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Results 49181-49190 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society Here inclosed I return the Letter, which You were so complaisant and kind to let me have the Reading of. Your Answer, which You were pleased to give to it I have forwarded already. That our dear Lord may bless You and the whole Congress in all Your Deliberations and Councels is the most sincere and cordial Wish of Your devoted and most humble Servant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis mon depart de Londres je ne vous ai ecrit, Monsieur, que pour vous remercier du beau present que vous m’avez fait de vos ouvrages, et j’ai appris par le gazzettes publiques les grandes nouvelles qui vous regardoient directement, celles de la revolution de L’Amerique. J’espere cependant que vous ne m’aurez pas oublié, et je vais profiter de toute la...
Capt. Moses Daulton a resident of the Town aforesaid in the State of Kentucky a brother-in-law of mine perceiving by an act of last Session of Congress that a Surveyor is to be appointed for the port of Limestone I avail myself of the acquaintance Sir, I have the honor to have with you to recommend through you Capt. Daulton to the president in order to obtain the appointment to the Office....
By the request of D r Cooper , I have the honour to enclose to you, two halfsheets of the 2 d American edition of Willich ’s “Domestic Encyclopedia,” edited by him, and now nearly ready for publication by Mr. Ab. Small , of this city . RC ( MHi ); addressed: “
becaus I think I See in your Conduct the Love of mankind I make free to offer you the result of Som–of my Stuedys and obeservations on the magnet or Loadson—I am perswaded that the magnetical virtues are naturaly in the Earth and hold it to its poles—that the Sam principle is Communicated to the needel & when touched properly Would hold the Same poles in all parts of the World if not forced By...
As soon as I read in the news-papers, that the University of Monticello, established by Your Excellence, did invite from foreign empires and countries learned men in all sciences, to settle themselves in America, I was the more resolved upon profiting this possibility of becoming an inhabitant of this happy land of liberty, as I am an independent man of thirty yet unmarried and full of the...
As a Committe appointed in behalf of a meeting of Republicans of the County of Bergen, in the State of New–Jersey, convened at the Township of New–Barbadoes; We take the liberty of addressing you on a subject, which we conceive momentous to ourselves,—and interesting to the Union.— It is not the intention of the Committe. thus authorised to approach the Chief executive Magistrate of a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Görlitz, Silesia, April 7, 1781, in German: We would be extremely grateful if you would send the French warrant for a branch of our Masonic lodge here at Görlitz. The warrant sent from London was not suitable, for we have no intention of affiliating with the rite of Strict Observance of the Berlin lodge or the London lodge. If you could send us application...
Conçevant par votre Silence, concernant l’humble prière que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous faire par ma lettre du 21e Juillet dernier, que je ne puis espèrer, un emploi Civil, Sous ce Gouvernement, Selon que je m’en étoit flatté, je me Suis d’éterminé à retourner au Canada; a cet effect, après avoir fait m’à déclaration, chez Monsieur le Marshal Smith, Conformément à l’acte des Etrangers, je me...
Monsieur Lambert mon parent parti de france l’hiver dernier avec le desir de servir les etats unis sous vos ordres a du se presenter à vous avec des lettres de Monsieur le marquis de la fayette qui le recomendoient à vos bontès: j’ai lieu d’esperer que vous aurez bien voulu les luy accorder et qu’il sert à present les etats unis dans L’armée que vous comender: je n’ai point recu des ses...