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Results 49901-49950 of 184,431 sorted by author
You will by this day’s mail receive the news papers containing an extract of the instructions to Mr Erskine said to have been laid before Parliament by Mr Canning. The sentence respecting the authority given to Mr Erskine to communicate the whole of the dispatch (containing the instructions,) to the American Secretary of State, induced me to call on Mr Smith in order to ascertain what had been...
It appears by the enclosed note that a misnomer has taken place in the nomination of the inspector of Indian town N.C.—The question is whether permanent commissions, altering so much of the nomination as will rectify the mistake, or temporary commissions, (on a supposition that such mistake cannot be rectified in the commission, and that the permanent commission must, necessarily, litterally...
< 2. What is the distance from Manchac to the Western boundary? > < 4. Are any of the officers appointed by the inhabitants? > < 5. 6. 7. Are any of the officers paid in whole or in part by fees, or perquisites? > 27. What are the local taxes paid in each division, for the local expences of such division such as roads, poor, clergy, schools salary of local officers? and by whom are they...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of certain resolutions adopted this day by the Commissioners of the sinking fund, and to submit the propriety of authorising the purchase of stock in the manner proposed by the said resolutions. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your obedient Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Is it not necessary that you should communicate to Congress the “Order” abolishing the offices of inspectors & erecting the Country North of the Ohio into a separate district? and suggest the necessity of providing by law for the compensation of the Supervisor of that district? The law authorized the erection of new districts , but has made no provision for the compensation of new Supervisors....
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully reports to the President of the United States That it does not appear that any of the debtor States has availed itself of the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 23d of June 1797. That under the provisions of the Act of Congress passed on the 15th day of February 1799, the Sum of 222,810 dollars and six cents has been placed to the credit of the...
I have the honor to transmit sundry papers in relation to David Hopkins imprisoned at the suit of United States for non-payment of a penalty. and a copy of my letter on that subject to Mr. Freneau who transmitted them. As he has mistaken the proper tribunal to whom he should have applied, & no relief can be obtained unless it be by a pardon, the papers are submitted to your consideration. It...
I return Dunbar’s & Cutting’s letters, the Detroit Petition, and Davies’s letters. On the first subject, no other answer can be given, than that by law every article is liable to duty except, philosophical apparatus for the use of a seminary of learning and implements of trade. If Cutting’s come under the last description they are exempted: if there is a doubt he may appeal from the Collector...
Memoranda The United States sell all their lands at the rate of two dollars per acre payable ¼th at the time of making the purchase, and the remainder in three equal instalments 2, 3, & 4 years after the date of the purchase. No interest is charged, and a discount, at the rate of 8 per cent a year is allowed in case of prompt payment; which reduces the price to one dollar & 64 cents per acre,...
I enclose the following papers vizt. 1. another letter from Collector Ellery. We cannot enforce the embargo in R. Island with Howell for dist. atty. & Barnes for judge 2. a letter from Bates. Has Govr. Lewis received any instructions respecting either actual settlers or lead mines? He had none from this department. What should be written to him on that subject? 3. a letter from Collector of...
12 July 1801, Treasury Department. Encloses documents related to an inquiry into the conduct of William Watson, collector at Plymouth, Massachusetts, clearing him of suspicion of fraud and misconduct and condemning a relative (with same surname) who has been dismissed from service as deputy. Requests that JM convey copies of report and documents to Rufus King, who first reported complaint. Tr...
I have the honor to return General Dearborn’s Memorial referred to me on the 21st. April 1803, and on which a report had been delayed until an appropriation should have been made by Congress which might enable the President to make him an additional allowance if thought proper. In the fall of the year 1798 Genl. Dearborn made a contract with the President of the United States for the erection...
Van Pradelles register is dead Persons recommended Grymes dist. atty. with 600 dollars only Robertson Secy. 2000 dollars & Commr. Johnson— Lewis judge & Commisr.       I think that Grymes is entitled to the preference; for if Robertson be appointed & Grymes made Commr. in his place, it will be a mere temporary appointmt. and Robertson would have two better permanent offices. The Register &...
I enclose three letters relative to the Louisiana land business, & will wait on you some day next week on the subject, in order to know what is best to be done—Mr Bent’s letters you had seen: they relate to the falsification of the records of survey. Respectfully Your obedt. Servt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
7 December 1804. “I enclose an extract of a letter from Colo. Allan of Passamaquody, by which it seems that the British Govt. considering the convention for fixing the limits in that bay (and in the vicinity of Lake of the Woods) as rejected, are taking measures to assert their claim to Moose Island by far the largest of those which had fallen to our share by the sd. convention.” RC and...
On 10th April 1801,— Dufour (the Swiss who has planted a vineyard in Kentucky) purchased at the sales at Cincinnati 795½ Acres at 2 dollars per acre, & paid the first instalment of 397 dollars 75/100. Last winter he passed through this city, & enquired whether, as the time fixed for completing the payment would expire in 1806, there was any probability of the time being extended. To which I...
