Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 7 March 1804

From Albert Gallatin

[7 Mch. 1804]

The within extra-account of E. Burroughs for building the light houses seems proper, being clearly work which was not contemplated by the contract. But as this is not an item of repairs, but in fact an addition to the contract for building which was approved by the President, no alteration can legally be made without his approbation. The propriety of allowing the account is respectfully submitted

by his obedt. Servt.

Albert Gallatin

RC (DLC); undated; endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 7 Mch. and “Lt. houses Smith’s Pt. & O. Pt. Comft.” and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

For the lighthouse contracts with Elzy burroughs, see Vol. 36:506.

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