George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates, 19 July 1778

To Major General Horatio Gates

Drakes Farm [N.Y.] 19th July 1778.


Inclosed you have the arrangement of the Army. Be pleased to draw off Sherburns, S. Webbs and J. Livingstons Regiments to Kings Road1 or somewhere upon your left flank with orders to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moments warning; and whenever Baron Kalb with the front division of the Army arrives near your Camp be pleased to order Enos’s and McClenachans [McClellan’s] Regiments to march for the Fort at West Point. If there is any conveniency for their embarkation at Tarry Town and they can do it safely it will be best. The Company of Colo. Grahams Regiment that was drawn from Tarry Town is to return thither, as the Country is not only exposed, but the people complain, as they say that Company was expressly raised for a River Guard. I would have you send out a strong party of Foot with all the Horse under a good Officer to drive off the Cattle and Sheep between you and the Bridge. If the Enemy are distressed this will add to it.2 I am Sir Yr most obt and hble Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, NHi: Gates Papers; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1On the draft, Tilghman wrote “Kings Bridge.” The enclosure has not been identified.

2On 22 July, Gates sent out a large detachment under the command of Brig. Gen. John Nixon, directing that, as the British were “distressed for provisions,” he should “make such a Disposition … as will most effectually answer to the driving all the Cattle, and Stock, between their Lines & Ours, into this Camp; The Inhabitants fearing their Cattle may fall into the Enemys Hands, who will make them no recompense for the same, are Anxious we should take them away, & have promised to Assist You in driving them Off” (NHi: Gates Papers).

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