I enclose printed copies of the two last circulars respecting the embargo. The only points requiring your decision which have occurred are the following— 1. Gov. Harrison’s application to rent a lead mine. If acceded to, what must be the terms? On account of the greater distance, those given to John Brown of Kentucky, might not be acceptable to Harrison— 2. The revenue cutter of Savannah has...
Enclosed I have the honour of transmitting for your consideration, the Copy of a Letter from the Collector for the District of Delaware, concerning a transaction, which appears to affect the conduct of Capt. Melony of the United States Ship of War the Ganges.— I have the honour to be very respectfully Sir, Your obedient Servant RC ( DLC ); in clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin; at foot of text:...
John Gibson’s commission as Secretary of the Indiana territory expired on the 14th of May last & has not been renewed. If this was an omission, the sooner an appointment takes place the better; but a difficulty still arises. Is he to be paid & if so from what funds for the time he had no commission? Respectfully Your obedt. Sert. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The President of the United States”;...
I enclose a copy of my intended report to Congress. Will you have the goodness to say whether you approve it, and, if you can, to return it to morrow, as now that your messages have been delivered, it will be expected that no delay should attend the detailed statements of revenue— With respectful attachment Your obedt. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
If you have no objection, I would prefer transferring the Supervisor’s duties in Rhode Island to the Marshal rather than to the naval officer of Newport. Please to let me know as the other arrangements are made— With respect Your obt. Servt. RC ( DLC ); partially dated; at foot of text: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 5 July from the Treasury Department received the same day and...
The Secretary of the Treasury, respectfully represents to the President of the United States, that Joshua Head , collector of customs for the port of Waldoborough (Massachusetts) has failed in rendering his quarterly accounts, none later than those for the quarter ending on the 30th september, last, having been received: nor has he, from that time, rendered any weekly, or other return,...
Hearing that Mr J. Kilty Smith has been appointed Navy Agent at New Orleans, I think it my duty to state that he was formerly a collector of the internal duties under his uncle Mr Kilty late Supervisor for the district of Maryland; that when he left that office & became a clerk in the Navy department, he was, as appears by the Supervisor’s accounts, debtor to the United States in bonds & cash...
Your letter of the 12th reached me only the day before yesterday, and not willing to make a hasty decision, I have delayed an answer till to day. I feel very grateful for your kind offer, which I know to have been equally owing to your friendship for me and to your views of public utility. I decline it with some reluctance because I think that I would be more useful at home than abroad and I...
It appears that a depreciation of the paper currency of Norway has taken place which requires, for the purpose of calculating the duties, the interference of the President. I enclose for that purpose an Act for your signature; which, if you approve, please to return under cover to Mr Duvall, as I expect to leave this for New York to morrow. I also enclose for your approbation a recommendation...
Will you have the goodness to examine with strict attention the enclosed instructions to Mr Trist, and send them to me, with your observations, in time to be transcribed and forwarded by Monday’s mail—. Respectfully Your obedt. Servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Feb. and “instrns to Collector of N.O.” and so recorded in SJL ....
I enclose the list of nominations for collectors &a. in Massachussets, and also for Providence & Champlain. There is a vacancy in New Jersey; & probably two more will occur. But as some time must elapse before we can act on these, I think it best that the others should not on that account be delayed. Respectfully Your obedt. Servt. I have omitted in the list. Isaac Carter of Massts. Surveyor...
I send for your consideration & animadversion my annual report. The loose sheets in my hand writing immediately follow the part wh. is transcribed. Respectfully Your obet. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Folly landing & Chingoteghe inlet are in Accomack Co. Virginia. I received information early in Septer. first from Allen M’Clane & then from Gibbs himself of part of these transactions. Gibbs was immediately directed to employ an armed boat, & to appoint an inspector. He says that he cannot find any person. But he is certainly deficient in zeal, does not reside at the office, & is I believe...
I send the two paragraphs. I believe the whole to be sufficiently distinct, with the exception perhaps of the last sentence of the first paragraph. If the forfeitures are not remitted at all, there will be considerable injustice, great discontent, & 8 to 10 millions of dollars put in the pocket of the collectors. If they are altogether remitted, the importers will make unreasonable profits, &...
Congress did not act on the memorial herein alluded to : the boards of commissrs. have not been consolidated and Mr Nicholas having arrived at New Orleans in March is probably by this time at the Tombigbee. Whether the construction given by the Commissrs. (Kirby, Chambers & Nicholas) to the law was correct or not I cannot say, because the memorial stated only general grounds of complaint of...
Mr Edmund Randolph late Secretary of State; against whom a suit has been instituted, by the United States, has applied to the Comptroller for copies of the “letters which were written from the department of State to that of the treasury containing requisitions of money, between the 1st day of January 1794 and the 19th day of August 1795.” As those letters are in this office mixed in the files...
It being important that early notice should be given of the suspension of the prohibitory act, Mr Madison, Mr Rodney & myself have drawn a form of proclamation which is enclosed for your signature or corrections. In either case will you have the goodness to send it to Mr Madison’s office; and he will take care that it be published in the National intelligencer of Wednesday. With respectful...
