James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Robert R. Livingston, 29 February 1804

To Robert R. Livingston

Department of State 29th February 1804


Mr Fitzsimons of Philadelphia, on behalf of those interested in the ship New Jersey has requested me to recommend their case to your attention.1 This vessel was condemned in the course of the late war by an Agent of France residing at the City of St Domingo and it is the expectation of the applicants by obtaining a revocation of the condemnation to qualify their claim for adjustment by the Board of Commissioners under the Convention respecting Louisiana. The applicants are apprized that business of this nature falls more particularly within the scope of Mr Skipwith’s functions, and they will therefore not ask your assistance in any part of its details; but an occasion may emerge in its prosecution of a nature to render useful and proper such interposition as you may think fit to adopt; and with a view to this contingency permit me to ask your good offices for them. I have the honor to be &c2

James Madison

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