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Results 49201-49210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I wrote you on the 26th. ulto a private letter which was sent with my publick one of the day before by Liverpool, respecting some objections wh. had been made to me by some friends to the arrangment abt. our citizens creditors of France in the late treaties with that power. I promised you in that letter one to some friends, open to be delivered or withheld as you thought fit, explanatory of...
3 March 1804, Paris. Believed his letter of 21 Feb. would be his last to JM regarding the misunderstanding between him and Livingston. “But … I find myself under the necessity of furnishing you with the relation of another incident … of a Still more unpleasant nature, than that which happened in the Presence of mr. marbois.” Quotes a 29 Feb. letter from Livingston he received “A few days ago”...
Relying with confidence on your favorable reception of every communication, which will convey to you without the trammels of form, the real sentiments of any portion of the community over whose destinies you preside, we feel authorised in offering to you our sentiments on an interesting subject— In the exercise of your constitutional functions we are well satisfied that the Public interest has...
It is from the Generous affability and freedom Which I Discovered in the Agreeable Plainness of thy Conversation and Deportment When in thy Company, And perceiving the scientific, and superior Machanical Powers Which thou Possess, of Course a Wellwisher to the advancement and Encouragment of the Arts in our Country, that Excuses me (altho I feel my inferiority) in attempting to Adress thee on...
On the vacating of Judge Pickering’s office I shall be obliged to nominate another before the rising of the Senate. J. Langdon has recommended Sherburne . a much more powerful representation is made against him and in favr. of Jonathan Steele. tho’ it is probable the witnesses attending the impeachment from that state may have been prepared to give particular opinions, yet perhaps in a free...
The account of your illness my dearest Maria was known to me only this morning. nothing but impossibilities prevent my instant departure to join you. but the impossibility of Congress proceeding a single step in my absence presents an insuperable bar. Mr. Eppes goes off, and I hope will find you in a convalescent state. next to the desire that it may be so, is that of being speedily informed...
Altho it is long since I recieved your favor of Oct. 27. yet I have not had leisure sooner to acknolege it. in the middle & Southern states as great an union of sentiment has now taken place as is perhaps desireable. for as there will always be an opposition, I believe it had better be from avowed monarchists than republicans. New York seems to be in danger of republican division. Vermont is...
I have the honour to enclose a letter which I should have forwarded some time since had not an embargo which has existed for some weeks prevented—The bundle of books which Mr V— intended should accompany his letter I have put on board the Bordeaux Packet bound to Philadelphia and have requested the Collector of the Port to forward them to the seat of Government.— With great respect I have the...
Whereas it is represented that sundry persons formerly engaged in the Military Service of the United States and having deserted from the Same, have become inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana lately ceded to the United States, have establishments of property and families therein, and are in such habits of industry and good conduct as to give reason to believe they will be orderly and...
If our correspondence does not terminate with your letter of the 29th. of February, received yesterday, I wish it to be understood that it proceeds merely from the desire of removing all ambiguity from a transaction, in which my character may be materially interested. It is perhaps the natural inference from what you have stated, that nothing took place on your part, to sanction or corroborate...