I forgot to mention in my letter of yesterday, that in addition to the letter designating the agent to Buenos Ayres as commercial agent of the U. States for that place, a passport in the usual form appears necessary. If this also designates him as commercial agent, the usual description of the person might be omitted. Will you have the goodness to give also directions to that effect. You have...
I enclose for your information 1. a letter from Ed. Livingston with the first part of his answer to D’Herbigny’s opinion: the sequel not yet received. 2. a letter from Jas. Brown land agent respecting the claims of the U. States to lots & houses in New Orleans. He also announces further information and a survey without which we cannot well decide. I would therefore suggest the suspension of a...
I have the honor to enclose a letter this moment received from Mr Latimer on the subject of Mr Hancock’s application in relation to part of the cargo of the prize vessel “Harmony” brought in Philadelphia by a French letter of marque. By direction of the President, I had written to the Collector that without pretending to decide on the application of treaties to this specific case, he might...
I enclose the substance of a financial paragraph, also a statement of the receipts & expenditures of the year ending 30th Septer. last and an estimate of those of this quarter. These will supply you with all the facts on which the paragraph is founded. In the paragraph for military schools, I would place in the most conspicuous point of view (when speaking of revision of existing law) the...
I have the honor to enclose a second Report of the Chamber of commerce of Philadelphia, and a letter from the Commissioners appointed by the State of Delaware for the purpose of applying certain monies to the erection of piers near New castle; both of which documents relate to the application of the sums appropriated by the law of last Session, for the repairs and erection of piers in the...
I enclose the recommendations & applications for Regr. & Recr. in the new northern land district, and will in a day or two wait on you on the subject. Respectfully I also enclose a letter from Jas. Brown respecting the N. Orleans bâture . DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Candidates for the offices of Register & Receiver in the new land office South of Connect. reserve State of Ohio 1. Michael...
Note on the paragraph entitled “University” From yesterday’s conversation, I thought it was agreed to restore (after the words “an accumulation of monies in the treasury”) the words “ will ere long take place ” instead of “ is now taking place ”, as sufficiently correct & less likely to furnish an argument against the limited extension of the Medit. fund which is proposed. It is true that, not...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the propriety of nominating a proper person to fill the office of Supervisor of the North west District. The duties have been heretofore performed by Thomas Worthington with the commission only of Inspector. But he cannot, without the commission of Supervisor, appoint collectors; and there are at present...
I had the honor to communicate to you , last December, that Mr. Gerry, Collector of Marblehead, having, notwithstanding repeated applications, delayed to render his accounts; and a variation appearing for two years back between the balance of specie in his hand, as stated in his weekly returns, and that ascertained by his quarterly accounts, so far as these had been obtained, it was found...
A sale of the city lots pledged for the repayment of the within mentioned loan, cannot, in my opinion be made at present, without an unwarrantable sacrifice of the property. The Secretary of the Treasury will direct the interest now due to be paid out of the Treasury in conformity to the provisions of the act entitled “an Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners in the city of Washington, and...
30 April 1804, Treasury Department. “I had the honor to receive your letter of the 28th. instant; and have directed a remittance of two thousand dollars to be made to Tench Coxe Esquire. If that sum is not sufficient to purchase the four hundred additional copies of the laws of the United States, contemplated by the Act of last session, as ther[e] is no other fund from which the deficiency can...
Messrs. Dickson & Jackson do not agree on the proper person to fill the office of Marshal for West Tenessee . A court will be held on the fourth Monday of November, at which time it is desirable that a new Marshal might act, as Mr Hays has given fresh proofs of unfitness by drawing again on me for one thousand dollars more than was due to him. I do not like, on that account, to remit to him...
I have the honor to enclose letters from the collectors of Charleston, and Norfolk , in relation to the Marine Hospitals. If the corporation of Charleston, will agree to the arrangement proposed by the collector, that is to say, consent to defray all the expenses incident to the support of sick seamen, provided that they shall receive the monies collected in charleston, it will prove so...
The law having authorized the President to lease the salt springs , it is found necessary that there should be a positive authorization from you to Govr. Harrison. A form is enclosed which, if you shall approve, may be signed & returned to this office by the bearer. Respectfully Your obt. Servt RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the U. States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the...
On my return from an excursion to my farm on the Monongahela , I found your letter of 30 th May , applying for such papers relative to the Batture as might be in the office. It appears on enquiry & search that there were none, some printed documents excepted, which during my absence had been given to M r Graham , to be transmitted to you with other papers from the department of State , through...
I have the honor to transmit for the information of the President, a letter dated the 16th instant, from Benjamin Reynolds formerly Gaugher for the port of Wilmington in the District of Delaware, on the subject of certain charges heretofore exhibited by him to Mr Wolcott late Secretary of the Treasury against Allen McLane, Collector of said District. The letter of Reynolds to Mr Wolcott as...
6 February 1811, Treasury Department. Transmits a statement of importations in American and foreign vessels from 1 Apr. to 31 Dec. 1809, prepared by the register of the treasury, in compliance with a Senate resolution of 21 Jan. 1811. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E4). RC 1 p. Enclosure (10 pp.) is a statement in two parts—imports in American vessels and those in...