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Results 49181-49230 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society Here inclosed I return the Letter, which You were so...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis mon depart de Londres je ne vous ai ecrit, Monsieur,...
Capt. Moses Daulton a resident of the Town aforesaid in the State of Kentucky a brother-in-law of...
By the request of D r Cooper , I have the honour to enclose to you, two halfsheets of the 2 d...
becaus I think I See in your Conduct the Love of mankind I make free to offer you the result of...
As soon as I read in the news-papers, that the University of Monticello, established by Your...
As a Committe appointed in behalf of a meeting of Republicans of the County of Bergen, in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Görlitz, Silesia, April 7, 1781, in German: We would be...
Conçevant par votre Silence, concernant l’humble prière que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous faire par...
Monsieur Lambert mon parent parti de france l’hiver dernier avec le desir de servir les etats...
I have read with interest and admiration the history of your life—your assidious toils in gaining...
Voici Laperçu à peu pres de ce que peut Couter L’Impression En Cicero gros euïl par chacque...
Paris, 20 July 1791 . By direction of Mr. Short, he has sent TJ, by way of Delamotte of Le Havre,...
Paris, 17 Feb. 1787. TJ had informed him that a person of his acquaintance had also received a...
Je sousigné, Reconnois avoir reçu de Monsieur de Chefersone, trois cent vingt huite pages...
Jai reflechi sur L’honneur de vôtre proposition, et calculé à combien me reviendroit L’ouvrage de...
10 April 1802, Newport. Refers to his letter to JM of 2 Feb. enclosing accounts and papers...
2 February 1802, Newport. Encloses documents concerning his brig Favorite , “which was captured...
5 February 1805, Newport . “Agreable to your Instructions to me April the 20h 1802 I forwarded my...
Unwilling as I am to trespass on your retirement, I am nevertheless constrained to solicit your...
I avail myself of the opportunity that now offers of writing to my dear and absent Sisters whose...
I am sorry to be under the necessity of reporting myself sick, immediately after my return from...
I address you on a subject which my duty to the public, my family & myself will not permit me to...
I have taken leave to Send you Enclos’d herewith, a brief account of the Several Stations in...
The ministerial Troops having (yesterday) taken Their departure from Boston will, I presume,...
Camp in Cambridge, 24 February 1776 . Certifies that David Avery has been chosen chaplain of...
Capt. Gordon Hutchins the bearer hereof, being a Man of Experience in Military Service, the late...
In 1745 He was an Ensign of a Company in Colo. Robert Hales Regiment at the Reduction of...
The bearer Lorinzo Dow impress’d with the desire to visit Urope & having heretofore vissitted the...
Your favor of the 21st. last Month and condisention in gratifying my wish respectg Doctr...
Believing that a respectful address to the President of the United States on a Subject which so...
I hope you will excuse the liberty I have taken, of puting on board one of our Transports (—)...
The interest you must necessarily take in all information relative to the state of American...
Mr. Benjamin Shackleford has been my neighbour for the last twelve or fifteen months, during...
7 January 1802, Tenerife. States that John Culnan, U.S. consul for the Canary Islands, appointed...
I have the honour to inform you, that John Culnan Esqr. the American Consul for the Canary...
Your Excellency was pleased, after we left New York, to favour us with a Recommendation to the...
Since I made the last return of the number of Polls in the Commonwealth, to your Hon r , I find a...
B. Fuller’s respectfull Compliments attends His Excellency President Washington. The Inclosed...
It would have afforded gratification to have personally presented the letter of introduction on...
The petition of Alexander Fulton humbly sheweth, that your Petitioner considers himself guilty of...
Not having any acquaintence at the City of Washington but Mr. Robert Whitehill to whom I have...
No doubt you will be surprized at receiving a letter from your name sake, and one who values you...
That this engine may act well the valve at A must at the commencement open quick as by a stroke,...
As every advance in the arts which may You take a lively interest in every discovery which may be...
Notes and Estimate for Torpedo Experiments Dollars 6 Clockwork Locks 300 6 Instantaneous Do. 144
January 1810. In January 1809 at Kalorama, Joel Barlow’s District of Columbia estate, Fulton...
I have succeeded in some very interesting experiments on firing cannon under water of which I...
While making the experiments in France and England on Torpedo Attack, they were constantly...
on the fourth inst , I sent you a letter containing drawings details and observations on my...