Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to J.C. de Berger, 22 November 1779

To J.C. de Berger5

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy, Nov. 22. 1779.


All the American Armies being arranged and full of Officers, a long time Since, in so much that many who have gone thither from Europe have been obliged to return for want of Employ, I cannot give the least encouragement to you or your Cousin to go to America with the purpose of entring into our service.6 I can only thank you for your good will to our Cause, and wish you success in something more likely to be advantageous to you both. I have the honour to be sir &c.

M J.C. De Berger Capitaine au service de sa Maje. Britannique at Münster in Westphalie.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5A sixteen-year veteran of the army of the electorate of Hanover who had twice requested BF’s help in obtaining positions in the American army for himself and his cousin: XXX, 53–4.

6BF had been issuing similar warnings for more than two and a half years: e.g., XXIII, 550–1, 557–9, 601–2.

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