Benjamin Franklin Papers

The American Commissioners to S. and J. H. Delap, 24 June 1778: résumé

The American Commissioners to S. and J. H. Delap3

AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives

<Passy, June 24, 1778: Please send us an accounting of the prize money mentioned in the enclosed letter.4>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Published in Butterfield, John Adams Diary, IV, 142.

4That from John Paul Jones above, June 10. The commissioners’ request finally produced results. JW informed them on July 16, below, that he had received the money and had written to the Ranger’s officers and crew. An August entry in his accounts (Yale University Library) noted that the Delap bills had come to 11, 845 l.t. 8s. 9d.

Index Entries