Thomas Jefferson Papers

Étienne Lemaire to Thomas Jefferson, 25 May 1809

From Étienne Lemaire

de philadelphia le 25 may 1809


Je prend la liberty de vous adresser la presente pour vous informer la facon de faire le sirôp de vinaigre, ille feau qu’il soy fait aû vinaigre de vin rouge, où blanc, le rouge est le mellieur, ille feau que le sirop soÿ Clarifié a la Comsistance du miel, sur 12 Boutteille de sirôp, de sûcre En1 pain—ÿ A’Joutter deux Boutteille vinaigre; ci vous avez des franboisse roûge Je comseille dont fair mesurer deux quat et les faire Écrasser et les meller dant le vinaigre le passer aû tamis fin, le l’aisez repôssez—Six heur, le tirré a Cler, et le meller dans le sirôp Chaux, aûsitôt que la decôqtions est froide la faire mêttre En boutteille

Cy monsieur a bisoint d’eautres Chôsse Je le prie dans user librement avec moÿ. Monsieur j’espaire que le presente vous trouve biens portent ainsy votre Respectable famille, J’ai Biens l’honneur dêttre votre tres humble et tres O’beisente Serviteur

Stephen Lemaire

Mon adrese francis payerne No 96 North third Street

Editors’ Translation

Philadelphia 25 May 1809


I take the liberty in this letter to inform you how to make vinegar syrup, it can be made from red, or white wine vinegar, red is the best, the syrup must be clarified to the consistency of honey, for 12 bottles of syrup, a loaf of sugar—add two bottles of vinegar; if you have red raspberries I advise you to measure out two quarts have them crushed and mixed with the vinegar and strained through a fine sieve, let it rest six hours, decant it, and mix in the hot syrup, as soon as the decoction is cold, have it put into bottles.

Sir, if you need other things, please feel free to use me. Sir I hope this will find you and your respectable family in good health, I have the honor to be your very humble and very obedient servant

Stephen Lemaire

My address Francis Payerne No. 96 North Third Street

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 1 June 1809 and so recorded in SJL; notation by TJ: “Recipe. Syrop of Vinegar.” Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene.

sûcre en pain (loaf-sugar) is hardened refined sugar molded in a conical shape of varying weights (OED).

1In this word and second to last word in paragraph, apparent idiosyncratic accent mark over one of the letters is omitted.

Index Entries

  • food; raspberries search
  • food; vinegar syrup search
  • French language; letters in, from; E. Lemaire search
  • Lemaire, Etienne; letters from search
  • Lemaire, Etienne; sends oil and syrup to TJ search
  • Payerne, Francis search
  • raspberries; in vinegar syrup recipe search
  • recipes; for vinegar syrup search
  • sugar; loaf search
  • syrup; of vinegar search
  • vinegar; syrup search