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I came late in the office, & having only verbal alterations to propose of no importance, do not wish to detain the message from the other gentlemen. The only observations that have occurred are that the argument derived from the nature of the answer of Mr Canning, being more controvertible than the general ground assumed yet in support of the fairness of our proposition seems to weaken this....
I intend leaving this city this evening & expect to meet you at Washington the last of this month. As I take my family along, we will travel but slowly. I should suppose that your intention to countermand the sailing of the Adams came too late: both ships indeed, were prepared for sea in a much shorter time than could have been expected. Your letter informing of the favorable aspect in the...
I return the memoir on the batture , which to me appears complete and decisive. The legal parts of the argument being less within my competence I would probably have abridged; and my arrangement would have been somewhat different. But your’s may be better in itself, and I really cannot even suggest any important alteration or omission. I have in the enclosed paper , noted, as I read for the...
The facts as here stated I believe to be true. The restriction not being made by Law could only be given in the shape of a recommendation or rather in a negative form, by saying that where the cargo did not exceed 1/6 th I did not perceive any danger. Mr M’Culloch has gone beyond it & Mr Symmes has not DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I send the 3 copies of the account of the contingent fund in the usual form, one for each house & one for yourself. The acct. only states that 8737 dollars & 11 cents were paid to the Attorney general by your direction. It will be necessary that in your letter to the houses you should state the object in general terms, vizt. in order to enable sd. attorney general to defray sundry expenses...
I have not yet heard whether you have arrived safe at Monticello; and I write only to inform you that I leave this city to day for New York. I will stop in Philada. to treat with the Bank & will communicate the result. Nothing has taken place, since you left this connected with the Treasury, except E. Livingston’s journey here. He called on me at my house, said nothing of his defalcation &...
I send a list of 96 applications made subsequent to 1 May for permission to send vessels in ballast. Two of these being for taking passengers & not to bring property are not embraced by the law & ought not to have been included. I enclose a general recapitulation; and as it may be proper to adopt some general rules, will not expect a decision till we have waited on you to morrow according to...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from the Collector of Philadelphia, covering one from the British Consul in that City, and of the answer which I have prepared . The orders issued from this Department on the 8th. of April 1797 and 21st. of March 1798 are also enclosed. Subsequent to these last, the law of the 25th. of June 1798 regulated the same subject, but expired in 1802....
12 March 1805 , Treasury Department . “The delays, which have taken place in adjusting the claims of american citizens on the French Government which have been assumed by the Convention of 30th April 1803, make the Secretary of the <US> apprehensive that, the whole being liquidated at once, the Minister of the United States at Paris will draw for the whole at the same time. This would be...
Is it proper to enlist volunteers, under the existing act, for local & special services? Is not this a distinct organisation such as was contemplated when thinking of a local force? And would it not be better to have a general law for that object, reserving the volunteers for more active service? If Gen. A. is not controlled, he will draw for the defence of New York a much larger permanent...
Mr Madison spoke to me respecting the payment of certain expenses in relation to Mr Burr’s prosecution. All the legal expenses so far as authorised by law, such as the compensation of witnesses &c. must be paid by the Marshal; & where any advances have been made to such witnesses in order to enable them to travel, he should be informed of the amount, in order that he may deduct the same in...
It was determined some time ago by you that the collector of Yorktown Virga., who had made no returns for some years tho’ repeatedly requested to do it, should be removed: and Mr. Basset was requested to recommend a successor. The recommendations now enclosed contain also an apology for the present officer. To me it appears insufficient: but you will be able to decide how far the circumstance...
This will be handed by Mr M. L. Davies of New York, the candidate for the naval office. I used my endeavours to prevent his proceeding to Monticello; but he had left New York with that intention & is not easily diverted from his purpose. The reason he gives for his anxiety is that, immediately after the adjournt. of Congress, E. Livingston & others mentioned to him that a positive arrangement...
There is one application which I had referred to you & to which you have given no answer. It is that of one Coquerel to go to Isle of France; the vessel’s name is either Calypso or Mentor. He had prepared his vessel under an alledged verbal permission of the Collector. Both he & his captain have repeatedly called for an answer. The war department, in Gen. Dearborn’s absence, suspends the...
The President of the U.S. is respectfully requested to put his approbation to the enclosed art. of agreement. He has already approved one which is in the hands of Hartshorne. This is the counterpart which is to remain in our files— DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The repeated applications made from a number of sea-ports in relation to the hospital money , induce me to submit to you the propriety of extending the provisions heretofore adopted for the temporary relief of seamen to the following ports: vzt. Portland— Maine Portsmouth— New-Hampshire Salem— Massachusetts Middletown— Connecticut New-Haven— ditto Wilmington— Delaware Camden— North-Carolina...
I have sent by Mr Cutts the convention for regulating the commercial intercourse with Great Britain, & will write on that subject to the Secretary of State. I will only say that the British Government appeared rather desirous to have made no arrangement & to have kept the whole intercourse to be controuled by their own municipal regulations, which they thought we could not counteract. The...
