49551To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, 22 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I have defered writing to you since my last of the 27th. Ultio. in Hopes of profiting by the Ct. De Montmorin’s Courier, but as it is not certain when one will be dispatched I venture to inform you by the ordinary post that Sir J.D. presented a memorial to the Ct. De FloridaBlanca, containing certain propositions tending to an Accomodation of the present differences...
49552To Benjamin Franklin from the Duchesse d’Enville, 22 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Le Séjour de M. votre petit fils à Genève, Monsieur, me fait espérer que les Citoyens de cette ville ont quelques droits à vos bontés; c’est dans cette Confiance que je vous les demande pour deux Jeunes gens que l’amour de la gloire et de la liberté font voler en Amérique: l’un se nomme Gallatin, il est âgé de 19. ans, fort instruit pour son âge, très sage...
49553To Benjamin Franklin from Balthazar-Georges Sage, 22 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai appris par Mr. Leschevin que vous aviez eté voir à versailles Le Cabinet de Minéraux de Mr Son frere; Les objets qu’il renferme sont tous beaux, bien choisis, le Catalogue en a été fait par Mr Delisle, et je me suis chargé avec plaisir de le Completer de sorte que Les Morceaux qui n’y Sont point indiqués sont etiquetés par moi. Cette Collection fera...
49554From Benjamin Franklin to John Diot and Co., 23 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours (without date) but enclosing three Papers from the Admiralty, relating to a Prize called the Betsey. As none of her Papers have been produced, and the only Person of her Crew that was brought in, was missing when he should have been examined, I find no Grounds to go upon in condemning her. This Vessel is the Third brought in, without...
49555From Benjamin Franklin to Ferdinand Grand, 23 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: American Philosophical Society Pay to W.T. Franklin ten Louis d’Ors he having advanced the Same by my order to Several American sailors to assist them in getting to LOrient Vizt. To Bury [Benj] Taylor 48 l.t. To Benj Carr. 48 To Ch. Herbert 48 To Joseph Plummer 48 To James Tille 24 To Frank Foster 24 £240 Charge the Same to the publick Account of sir Your humble servt Notations by...
49556To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Cooper, 23 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received some Months past your Letter from Passy dated Octr. 27. 1779, and lately a Copy of it by The Marquiss Fayette, who arrived here in the Hermoine with M. Corny. As the Arrival of the Marquiss diffused a general Joy, every Expression of it was given here that Circumstances would allow, and particular Respects paid by the Government, as well as the...
49557To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 23 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Depuis ma derniere, j’ai écrit une Lettre très-soumise au Gd. Facteur où je lui demande pardon pour la 3e. ou 4e. fois. Il ne répond pas. Je ne puis donc rien faire de plus, jusqu’à-ce que vous me prescriviez quelque chose de plus, que d’avoir patience & d’attendre qu’il revienne. Je n’en serai pas moins prompt à lui...
49558To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 23 May[–13 June 1780] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je donnai ces jours passés une Lettre d’Introduction auprès de Votre Exc. à Mr. Corn. van Oudermeulen, Directeur de la Compe. des Indes-or. [orientales] de la Chambre d’Amsterdam, qui se propose d’aller dans peu à Paris, exprès pour avoir quelques entretiens avec Vous, comme aussi avec Mr. 891, sur des idées interessantes,...
49559From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 24 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : New-York Historical Society Messieurs Galatin & De Serres, two young Gentlemen of Geneva, of good Families and very good Characters, having an Inclination to see America; if they should arrive in your City, I recommend them to your Civilities, Counsel and Countenance. I am ever, Your affectionate Father Addressed: To / Richard Bache Esqe / Postmaster General of the / United States /...
49560From Benjamin Franklin to [the Duc de la Rochefoucauld], 24 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from Henry Adams, The Life of Albert Gallatin (Philadelphia, 1879), p. 24. I enclose the letter you desired for the two young gentlemen of Geneva. But their friends would do well to prevent the voyage. With sincere and great esteem, I am, dear sir, you most obedient and most humble servant, In answer to his mother’s letter of May 22, above. The enclosure is BF ’s letter to RB , the...
49561To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Digges, 24 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I took the liberty, in a letter of the 9th. Inst. to solicit the favour of You to help me to a full length portrait of yourself. It is to oblige a deserving and ingenious Engraver who means to employ his present time in producing a good print therefrom, & to take the plate with Him to a Country where his prospects for future happiness & success are...
49562To Benjamin Franklin from John Kearsley Read, 25 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to introduce to your particular regards, Mr. Joseph Mayo a gentleman of the first character & fortune in this country— I have not a doubt but his Situation in France, will be extremely elegible when patronized by you,—& shall consider yr. favours to him as done to myself.— I wrote you by the fair [Fier] Rodrigue, enclosing letters to my...
