Adams Papers

From John Jay to John Adams, 27 July 1794

From John Jay

London 27 July 1794—

Dear Sir

Doctr. Edwards of Philada. will be so obliging as to take charge of this Letter. I regret that he & mrs. Edwards leave this place so soon—1 You will find him a Gentleman of extensive Information.— He has visited the greater part of this Kingdom, and paid particular attention to the Husbandry of it.— Permit me to introduce him to You.

I have heard, and wish it may be true, that your Son is appointed to Holland. He will there meet with many of your friends.

His Talents, Education, & attention to Business promise Utility to his Country, Honor to himself, and Satisfaction to You—That all these Prospects may be realized is the sincere wish of / Dear Sir / your most obt. & h’ble Servt.

John Jay—

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “His Excellency John Adams Esqr.”; docketed by JA: “John Jay 1794.”

1Former Continental Army surgeon Enoch Edwards (1751–1802), of Philadelphia, was an associate justice of the Penn. Court of Common Pleas. With his wife, Frances Gordon Edwards (1761–1851), he was on a three-year tour of Great Britain and France (Washington, Papers, Retirement Series description begins The Papers of George Washington: Retirement Series, ed. W. W. Abbot, Edward G. Lengel, and others, Charlottesville, Va., 1997–1999; 4 vols. description ends , 1:129, 130; Jefferson, Papers description begins The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd, Charles T. Cullen, John Catanzariti, Barbara B. Oberg, James P. McClure, and others, Princeton, N.J., 1950– . description ends , 33:501).

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