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Results 49501-49510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your very polite favour was handed me by Col. Franks. I am much obliged to you for the execution of the several commissions I troubled you with. Be assured sir that I felt myself Honourd by your commands, tho I have only in part executed them, for I could not find at any store table Cloths of the dimensions you directed. The width is as you wisht, but they assure me that four yds and three...
Letter not found. 15 March 1790. The list probably kept by Peter Force (DLC: Madison Miscellany) notes that the letter consisted of two pages and calendars it as follows: “Hamilton’s plan. Mr. Pendleton’s criticisms thereon.”
49503[Diary entry: 22 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 22d. The Wind continued No[rth]wardly—the weather clear & cold—the ground hard froze & the River blockd up again. Killd 17 more Hogs which were bought of Mr. French who was here ready to see them weighd & to receive his Money. Doctr. Craik Dind here. Hogs wd. 1722 lbs. nett. These hogs made the total amount of pork received from French 2,473 pounds. Paying the agreed rate of 22s....
I have your esteemed favor 30 th ulto: covering Deed of Trust , which is perfectly satisfactory to me; as to the recording , it is of no sort of consequence, and what I never wished or intended—In fact it was of no consequence to have such a deed at all, but it can do no harm, & gives me authority to demand a similar security when it is of real consequence. I have, agreeable to your request,...
I received your letter of the 29th. ulto. prior to the return of the Public offices from the City of Trenton to the Seat of Government. As it presents objects of considerable expenditure, I thought it my duty to lay it before the President, and have since given to the subjects it embraces, an attentive consideration. You inform me, that General Wilkinson furnished estimates which you enclose...
Your letter of the 13th is just Come to Hand. The Moment a perfect Intelligence Can Be Got, Major Mcpherson will be Dispatched— But Some Expressions in Your last favor will, if possible, Augment My Vigilance in keeping You well Apprised of the Ennemy’s Movements. There are in Hampton Road Thirty Transport Ships full of troops—Most of them Red Coats— There are eight or ten Brigs which Have...
I wrote to you three days ago, inclosing the catalogues for our schools of Ant t & modern languages and antient & modern history. but it did not occur to me then that I might go somewhat further towards enabling you to begin to prepare a supply for us. the Professor of Law is not yet in place; and altho’ I cannot give you a full catalogue of what his school will call for, I can give a part...
I have read with pleasure the letter of Capt Davidson by which, according to unanimous resolves of the company of light infantry of the first legion of the militia of Columbi a commanded by him, he tenders their services as volunteers under the act of Congress of Feb. 24. 1807 I accept the offer and render to Capt. Davidson & the other officers & privates of the company that praise to which...
FC (Virginia State Library). In clerk’s hand. Directed to “The Honble Virginia Delegates in Congress.” I have received your Favor of the 5th. Inst and am obliged to you for the notification of the State of the Continental Money of which we shall endeavour to arm ourselves to prevent Loss to the State. We are much obliged to his Excellency the Chevalier de la Luzerne for his Readiness to secure...
49510[Diary entry: 3 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear & calm in the forenoon but lowering afterwards. Wind blowing fresh from So. Wt.