James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Robertson, 1 March 1804 (Abstract)

§ From John Robertson

1 March 1804, Antwerp. Encloses a copy of his 11 Nov. 1803 dispatch as well as (1) “a report list of the american Vessels enterred & cleared at this port from the first of July last to the 31st Decr: 1803” [not found]; (2) “Original Interrogatories relative to the Suspected Embezzlement on board of The Ship Mary of Cohasset in December last1 & the Brig Cherokee of Boston in February”;2 (3) a “Copy of my Letters relative thereto / To the Director of the Customs / the Administration of the Marine / a Commissary of Police, the result of which has been the Detection and punishment of the man therein designated as inticing the Crews to disorder”;3 and (4) a “Copy of my Correspondence with the Commissary General of the Marine of this Department4 relative to the obligation exacted by this Government from every American Captain Coming direct from the United States to remain on board of their Vessels and Suffer no part of their Cargoes to be landed until the Visit by the board of health of this Place be effected on board their Vessels notwithstanding their having performed quarantine before enterring the river: This quarantine is generally limited to ten or twelve days.”

“You will no doubt, Sir, have been informed, ere this reaches you, of the Conspiracy against the Life of Bonaparte in which Moreau is inculpated: It is the wish of many and Especially of the army, by whom this famous General is adored, that he may be innocent; He is arrested.

“The Agitation which this news caused in the minds has Soon made place to Security and felicitations from the Principal authorities to the first Consul on the discovery of the Conspiracy.”

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