Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 6 March 1804

From George Jefferson

Richmond 6th. Mar: 1804

Dear Sir

You will receive inclosed a bill of loading for 400 bushels of Coal. the freight you will observe is high, being as I am told 2 or 3 Cents more than is generally charged in the summer. You will of course determine whether it will not be best for you to lay in a sufficient supply in future, in that season of the year.

I have as yet done nothing with your Tobacco, 40/. being the most I have been offered. I still calculate upon 42/. at least, and hope for more. the remaining two hhds are not yet down.

I am Dear Sir Yr. Very humble servt.

Geo. Jefferson

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson esqr.” Recorded in SJL as received 11 Mch. Enclosure not found, but see below.

TJ acknowledged his receipt of this letter in a response of 12 Mch. (TJ to Christopher Smith, 12 Mch.). On 21 Mch., TJ issued an order on John Barnes to pay Joseph Todd $34 (MS in MHi; in TJ’s hand; signed by Joseph Dougherty acknowledging payment; endorsed by Barnes). That day, Joseph Dougherty paid Todd $34.69 for the “Freight & warfage of 400 Bushels Coal” (MS in MHi; in Todd’s hand; endorsed by TJ: “for frt. of Coal”).

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