49563From Benjamin Franklin to the Judges of the Admiralty of Cherbourg, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : New Jersey Historical Society; copies: Library of Congress, National Archives; Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: Library of Congress I have received the Procès Verbaux and other Papers which you did me the Honour to send me, agreable to the 11th. Article of the Regulation of the 27th. Sep 1778. These Pieces relate to the taking of the Ship Flora, whereof was...
49564From Benjamin Franklin to ——— Milhas le jeune, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me relative to public Contract made in Charlestown, for 3050. Pounds Money of Carolina. Those Contracts were as I suppose made by the Government of that particular State, with whose affairs I have no Concern, and know nothing of the Value of their Paper, nor what Provision they have made for redeeming it, nor...
49565From Benjamin Franklin to Vergennes, [on or before 26 May 1780] (Franklin Papers)
L : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress Note for his Excellency Monsieur le Comte de Vergennes. When the Alliance Frigate arrived in France, Mr. Franklin was desirous of employing her in annoying the English Trade, and obtaining Prisoners to Exchange for the Americans who had long languished in the Prisons of England. A Cruise with a small Squadron, under...
49566To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Allaire, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am very sensible of all your civilities. I shall take the first Oppertunity to return them. I beg you will Deliver the Bearer the Paper of Powders & Edens letters to Carlile. I am with Respect Your Excellencies Most Obied H Servt Addressed: His Excellencie / Benjn: Franklin / Embassadore / A Passy Notation: Aller P. 26. May 1780. Which he had sent on Jan....
49567To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : National Archives; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je vis hier Mr. Van de Perre. Il forme avec Mr. Meyners la plus forte maison de Commerce à Middelbourg en Zélande. Il m’a prié d’appuyer la réclame qu’il a faite du Vaisseau le Berkenbos sa propriété, destiné de Liverpool à Livourne, chargé de harengs & de plomb pour compte hollandois & Italien, pris par Mr. Jones & envoyé comme prise...
49568To Benjamin Franklin from Joachim Reallon, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope your Exelency will Excuse me if I take the Leberty of writting you this few Lines for to Lett you Know that I agreed with Richard Graham & Compy. to take the Commander of the Sloop Canister from Dunfrise potomack river in virginia For a Voyage to France, which I have had the misfortune to be taken and Carried to England and from there Exchangéd, and...
49569To Benjamin Franklin from Georgiana Shipley, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now send you the only return I can possibly make for your most valuable present, it is a drawing done by myself after a picture of Sir Joshua Reynolds’s & as I have applyed myself entirely to painting in water-colors this last twelve-month I hope both you and your grand-son will be agreed as to the improvement I have made, otherwise I shall have spent...
49570To Benjamin Franklin from John Torris, 26 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have had the Honnor of writing your Excellency the 13th. & 20th. Insts., very satisfactory, I hope, relative to the Condamnation expected, for the Prises to the Poor Black Prince; The Brig Friendship Capt. Pretty John, the Schooner Peter Capt. Thos. Byrne, & the Dutch Brig the Aurora Capt. Hy. Roodenberg who had a Cargoe Clearly attested & proved to be...
49571From Benjamin Franklin to John Torris, 27 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly your Letters, of the 13th. 20th and 27. Instant. Inclosed I send the judgement upon the Ship flora and cargo. As to the other Vessels which have been brought in contrary to instructions without a Prisoner to be examined, or any Papers belonging to them, it is impossible that I can condemn them under such Circumstances. There having been time sufficient...
49572To Benjamin Franklin from Duvivier, 27 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les Medailles que Vous m’avez demandées sont frappées; jattends les noms des personnes que vous devez m’envoier pour les faire graver comme nous en sommes convenus, et je vous prierois en meme temps en visitant ces memes papiers de prendre un parti sur les autres médailles a Graver. La belle saison m’excite a vous faire cette demande. Jai lhonneur d’estre...
49573To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Digges, 29 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania A friend of mine, Mr Renny of Phia, promising to put this into the post Office at Ostend, I set down to mention what I omitted to do in my two last letters the 24 & 26th. inst, which was only to offer you from Mr Sam Hartley some more good Jama. Rum (wch He has laying at Dunkirke) and of wch. you once before had a little. If any is wantd, we can with...
49574To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 29 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Vendredi passé la Résolution passa aux Etats d’Hollande de prendre le troisieme matelot de tous les navires marchands qui voudront sortir des Ports de la province. Je devois commencer par dire, que la requête des Marchands d’Amsterdam, dont j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler dans plusieurs de mes dernieres, avoit été...
49575To Benjamin Franklin from Landais, [29 May 1780] (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been waiting ever Since I came to L’Orient for your order to me to Retake the Command of the frigate Alliance, thinking you would reflet how She was taken from me. I Should look upon my Self culpable to remain a tame Spectator, while my athority on board her is usurped by another, Since I have been placed to that Command by a resolve of the...
