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Results 49501-49550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society According to the letter your Grand son wrote me last Morning I have obtain’d from the Ministry that the four thousand Compleat Cloathes would be Carried on Board of the frigatte that is ordered to Carry me to America— so that if they are at Rochefort, la Rochelle, l’isle d aix or l’isle de Rhé By the Second of the next month they will be taken on Board— I...
Two als: Massachusetts Historical Society, American Philosophical Society; copy: National Archives; transcript: National Archives I forward the Gazettes to Boston for you, as usual without knowing when they will find a Passage from thence. Your Letter of Sepr. 30th and one from Doctor Lee of Decr. 8th. came to hand two days ago, your prior being May 26 recd. augst. 17th.— I hope you have got...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this Instant honord with your favor of the 14 Curt. The petition of the poor American is perfectly true as there represented some days after his arrival at Bordeaux he was taken ill of the Small Pox, he applied to me to get him into the Hospital they are not receivd into the Hospital in that disorder which I told the poor man. He was with one of his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les deux imprimés ci-joints vous feront connoître que vous avez été ponctuellement obéi. Je vous félicite de toute mon ame de l’heureuse arrivée de nos dignes amis Mrs. Jay & Carmichael. Ce dernier m’a fait la faveur de m’écrire; & je prends la liberté de vous adresser une réponse pour lui, ne sachant de voie aussi sure pour la lui faire tenir.— Je lui fais...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress I am honored with your Excellencies letter of the 19th.— I feel your reasons for Urging frugallity, and as I have not hitherto been among the most extravagant Servants of America so you may depend on it my regard for you will make me particularly Nice in my present situation. It will give me very great pleasure to be able to...
DS : National Archives This memorial from Franklin and his long-time partner in western land ventures Samuel Wharton recapitulates the history of their efforts to establish a legitimate title to lands they had purchased in the unsettled area south of the Ohio River. Their enterprise originated in 1768 as an attempt by a group of Pennsylvania merchants, the “suffering traders,” to obtain land...
Copy: Library of Congress I comply’d readily with your late Recommendations, placing faith in the Declaration of the Parties, that the Transaction was bonafide intended, for the Purpose mentioned, getting home their Property. If this should be extended to cover an illicit Trade, it will when discovered effectually put a Stop to such Operations. I see by some thing in a late paper from that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Marquis De la fayète goes to america, & I Remain behind him, with grief, but determined to follow him.— I writte to Congress, & general wasshington, to ask a prolongation of furlough; if you did not think improper, to interfere by your friends, or by writting to congress, in my favour, I could expect they would grant to me, what the king of france, has...
Copy: Library of Congress I am sorry you were disappointed in meeting me at Versailles. In all your Billets except that of yesterday you omitted mentioning where you Lodged, otherwise I could have acquainted you that I should not be at court on the Day you Expected me. I suppose you will acquaint the Congress or General Washington with your Reasons for desiring a Prolongation of your furlow....
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received your favour of the 11th. Instant. I am much oblig’d by your immediate Application to The Board of sick and hurt after the Receipt of mine of Jan. 20th. and Very glad to hear that another Cartel is soon to sail from Plymouth with 100 Americans. The English Prisoners to exchange for them, will be ready at morlaix.— And I am authoriz’d to repeat what...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just receiv’d your favour of the 18th. Instant. I had before answer’d another that contain’d much the Same matter. I hope that Answer is come to hand before this time. I can now only repeat, that your present Circumstances and those of your family well considered, I must approve of your endeavouring to get home in the manner you find safest and cheapest . And...
