Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Smith Barton, 27 December 1803

To Benjamin Smith Barton

Washington Dec. 27. 03.

Dear Sir

Some propositions having been made to the public on the subject of a natural bed of Sulphur in Genesee, we wished to obtain information respecting it. Capt Williamson tells me you passed some time in examining it, and I am sure therefore you can give me better information respecting it than any other person, & on which I shall more rely. I pray you therefore to do it without delay, as we are pressed to conclude. the quality of the matter, the quantity existing, and the progress of the reproductive powers, & what kind of an operation suffices to give it due purity for common uses, are the most interesting objects of our enquiry. Accept my affectionate salutations & assurances of esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (PHi); addressed: “Dr. Benjamin S. Barton Philadelphia”; franked and postmarked; endorsed by Barton. PrC (DLC).

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