49881To James Madison from Benjamin Weld, 6 January 1804 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 6 January 1804. Described in Daniel Brent to Stephen Smith, 9 Feb. 1804 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as enclosing the protest of Benjamin Brown, master of the brig Laurel of Boston, against the impressment from his ship of John Hynn of Machias by the British at Barbados on 17 Oct. 1803.
49882Petition of John Duffey, with Jefferson’s Order, 6 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Humbly sheweth unto your Exelency, Your petitioner John Duffey, That at the last Circuit Court held for the county of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, he was tried upon an indictment found against him for keeping a disorderly house, and the Jury, without adverting to your petitioners ability to pay, found a verdict against him in favour of the United States for Two hundred dollars—in...
49883To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 6 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honour to enclose a copy of a Letter from the Collector of Bristol Rhode Island, and I have the honour to be With the highest respect Sir, Your mo. Obedt: Servt. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin; at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 6 Jan. and “Jonathan Russell’s case” and so recorded in...
49884To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas T. Hewson, 6 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honour to inform you, that the American Philosophical Society, at their late meeting for the election of Officers, unanimously re-chose you President. It may not be ungrateful to you to receive this mark of the respect and esteem of Men, associated for the noble and benevolent purposes of promoting useful knowledge; and who, while engaged in furnishing intellectual stores for the...
49885To Thomas Jefferson from John Langdon, 6 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I was honor’d with your favor of the 22d Ult by the last mail, with Mr. Shannon’s Commission inclosed, who expressed his warmest thanks for the same. This fresh mark of your goodness and attention to me at a moment when your whole time must be so much occupied by the great and important concern’s of state; demands my greatful acknowledgements. The view of our Public affairs which you are...
49886Enclosure: Report of Director of the Mint, 6 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
The Director of the Mint of the United States, on the commencement of the New Year, respectfully makes the following Report of the Issues of the Mint from the first January 1803 to the 31st. December of the same year. Notwithstanding the dull prospect at the beginning of the year, Coinage of every kind, amounts in the whole to the Sum of Three Hundred and Seventy Thousand six hundred and...
49887From James Madison to James Monroe, 5 January 1804 (Madison Papers)
The information and observations which you have as yet received from me since your arrival in London, on the impressment of our seamen, and other violations of our rights, have been in private letters only. The delay in making these injuries the subject of official communications, proceeded first from an expectation that the British Government would have notified formally to the United States,...
49888To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 5 January 1804 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to return Mr. Erving’s letter of the 28th: Ultimo and its enclosures. It appears that, since Messrs. Bird Savage & Bird’s, failure, Mr. Erving has kept with Messrs. Lees & Co: an account of the monies belonging to the fund for the prosecution of Claims. This is contrary to the general principle which had been adopted in relation to the remittances made by this department for...
49889From Thomas Jefferson to Mountjoy Bayly, 5 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
The information first recieved as to the bed of Sulphur at Genesee was certainly such as to interest the government and make it our duty to enquire into it. this has been done. the result is that there is at the spring not more than a ton of sulphur formed, and that this is probably the deposit of ages, so that the quantity deposited annually would be no object at all. this information being...
49890To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Galloway, 5 January 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
The foregoing is a Copy of the Impeachment which I presented to the General Assembly of Maryland in conformity to my promise made last Summer to Luther Martin. If He was not a graceless Chap he would feel most sensibly : but He is—. I am Sir with perfect Esteem & Regard Yr obt Servt RC ( DLC ); written at foot of enclosure; endorsed by TJ as received 7 Jan. and so recorded in SJL . promise...