I return the message with some general observations, but can offer nothing more precise, having an incipient intermittent [fever] very unpropitious to sound criticism & to correctness of expression. Respectfully Your obedt. Servt. The conciliatory dispositions of the U. S.—spirit of accommodation always felt by this Govt.—promptitude & cordiality shewn by us &ca. This treble repetition of the...
The abuse complained of by the Collector of Norfolk in the enclosed letter, which I have the honor to return, may be corrected by an altera⟨tion⟩ in the circular instructions to Collectors dated July ⟨19,⟩ 1796, a copy of which is also enclosed. This alterat⟨ion⟩ must however be made by order of the President. For the law having not ascertained what proof of citizenship should be necessary, it...
There is no official document in this Department showing the particular circumstances which attended the seizure made at Michillimakinack of certain goods the property of the North West Company. I cannot therefore give any decisive opinion on the merits of the case; and will observe generally that Congress having, by an act of March 3d 1805, given to the territorial courts all the powers of a...
I have received this moment your two letters of the 15th instt., and immediately sent Govr.’s Page letter to the President of the office of disct. & deposit here, and a copy to the President of the Bank at Philada.—They understand the manner in which the business is carried on within the Bank & its offices, and will take the best steps to ascertain the facts. On the subject of the...
Supposing that the power to lay embargoes should be considered as improper to be vested in the President during the session of Congress, how would this plan answer? To “repeal the present non-importation act, & in lieu thereof to pass a general non importation act (from Great Britain) to take place say on 1st Feby. next. This is thrown out for consideration & may be liable to other objections,...
I duly received your favor of the 28th ulto.—In the case of the intended successor of Gen. White as surveyor at Brunswick, I applied to the printer S. H. Smith who married there, & who after ten days deliberation, told me that he had in vain tried to find a republican there fitted for the office, but mentioned the name of John Nelson as a very respectable & moderate federal character there. If...
I have the honor to submit to your consideration the “regulations concerning the Mississipi trade” prepared in pursuance of the act of Congress of the 1st of May last. They were, at my request , digested by the Comptroller under whose immediate superintendence the customs are placed, and have been made, so far as practicable, conformable in their details with the general regulations of that...
The pressure of business & interruption prevents my doing justice to the subject of Louisiana .   I have returned his to Mr Wagner; Mr Madison will correct it, that part which relates to revenue & expenditures excepted which I will revise— Respectfully Your obt. Servt RC ( DLC ); undated; addressed: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department...
I have received your’s of 29th ulto., & will examine the question of increasing the bond. I will only observe that I would have thought an order to the collectors to limit the cargoes of provisions to ⅛ th of the bond illegal, & that I only wrote to them that when they did not exceed that proportion. I did not perceive that there could be any ground of suspicion. This was written as a...
The propriety of complying with any particular application ought to be well considered, on account of the numerous ones wh. the Presidt. will be obliged to reject. See Donnel’s application transmitted this day. It must be however observed that in 1794 an exception was made for transporting to France the San Domingo refugees. Better perhaps to suspend this a few days. There is no urgency DLC :...
That part of the letter which relates to the rebuilding of the light house at Smith’s point instead of attempting to secure the ground, which indeed seems hopeless will be laid before the Comee. of Commerce & Manufactures who may report an appropriation for that object. The part which relates to the conduct of the keeper of Cape Henry light house is submitted to the President for his...
I have the honor to enclose a letter received from Judge Hall & enclosing another from Govr. Claiborne respecting the house occupied by Colo. Freeman. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your most obedt. Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I reminded you the other day that we had not yet a third commissioner for ascertaining land claims in the Western or Opelousas district of Orleans. Mr Parmelye, whom Mr Kirby had taken with him to Mobile, & who acted as clerk to the board there was recommended by Mr Chambers & appears to understand the business. He is now here, where he brought the papers of that board, and will accept, if...
The only application I had for Richmond was a recommendation in favr. of Wardlaw by, I believe, Wilson Nicholas— On reflection I agree with Mr. Madison that Mr. Erskine’s representation respecting W. Florida claimants should be sent to Congress for information, but without recommendation. Respectfully Your obedt. Sev. “Surveyor for the port of Richmond & inspector of the revenue for the same”...
Remarks on the Message √ The second paragraph on the yellow fever ends rather abruptly; nothing is proposed or suggested for Congress to do, which can remedy the inconvenience complained of. √  Third paragraph “On the rumor of such an armament &c.” I would rather suppress those words, and say only: “Most of them have lately disappeared &c” √  Fourth paragraph “Similar aggressions are now...
The lease to Bell for the Wabash salt works which was for three years expires on 1st March 1807; and I enclose an application on the subject. The Act of March 3d 1803 (2d Session 9th Congress page 289) authorises the President to lease the springs for a term not exceeding three years. It seems therefore that a new lease cannot be effected without a new law. But as the delay may prevent a lease...
