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Results 49181-49230 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Colo. T. B. Martin Colo. G. Washington Thos Swearingen Hugh West Lord Thos Fairfax Fairfax Revd...
Inclosed you have the arrangement of the Army. Be pleased to draw off Sherburns, S. Webbs and J....
I have received your favour of the 29th of Sepr containing a plan for recruiting the army for the...
49184[Diary entry: 15 December 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 15th. Thermometer at 30 in the Morning—42 at Noon And 39 at Night. Wind at No. West all...
I had the pleasure of duly receiving your interesting favor of Sepr. 29. The agricultural scenery...
July 16. 04. White-hairs replies. very content with speech will do every thing to satisfy long...
I this day Recd a Letter ⟨ illegible ⟩ hand of Mr Nicholas⟨;⟩ have also Recd a Letter from him to...
I have been duly favored with your Letter of the 13th of Janry and have written to Governor...
whether the army under your Excellency’s command should continue in the field this winter; and...
I take the liberty of recommending to your notice the Reverend Mr. Gallaudet, principal, and Mr....
I have had the pleasure to receive your favors of 7 Inst. & 18 April. taken together they contain...
Altho I was at a stupid Route at the sweedish ministers last Evening, I got home about 12 and...
49193[Diary entry: 22 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
22. At home again. Mr. Jenefir went away after breakfast as Mr. Washington &ca. did yesterday.
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, June 24,...
I am in sentiment with you and the Director of the Mint, respecting the purchase of the Lots and...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. le Duc de Villequier a l’honneur de faire part à Monsieur...
49197[Diary entry: 22 October 1761] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 22d. Began Captn. Posey’s Barn with Turner Crump & Six Carpenters. Turner Crump was hired...
I was yesterday honored with your letter of the 14th. instant. The recommendations of Captains...
Boston, 18 October 1769. MS ( MB ). Printed: Boston Record Commissioners, 16th Report City of...
I received Mr. Pissott’s Proposals for printing English authors and agreeably to your desire...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives (two) Since ours...
Your favor of the 6 th has been recieved & I thank you for having forwarded the book to mr Adams...
Your letter, begun on the 31st of last month, and ended the 2d of this, came, with the Reports...
W m Harris Jones presents his most respectful Compliments to M r Jefferson, & begs the favour,...
Philadelphia, 3 Oct. 1780. Circular letter to the state executives enclosing a resolve of...
La présente parviendra à Votre Excellence par Mr. le Cte. Coëtloury, Ami de Mr. l’Ambassadeur, du...
Yesterday I received the letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 10th: instant, and...
49208General Orders, 25 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
The baggage of the Maryland line to be embark’d very early tomorrow morning and sent to...
The P——requests that Mr J——would give the enclosed letter & papers a reading between this and...
The enclosed copy of a General Order will apprise you of the appointment of a Court Martial to...
Last Saturday I received a letter from lieutenant governor Wood, and opened it, agreeably to your...
I have lately published an elegent Edition of the Farewell Address of the late Gen: Washington....
Your Two Letters of the 24th Instant came to hand. Before The receipt of the first, I had written...
It being understood, that the charge of American Agent, which the interests of the United States...
I now return you the several papers recieved by the last post, except those solliciting office,...
I last week informed you that I had withdrawn from Amsterdam all the stocks I held there, and had...
49217[Diary entry: 19 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Went with Colo. Bassett, Mrs. Bassett &ca. to Mr. Digges’s & dined.
Agreably to my promise my dear sir, I write you from this place, and flatter myself with the...
LS : Archives de la Marine; copy: Library of Congress Le Major Franks qui aura l’honneur de vous...
I recieved on my arrival here some days ago the copy of the book you were so kind as to send me...
J’ai reçu le 28 du mois dernier la lettre que Vous m’avez fait L’honneur de m’écrire en date du...
§ From Louis-Marie Turreau. 13 January 1806. Acknowledges JM ’s letter of 6 Jan. , to which JM...
I Sigh every day, in whatever Scaene I am in for a walk down to your House and a Day by your...
Being informed of a circuitous opportunity of France I make use of it to forward the inclosures....
I send to your excellency according to your orders the few general observations I have done after...
I nominate Archibald Richardson of Virginia to be collector for the district of South Quay....
J’ai reçu, avec bien de la reconnaissance, la déclaration que vous vous êtes donné la peine de...
18 March 1801, Lisbon. Relays news from England of George III’s illness and Prussian hostility...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Algemeen Rijksarchief En vous confirmant mes...
Letters not found : from Lt. Col. John Taylor, 30 July 1779. GW wrote Taylor on 5 Aug.: “I have...