipts during the year
customs 7.851.170.46
lands 672.417.90
sundries   165.272.81  8.688.861.17
Expenditures during the year
{ civil list 689.116.53 }
miscellaneous civil 405.886.50
diplomatic  145.095.37 }
{ military, indians &c. 2.514.523.75 }
Navy 1.674.735.50
interest on public debt 2.713.526.54
Total current expenses 8.142.884.19 }
Principal of public debt reimbursed vizt.
Debt proper 2.906.781.61 }
Claims assumed by Louisa. treaty    9.101.66
Specie in treasury on 30th Septer. 1810 2       3,459.029.72
Estimate of last quarter of 1810
Specie in treasury on 30th Septer. 1810 2      3,460.000  
Receipts estimated 2,500,000  
Loan receivable 31st Decer. 1810  2,750,000  
Civil, military & naval expenses estimated 1.570.000  
Interest on public debt—estd.  650.000  
Principal to be reimbursed vizt.
annual reimbt. on six pr. cent stock exd. 670.000   } 4.490.000  
six pr. ct. exchd. stock to be reimbd. 3.750.000  
sundries   70.000  
Probable amount of specie left in treasury on 31st. Decer. 1810  2.000.000  

RC and second enclosure (DLC); first enclosure (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers). RC and second enclosure docketed by JM.

1Gallatin was continuing his comments on JM’s annual message, which he had begun circa 28 Nov. 1810.

2Ferdinand R. Hassler (d. 1843), an emigrant from Switzerland, had served as an acting professor of mathematics at the U.S. Military Academy between February 1807 and December 1809 (Cullum, Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, 1:78).

3JM incorporated this paragraph as the penultimate section of his annual message on 5 Dec. 1810.

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