I send the report in D. Duncan’s care. The successor I suggested is George Hoffman of Michigan territory & the designation of the office Collector of the District of Michillimakinac & Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Michillimakinac . Mr Hoffman is Register of the Land Office of Detroit which office I also suggested might be given to Stanley Griswold; but his nomination (of S....
11 June 1801, Treasury Department. Offers opinion (agreeing with comptroller) that Oliver Ellsworth “is not entitled to receive at the same time two salaries” for offices of chief justice and envoy extraordinary. The method of payment should be same as in case of John Jay when he was on his mission to Great Britain. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin....
I enclose a letter from W. Carr the land agent of the United States in upper Louisiana, in which he continues to complain of the bias of the Commissioner in favor of claims which he considers as unfounded or suspicious. After making proper allowance for the party spirit in that territory, it still appears to me that the interest of the United States will be materially injured by the conduct of...
I have the honor to enclose the copy of a report made by the Comptroller, respecting the delinquencies of Thomas Archer collector of Yorktown, John Cuttler collector of Snow hill & Robert A. New collector of Louisville; and to submit the propriety of their removal from office. A bill has passed the house of Representatives abolishing the collection district of Louisville; but if that shall be...
I enclose some hasty remarks on the message— The incorrectness of the documents of exports of foreign articles compels me after much labour to abandon the plan on which I had intended to calculate the impost and, as the next best, I will prepare one in the following form which rests on documents on which we may depend, being those of duties & drawbacks actually paid. For each of the ten years...
To be returned after perusal The course adopted in this is the same as in all other similar cases. The law vests a right to certain shares either in the informers or custom house officers. If any dispute arises as to the persons in whom that right is vested, it must be decided by the judiciary under the law. We cannot here, not to speak of want of time to spend in such details, have the...
I enclose the hospital money statement which ought to have accompanied my letter of this morning, and add a letter, on the subject of repairs of Gosport hospital, received from the Collector of Norfolk who acts as Agent. I really do not know out of what fund the repairs can be paid. I forgot to mention that a blank commission will be wanted for Inspector of the internal revenues for the Survey...
I return Lowry’s papers. I do not exactly recollect what had passed on the subject, & only remember that there was a statement of facts obtained from the district attorney in which the species & degree of resistance to the deputy marshal were represented as greater than is done by themselves & Mr Smith. In every other respect the representation of Mr Smith is I think correct. The conduct of...
An act to extend the terms of credit on certain revenue bonds, which passed both houses nine days ago, should be sent immediately to the collectors. But on application to the office of Secy. of State, it was answered that it had not yet been deposited there. I wish also to have the new supplementary embargo act as soon as it is signed. It would save time if it was sent to me to be transcribed...
9 May 1803, Treasury Department. Encloses a copy of a letter from the collector at Norfolk “together with two depositions transmitted by him, respecting the illegal proceedings exercised in Hampton Roads” by the British frigate Boston against the French ship Anne . RC and enclosures ( DLC : Gallatin Papers). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin. Docketed by Wagner. For enclosures, see...
I have, in conformity with your request, considered the several modes in which the Ministers of the United States might avail themselves of the two millions of dollars appropriated for the purposes of foreign intercourse by the last law of Congress. If, by the terms of the proposed convention, it can be agreed on to make the intended payment at the treasury of the United States to an...
Will it be proper, in addition to the letter written to the collector of Marietta directing him to seize the boats, to send him the enclosed which points out more particularly the object. My doubt arises from the delicacy of mentioning names. I will send it or suppress it as you will direct—The messenger will wait for your answer. Respectfully Your obt. Sevt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
3 November 1802, Treasury Department. Encloses copies of letters relating to Short’s accounts. “By these you will perceive that the Auditor is of opinion that you must decide the question whether Mr: Short’s claim is to be considered as involved in the issue of the suit against Mr: Randolph.” Whatever instructions or information JM transmits on the subject will be duly attended to. “The...
The instructions for the person to be sent to Buenos Ayres, having been filled with the name of Gelston instead of being left blank, and he having refused to go, they are now returned in order that you may direct other copies to be made and to be returned to me as early as possible, as I have found a gentleman who appears to me peculiarly fitted in every respect for the undertaking. It is Mr...
28 June 1801, Treasury Department. Encloses papers relating to the claims of Gouvion’s heirs, amounting to $8,000, which government would prefer to pay to someone in U.S. with family’s power of attorney. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Gallatin. Reproduced in Papers of Gallatin (microfilm ed.), reel 5. Enclosures not found.
It is necessary to prepare instructions in conformity with the 10th Section of the new embargo act. I presume that the bond being now encreased to six times the amount of vessel & cargo, the general instructions must only relate to unusual shipments , either in quantity or kind: that is to say that the collectors ought not to permit the lading or transportation of any articles which it has...
I have given the directions to Mr. Gelston on the subject of the fraudulent papers used at Amsterdam. But I do not think that at this moment any thing more either by way of publication or message would be expedient. Brown the N. Orleans collector writes that he had cleared 42 vessels since the embargo was known, because he had no copy of the law. A packet from New York had brought the...