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Results 49181-49190 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
49181General Orders, 13 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote Maj. Gen. William Heath: “His Excellency is [of] opinion that Capt. [Lebbeus] Drew, under the above Resolve, may be brought into the Regt to which he belongs, in his proper Rank, and that one of the Captains may retire upon half pay to make a vacancy for him” ( MHi : Heath Papers). Tilghman enclosed a...
The Situation of the British & German Prisoners of War for Want of Cloathing is very distressing, & that Misery is chiefly produced by a total Neglect of the Enemy to send them Supplies. The Prisoners in Philada Gaol are perishing with Disease & Nakedness. The putrid Fever rages among them to a great Degree & we find ourselves extremely embarrassed in our Endeavours to establish a separate...
I received with much pleasure your letter of the 8th from Philadelphia, & sincerely congratulate you on your liberation from Captivity, and safe arrival at that place. I shall set out the day after tomorrow for New Port. had you not So lately come off a long & tiresome journey, I should have been glad of your company thither—but this being impracticable, & there being no immediate occasion for...
I have been successively honored with your Excellency’s favors of the 18th 24th and 27th ulto with the enclosures to which they refer. I am extremely happy to find, that my remaining in the neighbourhood of West point, during the time of the mutiny of the Pennsylvania line, meets the approbation of Congress—and that the reasons assigned by me, for deeming it inexpedient to call for any part of...
I have received the communication of your Excellency’s intentions the next campaign, with instructions to me to use every exertion in our power to procure those articles which we shall want in a capital operation against New York—or against Charlestown, Savanna, Penobscot, &ca in case of our inability to undertake the siege of the first and principal object. I shall with peculiar pleasure...
I have received your letters of the 15th of December and 4th of February. I have been for some time past expecting the Commissary of Prisoners at Head Quarters; but he only arrived yesterday. I shall speak to him on the subject of your Excellency’s letter, and shall do every thing in my power to have justice done to the state. ’Tis no doubt reasonable it should be informed of the steps taken...
After the Death of the late Amiable Mrs Read we found the Benevolent Work she had begun was at a stand, The Idea was painfull and we determined to be Candidates for that laudable employment we succeeded and have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency that Agreable to your Advice to that Worthy Lady we have invested the Whole of the Pennsylvania Donation in Shirts, and delivered to Coll Miles...
The benevolent office, which added lustre to the qualities that ornamented your deceased friend could not have descended to more zealous or more deserving successors. The contributions of the association you represent have exceeded what could have been expected, and the spirit that animated the members of it entitles them to an equal place with any who have preceded them in the walk of female...
I observe by the recruiting instructions annexed to the printed arrangement of the Pennsylvania line, that the Regimental places of rendezvous are fixed, but that the general Rendezvous is to be at such place as shall be judged proper by me, or the commanding Officer of the line. In my opinion, Bristol and that neighbourhood will be, upon many accounts, most suitable and convenient for this...
I have received your letter of the fourth of January which hurry of business has prevented my acknowleging sooner. As to the arrangements of the hospitals in the article of œconomy during your directorship, my situation did not enable me to be a competent judge, though I know myself of no defect to be imputed to you on this head: But so far as they related to the maintenance of order and to...