James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Fulwar Skipwith, 5 March 1804 (Abstract)

§ From Fulwar Skipwith

5 March 1804, Paris. “Just at closing these dispatches I received from the Minister a letter dated three days back in answer to mine here annexed.1 Notwithstanding, as you will see by the Copy of his letter also annexed,2 that he threatens to cause my Exequatur to be withdrawn from me, & my Consular Powers to be Suspended, if I do not enter into a justification of myself with him, & in fact arraign myself at the bar of his Inquisitorial Majesty⟨;⟩ Could I view him, after what has passed, in any other light than that of a deluded or a malicious Accuser, I would most certainly employ, as he demands, my means of defence, & attempt to remove doubts & Suspicions concerning my conduct, which I am confident he does not in truth entertain. Nor, can I answer his letter without expressing more or less the indignation which fills my heart at his degenerate proceedings towards me, therefore unless his base attempts Should Succeed in causing my exequatur to be withdrawn from me, & myself forced at the point of the bayonet from the Seal & functions of my Office, I shall in Silence, & with patience, continue the discharge of my official duties untill the pleasure of our Government be known.”

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