Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 7 March 1804

To George Jefferson

Washington Mar. 7. 04.

Dear Sir

I am to pay Colo. Harvie on account of John Rogers 41. D 10. c. I now inclose you 40. D. for this purpose which I will pray you to deliver him, adding thereto the fraction which cannot be remitted in paper.   I shall shortly send from here a number of packages, to be forwarded to Monticello. they will be chiefly of groceries for my use there, as I shall make a short visit there as soon as Congress rises, which they have determined shall be on the 19th. inst. I suspect that I could get groceries in Richmond as cheap as here. if so I take a great deal of unnecessary trouble in sending them from here. you can better judge of this than I can. their delay in going hence is also a material objection. when you forward them or any earlier articles to Monticello I will thank you to send 2. doz. bottles of Syrop of punch. is it true that tobo. is rising in Richmond? affectionate salutations.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr. G. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL with notation “41.10. J. Harvie for Rogers.”

In his financial memoranda, TJ recorded enclosing $40 “to pay 41.10 to” John harvie “to the credit of John Rogers with him, acct. for whiskey.” TJ recorded in SJL receiving an apparently undated letter from Rogers, who was Harvie’s overseer, on 15 Feb. and sending a response on 20 Feb. Neither letter has been found (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:913, 1121).

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