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[ Albany, March 6, 1804. On March 22, 1804, Le Guen wrote to Hamilton : “Je nai recu que hier, Votre Lettre du 6.” Letter not found. ]
In the late papers some passages have appeared, which intimate, that it is in contemplation to establish a general standard of weights and measures throughout the States. Numerous testimonies of the want of such a standard, and a belief that I can be instrumental in furnishing the means of producing it, have united to influence me in making this communication, which I am solicitous of laying...
I had the honor to address you on the 6th. Ulto by the Monsoon Captain Nickerson for Baltimore, & to send by that ship to the care of the Collector of Baltimore a large Chest of West Florida Papers, & a small deal Box both left with me by Mr. Rufus King. I have now the satisfaction of informing you that the Commissioners concluded their business and finally dissolved their Board on the 23d. of...
6 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 3. Encloses “a copy of my correspondence with Comodore Preble & others, since my last of the 1st: of February.” “I have not heard from Colonel Lear since I parted with him! but my anxiety has been in some measure reliev’d by Come. Preble’s letters, as the[y] inform me that he has receiv’d the sundry communications which I forwarded to him in the United States brig...
In my note of yesterday I forgot a sum of 41. D 10 c which I had promised to remit to Richmond this week for the use of John Rogers , which I must therefore pray you to enable me to do. Your’s affectionately RC ( ViU ); addressed: “Mr. Barnes”; receipt added to foot of text by Barnes and signed by Joseph Dougherty for $50 received on 6 Mch.; endorsed by Barnes. TJ’s note of yesterday has not...
Un mal’heureux Français père de famille, artiste et ayant tout perdu, S’adresse à vous pour lui procurer de l’emploi conformément a son état et le mettre a même d’exister. Je suis connu dans ce quartier pour avoir operé aux nivellemens de votre Cité, et par plusieurs Mrs. comme Carolle, Laws, Gl. Masson &ca. mon nom est Frignet; daignez prendre des informations sur ma conduite, mes mœurs et...
The inclosed paper got mislaid by accident so as to escape my earlier attention. I do not know how far the office of a director of the bank is compatible with mr Nourse’s official duties, or the general spirit of our laws. I leave it therefore altogether to your judgment, only observing that if these admit his acceptance, I believe the bank cannot associate to themselves an honester man. RC (...
You will receive inclosed a bill of loading for 400 bushels of Coal. the freight you will observe is high, being as I am told 2 or 3 Cents more than is generally charged in the summer. You will of course determine whether it will not be best for you to lay in a sufficient supply in future, in that season of the year. I have as yet done nothing with your Tobacco, 40/. being the most I have been...
Captain Lewis by letter from Massac under date 10 November last, informed me, that he had address’d to my care at Fort Adams three Boxes , requesting two of them to be forwarded you, and the other to Mr Peale in Philadelphia. Immediately on the receipt of this letter, I wrote my Deputy at Fort Adams enjoining his strict attention to the subject, and also mentioned it particularly at Natchez to...
The voyage referred to by Mr. Vanderkemp was undertaken and conducted by individuals, in whose hands the journal and other papers, which he desires to peruse, must remain. Mr. Barrill of Boston had a concern in the voyage and may be therefore resorted to in order to trace their place of Deposit. With very high respect, I have the honor to remain, Dr Sir your most obed. servt. RC (owned by...
Since my last of Feby. 14th I have received yours of November 16. The accounts of some jar between you and the British administration, republished from the English newspapers had begun to excite here considerable attention, and comments of different kinds from different quarters. As we knew that neither your disposition, nor instructions could lead to any unfriendly or unnecessary discussions...
5 March 1804. “I am requested by some of the most reputable of my constituents to make application in behalf of a Mr. Roger Moore, who resides near Wilmington. North Carolina for an appointment in the civil government of the United States. This Gentleman stands high in the estimation of all who know him—for my self I can with candor corroborate the character given of him in a letter from our...
5 March 1804, Tangier. No. 75. “As I never untill now have been able to find an opportunity of passing Bills since the date of the particular Letter I had the honour of addressing you the 17h October last year, I have but this day drawn a Sett of Bills on you to order of Messrs Khun & Green of Gibraltar payable thirty days after presentation for Two thousand dollars, being the sum mentioned in...
5 March 1804, Paris. “Just at closing these dispatches I received from the Minister a letter dated three days back in answer to mine here annexed. Notwithstanding, as you will see by the Copy of his letter also annexed, that he threatens to cause my Exequatur to be withdrawn from me, & my Consular Powers to be Suspended , if I do not enter into a justification of myself with him, & in fact...
We have just heard of the calamitous event of Norfolk . I have not heard whether any persons are named to recieve donations for the relief of the poor sufferers, and therefore take the liberty of inclosing two hundred dollars to you, & of asking the favor of you to have it applied in the way you think best, for the relief of such description of sufferers as you shall think best. I pray not to...