49576To Benjamin Franklin from Jean de Neufville & fils, 29 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society May it please your Excellency; That we lay before her, that by bills of Exchange drawn on Henry Lawrence Esqr. as Commissioner of the United States, to reside in Amsterdam, it appeard to us that it was expected in America this Gentleman was to be here before this; butt neither here nor at the Hague we could have the pleasure to learn anything about it. That...
49577From Benjamin Franklin to Ferdinand Grand, 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology, Smithsonian Institution This is to request that you would cause to be paid in London for me to Mr James Woodmason the Sum of Twenty Pounds Eight Shillings and six pence Sterling, being for Paper of a particular kind which he has furnished by my Order and sent hither, for printing the Congress Promises.— I have the honour to be,...
49578From Benjamin Franklin to Sartine, 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Archives de la Marine; copy: Library of Congress I am under the greatest Uneasiness to find, that great Part of the Cloathing sent to Brest to be shipt for America, was left behind, and that the Alliance alone has not sufficient Room, to receive it with the Arms and Gunpowder, which the King has been so good as to order for us, and which are all so much wanted in the American Armies. A...
49579From Benjamin Franklin to John Torris, 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Library of Congress, National Archives, Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: National Archives In my last of the 27th. Instant, I omitted one thing, I had intended, viz, to desire you would give absolute orders to your Cruisers, not to bring in any more dutch Vessels, tho’ charg’d with Enemy’s goods, unless contraband. All the neutral states of Europe seem at...
49580To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous ne sauries croire combien m’a fait de plaisir vôtre lettre, parcequ’il y avoit longtemps que je n’avois de vos nouvelles, et j’etois tres en peine de vous, je vous ecrirai le plus exactement que je pourrai, j’ai été fort content d’apprendre qu’Adams avec son frere viendront peut être à Geneve, parceque cela m’entretiendra beaucoup mon anglois. Les...
49581To Benjamin Franklin from Bondfield, Haywood & Co., 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Not doubting but we should find every encouragement that a mutual Intercourse of Commercial Connections could produce, we had formed our plans in consequence, when to our disappointment upon presenting our Entrys at the Custom House, we are refused to be admitted to load, but on the footing of Foreign nations unprotected by Special Treaties, and subject...
49582To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Digges, 30 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am very sorry to be so frequently troublesome and repeatedly asking favours of You; But when I reflect on your readiness to do good, & that my present application is to help a deserving Man, I flatter myself I shall stand forgiven. Dr. Upton Scott of Annapolis in Maryland is necessiated to seek His way back to His Country, Family & Home, by the same route...
49583From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Huntington, 31 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Two LS : National Archives; ALS (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I wrote to your Excellency the 4th. of March past, to go by this Ship, the Alliance, then expected to sail immediately. But the Men refusing to go ’till paid their Shares of Prize Money, and sundry Difficulties arising with regard to the Sale and Division, she has been...
49584To Benjamin Franklin from Edme-Louis Daubenton, 31 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Daubenton le jeune a l’honneur de presenter son hommage à Monsieur franklin et de l’assurer de son respect en lui envoyant les nouveaux Cayers des oiseaux enluminés qui lui manquent pour completer son exemplaire. Il aura grand soin de mettre a part ceux qui restent à faire et de les envoyer à Monsieur franklin. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin /...
49585To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Jacques de Lafreté, 31 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Lafreté a reçû a la Campagne le petit Billet de Monsieur franklin, sans quoi il auroit eu l’honneur de le remercier plustôt de la lettre de M. Robert Morris qu’il a la bonté de lui communiquer, et qu’il lui renvoye ci joint. Il a laissé a 15. lieües de Paris, Made. Lafreté, qui l’a chargé de la rappeller au souvenir de Monsieur francklin elle le prie de...
49586To Benjamin Franklin from the Officers of the Alliance, 31 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library We had the honor of addressing your Excelly. the 12 of April, requesting that you would be so good as to take our case into consideration, that you would endeavour to have our wages and prize money faithfully paid us, and the Ship sent back to America, where we all desire to be, and from which we have been so long absent. Your Excellency has not yet...
49587To Benjamin Franklin from the Baron de Wulffen, [before 1 June 1780] (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society Jean Henry Baron de Wulffen, natif de Magdeburg, ci-devant Lieutenant & Aide major au Regiment Infanterie de general major de Rohrt au Service de S. M. Le Roi de Prusse, a présent Capitaine de Dragons au Service des 13. provinces unies d’Amerique, fait prisonnier en octobre 1779, a Amboy province de Jersey, Echangé le 18: Avril, est arrivé d’Angleterre a...
