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Results 49151-49200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
49151 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 9 March 1804 1804-03-09 The propriety of appointing Tucker Howland Keeper of the light house near Georgetown S. Car. is...
49152 Eppes, John Wayles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Wayles Eppes, 9 March … 1804-03-09 I found Maria on my arrival here free from fever and sitting up—She has no complaint at present...
49153 Knight, Nehemiah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nehemiah Knight and Others, 9 … 1804-03-09 We take the Liberty to inclose a Letter this moment received from the Executive of our State ....
49154 Jefferson, Thomas Peale, Charles Willson From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, 9 March … 1804-03-09 Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Peale. he recieved last night his favor of the 5th....
49155 Jefferson, Thomas Scott, Joseph T. From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph T. Scott, 9 March 1804 1804-03-09 I have duly recieved your favor of the 5th. inst. and I hasten to assure you that neither Doctr....
49156 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 Since my last which went by duplicates, & will therefore I hope have been recd. yours of Novr....
49157 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 The Secretary of State to whom was referred by a Resolution of the Senate of the 25th. of January...
49158 Franklin, Robinson, and Company Madison, James To James Madison from Franklin, Robinson and Company, 8 … 1804-03-08 8 March 1804, New York. In March 1798 their ship Hunter with its cargo “was captured by a Spanish...
49159 Butler, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Butler, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 Before entering on a subject, to the merits of which I must beg leave to solicit your...
49160 Erving, George W. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George W. Erving, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 I have deferred the gratification of acknowledgeing the rect of the letter with which you honord...
49161 Erving, George W. Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Invoice for Books Ordered for the Library of … 1804-03-08 G W Erving Esqr. Bought of J Johnson 1 Wards History of Laws of Nations 2 V 18.— 1 Rymers Fœdera...
49162 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 I enclose a letter from Mr Briggs. I think his leaving the territory without leave of absence...
49163 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 Collectors are not supplied with seals at the public expense—Most of them have none; those of the...
49164 Leib, Michael Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Michael Leib, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 At the request of Mrs. Heister, I send you Gros’s moral philosophy. This work was transmitted to...
49165 Mazzei, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 8 March 1804 1804-03-08 Spero che Le sarà pervenuta per mezzo di Mr. Yeardsley, Capno. del bastimento Hannah, partito ⅌...
49166 Parshall, Israel B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Israel B. Parshall, 8 March … 1804-03-08 I would not address your Excellency if I had not hopes of Your complying with the Petition of A...
49167 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Martha Jefferson From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 8 … 1804-03-08 Your letter of the 2d. my dear Martha, which was not recieved till the last night has raised me...
49168 Tazewell, Littleton W. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Littleton W. Tazewell, 8 March … 1804-03-08 The Assurance you give me relative to Mr. Welch’s claim is perfectly satisfactory, and confident...
49169 Jefferson, Thomas I. Notes on Injunction against John Henderson, 8 March … 1804-03-08 Bill. in 1802. purchased the dower of Eliz. Henderson that John Henderson is digging a race thro’...
49170 Jefferson, Thomas II. Notes on Agreement between Elizabeth Henderson and … 1804-03-08 relative to the written agreement between Eliz. & John Henderson the probability is it was only...
49171 Hamilton, Alexander Clinton, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 On Saturday last I sent you a letter of which the foregoing is a copy, to which I have as yet...
49172 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 In my public letter (No 28) I took the liberty of observing that tho’ a great deal has been done...
49173 Moylan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Moylan, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 Your order to pay Amey Scott came this day to my hand, I have paid her 100 dollars, I send you...
49174 Yrujo, Carlos Martínez de Madison, James To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 7 March … 1804-03-07 I take up my Pen to communicate to you in Writing, what I had the Honour of expressing to you...
49175 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, [post 7 March] … 1804-03-07 … yet there is reason to believe that the authorised district, even as described in the 11th...
49176 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 The within extra-account of E. Burroughs for building the light houses seems proper, being...
49177 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 I am to pay Colo. Harvie on account of John Rogers 41. D 10. c. I now inclose you 40. D. for this...
49178 Lewis, William J. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William J. Lewis, 7 March 1804 1804-03-07 I hope no apology is necessary for sending to you as President of the Philosophic society some...
49179 Jefferson, Thomas Senate and the House of Representatives, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1804-03-07 I communicate to Congress an Extract of a letter from Governor Claiborne to the Secretary of...
49180 Clinton, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Clinton, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 2d. Instant. I cannot conceive it possible...
49181 Hamilton, Alexander Le Guen, Louis From Alexander Hamilton to Louis Le Guen, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 [ Albany, March 6, 1804. On March 22, 1804, Le Guen wrote to Hamilton : “Je nai recu que hier,...
49182 Dearborn, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Dearborn, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 In the late papers some passages have appeared, which intimate, that it is in contemplation to...
49183 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 I had the honor to address you on the 6th. Ulto by the Monsoon Captain Nickerson for Baltimore, &...
49184 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 6 March … 1804-03-06 6 March 1804, Leghorn. No. 3. Encloses “a copy of my correspondence with Comodore Preble &...
49185 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 In my note of yesterday I forgot a sum of 41. D 10 c which I had promised to remit to Richmond...
49186 Fermagh, Jean Frignet de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Frignet de Fermagh, 6 … 1804-03-06 Un mal’heureux Français père de famille, artiste et ayant tout perdu, S’adresse à vous pour lui...
49187 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 The inclosed paper got mislaid by accident so as to escape my earlier attention. I do not know...
49188 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 6 March 1804 1804-03-06 You will receive inclosed a bill of loading for 400 bushels of Coal. the freight you will observe...
49189 Trist, Hore Browse Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Hore Browse Trist, 6 March … 1804-03-06 Captain Lewis by letter from Massac under date 10 November last, informed me, that he had...
49190 Madison, James Burr, Aaron From James Madison to Aaron Burr, [ca. 5 March] 1804 1804-03-05 The voyage referred to by Mr. Vanderkemp was undertaken and conducted by individuals, in whose...
49191 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 5 March 1804 1804-03-05 Since my last of Feby. 14th I have received yours of November 16. The accounts of some jar...
49192 Gillespie, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Gillespie, 5 March 1804 … 1804-03-05 5 March 1804. “I am requested by some of the most reputable of my constituents to make...
49193 Simpson, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Simpson, 5 March 1804 … 1804-03-05 5 March 1804, Tangier. No. 75. “As I never untill now have been able to find an opportunity of...
49194 Skipwith, Fulwar Madison, James To James Madison from Fulwar Skipwith, 5 March 1804 … 1804-03-05 5 March 1804, Paris. “Just at closing these dispatches I received from the Minister a letter...
49195 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 5 March 1804 1804-03-05 We have just heard of the calamitous event of Norfolk . I have not heard whether any persons are...
49196 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 5 March … 1804-03-05 Yours of the 27th. Ult. and 1st. Instant I have received.—A Polygraph with the alterations you...
49197 Scott, Joseph T. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph T. Scott, 5 March 1804 1804-03-05 I find that it has been asserted in Washington City, by Messrs. Duane and Leib , in the presence...
49198 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 4 … 1804-03-04 Mr. Briggs and Mr. Williams of whose arrival in this City, I informed you in my last , have been...
49199 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 3 … 1804-03-03 Last night I recd your favor of 15 of Feb. At the two last Meetings of our Academy I made Inquiry...
49200 Madison, James Yrujo, Carlos Martínez de From James Madison to Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, [3] … 1804-03-03 It gives me pleasure to find by your letter of the 1st instant, that you did not intend by any...