Copy: Library of Congress Your great attention to the wants of our poor captiv’d Countrymen, and your kind and charitable Care of Them in their sickness and other Distresses; I have often heard spoken of by such as have escaped and pass’d thro’ this Place, in the strongest Terms of grateful aknowledgements. I beg you to accept among the rest, my sincere and hearty Thanks, and my best Wishes...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I am exceedingly obliged to you for the Trouble you have taken in informing my Nephew of the enjurious Report, of my being in England, a Creature to Administration. Could I have Submitted to such an infamous Character, I might have received considerable Rewards from the Ministers of England before I left it, instead of lossing what I had been acquiring...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have just received your kind Letter of the 23 Inst. My preceeding Letters will have explained the Affair of the Bills. They were drawn to fall due at 2.. 3.. & 4 Usances because M. de Chaumont so directed, & I suppose he directed so because he imagined it would facilitate the negociation. I can however avoid negociating...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this Thomas Kearl, of Norfolk in Virginia being desirous of returning to his natif Country, apply’d to me to know how he could proceed, I advised him to go to Paris, and from thence to Nantes or Lorient, and tol’d him that he might call on your Excellency to know wether there are any vessells at the above ports bound to America, being well...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society No Event of material Importance to merit your Notice or Attention, has happened in this Quarter since the Date of my last— I have not been honoured with any of your Favors since your Residence in France, not withstanding the many official Letters that in the Course of public Business I have had occasion to address you— I am entirely ignorant of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Parmi Les prisonniers faits par des corsaires ou autres batimens Américains amenés & detenus dans ce port, il s’est trouvé jusqu’ici plusieurs qui auroient desiré aller à bord de quelque batiment appartenant aux Etats-unis, & ne pas retourner en Angleterre. Les etrangers surtout comme Les Danois, hollandois, portugais, &c. pris à bord des vaisseaux anglais...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In the answer you favoured me with dated feby 12, you Say that I am pleased to blame you. I beg you Pardon, it dont became me to blame, but I may Say that I have been detained here by Your Excy Order, and ask for a passage for America. I ask at the Same time your order for my Staying here all that time, Since you have in your hand the first order you gave...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In the month of June 76 a Vessel came to Tenerife under English Colors called the Friendship commanded by a Thomas Newell well known in that Island to have been in the employ of Mr Rose of S. Carolina. He gave out that owing to the disputes subsisting between England & America he had coverd his Vessel under the names of Gildart & Bussigny of Liverpool,...
Passy, printed by Benjamin Franklin, [after May 30, 1780]. Form with MS insertions in blanks, signed: American Philosophical Society No 5. Pour 750, 000 livres. Nous Benjamin Franklin Ministre Plenipotentiaire des ETATSUNIS de l’Amerique Septentrionale, en vertu du pouvoir dont nous sommes revetus par le CONGRES desdits Etats, promettons en son nom et solidairement pour lesdits Treize...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have written to Captain Jones relative to my having a passage on board of the Alliance. It will be agreeable to me to stay in Paris with my family until she is ready to sail, & I should be obliged to you if you would let me know when you think it proper for me to set out for L’Orient, & what Passengers are to go in her. I have the honour to be Sir your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of your two favours of the 29 Decemr. & 22 Instant to the contents of which I have paid every attention. It is with pleasure I hear from you that this Country has granted America the Aid you solicited, as every general good extends to Individuals I doubt not but Maryland will receive its proportion of the benifit, tho’ the small supply...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of the Assent that Your excellency was pleas’d to honor My Request with, I’ll Beg your obliging help positively to fix My ideas on some Affairs Relating to our Army, in which I had the happiness of Acting as one of Your Agents at the Court of Versailles. From Both Ministers of the War and of foreign Affairs I Got the Most positive Assurance...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives I have found not only the Original of the Treaty of Alliance, but that too of the separate & secret Act, both which I have now the honor of sending you. They were seald up together with my Copies which made them escape my observation before. I have the honor to be with the greatest esteem & respect Sir Yr. most Obedt. Humbl...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress; (II) copy: Library of Congress J’ai eu l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous écrire le 14 du mois d’octobre dernier relativement au nommé françois Vermeille et quelqu’autres marins qui reclament les parts qui leur reviennent dans les quatorze prises faites par le Corsaire Americain la Revange pendant une croisiere de trois mois, vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We most kindly thank you for your agreable last favour, we have duely noted its contents, we hope your Excellency hath been Satisfied with our Account of the American Squadron, and will always be so with what She Causes to pass throw our hands. We doubt not butt your Excellency hath received the Account of Comodor JP. Jones Esqr. arrivall at the Coruña...
