James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Warrell, 23 November 1824

From James Warrell

Richmond Novemr. 23d. 1824


In the early part of Septemr. last I received the Enclosed letter from your connexion Dr. Rose of Alabama1 together with a letter of introduction to you—on my hearing that my Family were sick I was compell’d to hasten to Richmond. Expecting that you & Mr. Jefferson would have been at York Town, or at this place, and calculating that I should in all probabillity pass through Orange on the first of next month, must plead as an apology for this seeming neglect—finding it will not be in my power to deliver in person the enclosed I have thought it adviseable to forward it by Mail.

If you have not lately heard from Doctr Rose it will be gratifying to you to lern that they are all in good health. His Daughter Ellen was married to a Gentleman of respectabillity & good circumstances by the name of Newman last Month.2 He was formally from Maryland. I remain Sir with much respect your Obedt. Sert.

James Warrell

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Letter not found.

2John Francis Newman (d. 1836) married JM’s niece, Ellen (Nelly) Conway Rose (d. post–1842), on 11 Oct. 1824 in Madison County, Alabama. They, with their four children, subsequently moved to Tipton County, Tennessee, where Newman served as a justice of the peace. Returning from a visit to Washington in March 1836, his Ohio River steamer got caught in the ice; while trying to walk to shore he broke through and drowned. An 1837 tax list noted that Nelly C. Newman owned 774 acres and thirteen slaves (New York Mercury, 17 Mar. 1836; Christine Rose, Ancestors and Descendents of the Brothers Rev. Robert Rose and Rev. Charles Rose of Colonial Virginia and Wester Alves, Morayshire, Scotland … [San Jose, Calif., 1985], 176–77; Chapman, “Descendants of Ambrose Madison,” 64; National Banner, and Nashville Whig, 31 July 1835; Bettie Brandon Davis, “Tipton County, Tennessee, 1837 Tax List,” Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, “Ansearchin’” News 40 [1993]: 105).

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