Yours of the 27th. Ult. and 1st. Instant I have received.—A Polygraph with the alterations you desire, and also Brunelle’s, which I have borrowed for your inspection, will both be sent by a Packet, said to sail on wednesday next. The defects of the Pens in that which Mr. Latrobe lent you, I can readily account for, therefore it is easily cured. I have much to say on this subject, and doubt not...
I find that it has been asserted in Washington City, by Messrs. Duane and Leib , in the presence of several members of Congress that the St. Patrick’s society or naturalized are going to join the third party. As I have the honor of preciding at that society, it is a duty which I owe not only to myself; but to the society to declare to you most solemnly that the assertion is absolutely false I...
Mr. Briggs and Mr. Williams of whose arrival in this City, I informed you in my last , have been detained longer than they had calculated on; they will however, sail on tomorrow in a Vessel bound for Philadelphia, but the Captain has promised to land them at Charleston if the wind should admit of it. I think it probable that these gentlemen will reach the seat of Government early in April....
Last night I recd your favor of 15 of Feb. At the two last Meetings of our Academy I made Inquiry concerning your Manuscript, and found that the committee had referred it to a Sub committee who were not then present and had not reported. I will endeavour to get this matter settled at the next meeting, in May. Buffon, I presume from all that I have heard or read of him believed in nothing but...
It gives me pleasure to find by your letter of the 1st instant, that you did not intend by any thing in that of Feby 23d to detract from the rights of the United States, or to be regarded as an Organ in any degree of the views of other Nations towards them. In justice nevertheless to the observations contained in mine of the first instant, I cannot admit that they did not result from the...
I wrote you on the 26th. ulto a private letter which was sent with my publick one of the day before by Liverpool, respecting some objections wh. had been made to me by some friends to the arrangment abt. our citizens creditors of France in the late treaties with that power. I promised you in that letter one to some friends, open to be delivered or withheld as you thought fit, explanatory of...
3 March 1804, Paris. Believed his letter of 21 Feb. would be his last to JM regarding the misunderstanding between him and Livingston. “But … I find myself under the necessity of furnishing you with the relation of another incident … of a Still more unpleasant nature, than that which happened in the Presence of mr. marbois.” Quotes a 29 Feb. letter from Livingston he received “A few days ago”...
Relying with confidence on your favorable reception of every communication, which will convey to you without the trammels of form, the real sentiments of any portion of the community over whose destinies you preside, we feel authorised in offering to you our sentiments on an interesting subject— In the exercise of your constitutional functions we are well satisfied that the Public interest has...
It is from the Generous affability and freedom Which I Discovered in the Agreeable Plainness of thy Conversation and Deportment When in thy Company, And perceiving the scientific, and superior Machanical Powers Which thou Possess, of Course a Wellwisher to the advancement and Encouragment of the Arts in our Country, that Excuses me (altho I feel my inferiority) in attempting to Adress thee on...
On the vacating of Judge Pickering’s office I shall be obliged to nominate another before the rising of the Senate. J. Langdon has recommended Sherburne . a much more powerful representation is made against him and in favr. of Jonathan Steele. tho’ it is probable the witnesses attending the impeachment from that state may have been prepared to give particular opinions, yet perhaps in a free...
The account of your illness my dearest Maria was known to me only this morning. nothing but impossibilities prevent my instant departure to join you. but the impossibility of Congress proceeding a single step in my absence presents an insuperable bar. Mr. Eppes goes off, and I hope will find you in a convalescent state. next to the desire that it may be so, is that of being speedily informed...
Altho it is long since I recieved your favor of Oct. 27. yet I have not had leisure sooner to acknolege it. in the middle & Southern states as great an union of sentiment has now taken place as is perhaps desireable. for as there will always be an opposition, I believe it had better be from avowed monarchists than republicans. New York seems to be in danger of republican division. Vermont is...
I have the honour to enclose a letter which I should have forwarded some time since had not an embargo which has existed for some weeks prevented—The bundle of books which Mr V— intended should accompany his letter I have put on board the Bordeaux Packet bound to Philadelphia and have requested the Collector of the Port to forward them to the seat of Government.— With great respect I have the...
Whereas it is represented that sundry persons formerly engaged in the Military Service of the United States and having deserted from the Same, have become inhabitants of the Territory of Louisiana lately ceded to the United States, have establishments of property and families therein, and are in such habits of industry and good conduct as to give reason to believe they will be orderly and...
If our correspondence does not terminate with your letter of the 29th. of February, received yesterday, I wish it to be understood that it proceeds merely from the desire of removing all ambiguity from a transaction, in which my character may be materially interested. It is perhaps the natural inference from what you have stated, that nothing took place on your part, to sanction or corroborate...