Printed by Benjamin Franklin, Passy [1780]: Yale University Library Franklin had never intended that his pseudo-chapter of Genesis (1755), later known as “Parable Against Persecution,” be published. The piece, which he had printed on a slip of paper and hidden in his Bible, was a private joke; his now-legendary recitations were a harmless hoax meant to provoke and amuse the company. When...
Two new accounts begin during the period covered by this volume: XXV. Account of Postage and Errands, April 1, 1780, to May 31, 1783: American Philosophical Society, 237 pages. A collection of monthly statements and bills which are all marked as having been paid by order on Ferdinand Grand. For the months under consideration in this volume the statements, in French, were submitted by the cook,...
Now that Franklin was distributing printed promissory note forms to prisoners receiving assistance, we will no longer publish individual promissory notes as sample documents. Instead, in this and subsequent editorial notes, we will take notice of each person, the date on which he received a loan, and the sum. Printed forms survive from thirteen escaped prisoners for the months covered by this...
LS : American Philosophical Society <[before March, 1780], in French: I feel sorrier every day that my suggestions of two years ago were not accepted. Had we been allowed to attack under the American flag the English sailing in the Mediterranean, as I proposed, we would have destroyed their commerce. If Sartine had given me the twelve hundred deserters for which I had asked, I would have...
LS : National Archives; two copies: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me the 25. & 28th past. I am glad to learn that you can take a Quantity of the Cloathing and Arms: and that you can accommodate the 4 Gentlemen I had mentiond to you. M. De Sartine desires also a Place for a Passenger that goes on some Business from him: I make no doubt of your...
Copy: Library of Congress I receiv’d the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 28th. past. Inclos’d I send you the certificate I gave you the last time I saw you to justify your stay in Paris till the Time of its Date, You left it on my table. As I do not understand that Capt. Jones has refused to deliver your Things, or that any Application has been made for them, an Order to him...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Chaumont a L’honneur d’envoyer a S. Ex. la depesche cy Jointe de M. Dumas, et La Lettre de M. Landais pour Scavoir Ce que S. Ex. veut qu’il Reponde. M. De Chaumont Croit que M. Jones n’a lair de Chercher a estre employé en france que pour pouvoir dire en amerique qu’il ne Couroit pas après Le Commandement de L’alliance. Notation: M. de Chaumont. On...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having been very much chagrined with the delay of the Cartel I writ some time ago a very pressing letter to the admiralty earnestly requesting them for the sake of humanity to quicken the ceremonious forms of office. They have sent me notice of their compliance & that another vessel is under sailing orders; probably by this time sailed. They add in their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first applicant for emigration during the months covered by this volume, whose letter is printed below, is torn between his patriotism and a desire to provide his children with an upbringing appropriate to their birth. On March 4 a discalced Carmelite friar named Father Paulus writes in Latin from Saint Peter’s Church in Marseilles, wishing to emigrate...
Copy: Library of Congress I receiv’d with Pleasure the Letter you honour’d me with of the 29th. past, and am infinitely obliged by the zeal and Assiduity with which you have forwarded our affairs at Versailles. The 15000. Arms and Accoutrements are a great article. I had written to Capt. Jones that Besides the 122. Bales of Cloth, we hoped for that quantity Arms which it was suppos’d he might...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Adams’s respectfull Compliments to Dr Franklin. Informs him that Monsieur the Comte De Vergennes has appointed him next Tuesday to be at Versailles in order to be presented to the King and Royal Family. Mr Adams will have the Honour to breakefast at Passy with Dr Franklin, at an hour early enough to go to Versailles, which he supposes will be 8 o Clock....