49588From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Huntington, 1 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS and transcript: National Archives; copy: Library of Congress Commodore Jones, who by his Bravery and Conduct has done great Honour to the American Flag, desires to have that also of presenting a Line to the Hands of your Excellency. I chearfully comply with his Request, in recommending him to the Notice of Congress and to your Excellency’s Protection, tho’ his Actions are a more effectual...
49589From Benjamin Franklin to John Paul Jones, 1 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS and copy: National Archives; two copies: Library of Congress I have received a Letter from the Board of Admiralty, containing their Orders for the Return of the Alliance, a Copy of which is annex’d for your Government; and I hereby direct that you carry the same into Execution with all possible Expedition. With great Regard, I am, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Sert. Notation: From...
49590To Benjamin Franklin from Jean de Neufville & fils, [1] June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We had the honour to write to Your Excellency by last maill, acquainting her that we were willing to protect the American Creditt in accepting personally some bills drawn by order of Congress on Henry Lawrence Esqr. residing in Amsterdam; for whose arrivall we still wait. Our generall private connections with America are already so large that the assistance...
49591To Benjamin Franklin from John Diot & Co., 2 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Receiv’d Your Excellency’s honored Letter 23d. May in answer to the One we had the honnour to Write to you the 10th. Do. but whereon we forgot to put the date. We are Very Sorry to See what your Excellency is pleased to mention about the Prize Betzey, and are Surprised that the Papers relative to that Vessell have not been produced to you, as We have...
49592To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 2 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Mrs. J. De Neufville & fils ont promis d’accepter les deux Traites dont j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler dans ma Lettre de mardi dernier, afin d’empêcher qu’elles ne soient protestées. Le fils a été ici exprès, non seulement pour savoir si j’étois instruit de quelque chose concernant Mr. 484, mais aussi pour voir avec moi...
49593To Benjamin Franklin from Le Roy, [2 June? 1780] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You would be very kind and very obliging if you were So good to give me a Copey of The French Translation of the Two letters of Genl Clinton &c taken upon The New York’s pacquet boat Or if you cannot Spare it be So kind to lend it me to have it Copied out and you may be Sure I’ will Send it you back faithfully. In doing my that favour you will oblige The...
49594From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 3 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I seldom hear from you or Sally, but I have lately had the satisfaction of hearing of you, that you and yours were all well the Begining of april last. I send you in a Parcel by this Opportunity some of the Correspondence betwen Ben and me. He was well a few weeks since, and very kindly notic’d where he is, by some respectable People. I continue, Thanks to God, well...
49595From Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris, 3 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Mrs. Henry Sage, Albany, New York (1958); copy: Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of March 31. acquainting me with your having engaged in M. De la Frétés Affairs on my Recommendation. I thank you very much; and beg you to be assured, that any Recommendation of yours will be regarded by me with the greatest Attention. The Letter you inclosed to M. Dumas is forwarded to him....
49596To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 3 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: Library of Congress (two), National Archives J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 30. du mois passé pour demander qu’il soit joint un Bâtiment du Roi à la fregate Americaine l’Alliance pour le transport des Armes, des Munitions de Guerre et des habillements destinés pour les Etats Unis. J’ai donné sur le champ des Ordres à l’Orient pour qu’il...
49597To Benjamin Franklin from Clark & Cie.: Bills for Tableware, 3–4 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II), printed forms with MS insertions, signed: American Philosophical Society This invoice and lettre de voiture , or consignment note, signal the first significant purchase of tableware for an American foreign mission, one perhaps connected with the upcoming celebration of the Fourth of July. In previous years Franklin had rented tableware and other necessities, but by 1780, possibly...
49598From Benjamin Franklin to Jean de Neufville & fils, 4 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : National Archives; copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me on the 29th past, relating to certain Bills drawn on Mr Lawrens and requesting to know if I will engage to reimburse you, if you in his Absence, accept & pay them. As I have received no Orders nor any Advice relating to any such Bills, know not by whom they are drawn, whether for...
49599To Benjamin Franklin from Caffiéri, 4 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par les papiés Public que Le Congrés De Philadelphie en reconnoissance des services rendu par Le feu comte Pulawski Brigadier General, a résolu qu’un monument public Seroit élevé à La memoire de cet officier et que L’execution en Seroit Confiée a un artiste francois. D’apres cet article je prens La liberté de vous Ecrie pour vous prïér de...
49600To Benjamin Franklin from Conrad-Alexandre Gérard, 4 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous verrés par les lettres cijointes qu’une boite de pelleteries arrivées ici par meprise, appartient à Mr. Keith, et les motifs qui m’engagent à vous prier de vouloir bien charger quelqu’un de disposer de ces effets. Je presume, Monsieur, que vous voudrés bien donner vos ordres à ce sujet, s’agissant de menager les interrets d’un de vos compatriotes. J’ai...