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; (II) AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief The Letter I send you a Copy herewith I have just received. The Autor of it having always professed himself a friend to the American cause, though not a more powerfull one than many others, deserves to be managed; & therefore I shall write to...
ALS : Yale University Library This is to authorize & require you to receive & accomodate in your Ship as Passengers the honourable Arthur Lee & Ralph Izard, Esquires, late Ministers of the Congress at the Courts of France & Toscany. I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Notations in different hands: Dr. Franklin’s order for our Passage / March 3d. 1780 Two weeks earlier BF had agreed to...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I recd your favrs. of the 2d. & 9th. Feby very safely, and by a Country man (Capn. Ben Carpenter of the Cartel ship lately from Boston to Bristol) I take the opportunity to forward you a letter from Mr DH which will explain the state of the Cartel; I am in hopes before I seal my letter to also get one from Mr Hodgson; & not unlikely one from Mr Banks...
Copies: Library of Congress, Columbia University Library On this Day I gave the House of Messrs. Jaques, Louis And Laurt. Le Couteullx of this Place, a Set of Bills on you for two Thousand five hundred and Sixty four Livres Eighteen Sols and ten Donrs. [deniers] payable ninety Days after the Date. I am Dear Sir with great Regard & Esteem your most Obedient Servant For this firm’s prior...
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft) and transcript: National Archives I had the Honor to write to your Excellency the 21st: & 25th: Ulto.— We have hitherto had no Assistance from the Port and I now hope to get the Alliance ready with out them.— The Arms for the Continent if I am to take them on board the Alliance will be wanted soon as they cannot so well be Stowed after we begin...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of people had concrete goods to offer the Americans and some others hoped Franklin would collaborate with or promote their pet project or plan for the new republican states. The Brest shipowners Mancet & Cie., whose letter is published below, want permission to give Franklin’s name to their new privateer. Also in the maritime line comes a project...
Copy: Library of Congress You will see by the enclos’d that a Demand is made of replacing the Things belonging to The Serapis which Comme. Jones borrowed from her and took on board the Alliance when he changed ships. I request you to manage this affair with him in your usual Prudence. I am ever, my Dear friend, Yours most affectionately. When Jones, on BF ’s orders, turned over his prize, the...
LS and AL (draft): National Archives; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives M. Gerard, under whose Care I understand the Dispatches from Congress to me, were forward’d, is not yet arrived here, and I have not received them. I cannot therefore at present answer any thing that may be contained in them. He is however expected next Week, and I may afterwards have time to write...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am for the last time Going to Versaïlles, My Good friend, and Any Command from You on this occasion will be very well Come— As I am in a great hurry for My departure, Be so kind as to let me know if You want me to Come to Your lodgings to Morrow at ten o’clock or if you choose Better to Call here. If it is equal to you, I’d thank you for your dispatches...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Franklin received a large number of requests for favors during the four months covered by this volume. Heading them chronologically is Briqueville de La Luzerne’s plea for Franklin’s help in obtaining his release from jail, which we publish below. A prisoner of another kind, captured at war, tries to obtain his freedom on March 20 through the intercession...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will I hope excuse my neglect in not sooner answering the letter with which you honour’d me and returning thanks for your generous and friendly advice I only waited to do it in person; but my journey has been daily pospon’d for the company of an American Gentleman, ’till I beleive we have both declin’d it. I am sorry to have no American papers for your...
Copy: Library of Congress I embrace this Opportunity of the Marquis de La Fayette’s return to the Army, to Salute you, my dear old friend, and to present you with my best Wishes for your Health and prosperity. He will deliver you a Book lately published by General Burgoyn to explain and account for his misfortune. The perusal may amuse you to make the work compleat— Methinks he ought to have...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I received with great Pleasure the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me from Boston. I rejoiced to hear of your safe Arrival, and that the Reception you met with in my Country, had been agreable to you. I hope its Air will suit you, and that you while you reside in it, you will enjoy constant Health and Happiness. Your good Brother does me sometimes the...