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Results 49121-49130 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
On friday, by the favor of General Schuyler, I had the pleasure to receive a Copy of your Letter to him of the 24th Ulto and of the Minutes and proceedings in the expedition against Onondago. You will find my sentiments respecting the enterprize—and the conduct of the whole party in it—expressed in the inclosed Copy of the order issued when I received General Schuyler’s Letter. I am sir with...
It is against my inclination that I trouble you & only when the conduct of my charge shall oblige me that I will— In the last arrangement of the library. I gave for reason of the disorder of the books The absence or carelessness of the young men in replacing them on the shelves—you read me the clause, “nor shall (a student) be allowed to take any book from the shelves, nor remain in the room...
Your letters of the 24th & 27th Ulto have come duly to hand; and, persuaded as I am that, you have used your best endeavours to furnish my uniform Coat, agreeably to the regulations of the War department, I thank you for your exertions; although they have failed of the desired effect. Some years ago (while the Governmt was in New York) I had a cloke well embroidered there (at the instance of a...
You will form out of all the parts of the second regiment of Artillerists in South Carolina and Georgia a complete company, and proceed with them to this place in such manner as you shall be informed pointed out to you by James Miller Esr. the Deputy Quarter Master General, or by his Agent. The surplus of the parts of the regiment you will leave subject to the orders of Major Freeman, but all...
49125General Orders, 21 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The waggon Masters are to see that the horses under their direction feed as much as possible on grass this day, and save what grain and dry forage they have—The Waggoners are to stay by their horses, to prevent their doing damage to corn, flax &c.—for if such things are damaged thro’ their negligence, they will be severely punished. The Q.M. Genl is immediately to inspect the boats, observe...
4912615th. (Adams Papers)
The weather very moderate. The snow went off quite fast. Drank tea at Mr. Hilliard’s. His daughter look’d prettier, than she ever did before. Mr. Paine was there, and appeared quite happy, in his new situation. The People of Charlestown, who never could be united in their opinions, for a minister, are universally very much attached to him, and his talents and virtues are such as will probably...
49127[Diary entry: 11 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
11. Morning—thin clouds—brisk South wind Mer. at 57. In the afternoon Rain with thunder & lightening—Mer. at 55 & 63 at highest. Colo. Ball & Doctr. Stuart came to Dinner. Col. Burgess Ball moved from his Spotsylvania estate in 1791 and was at this time living at Springwood in Loudoun County.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have receiv’d no Line from you since that from Dover. I continue as well as when you left me. M. le Veillard is much better but still weak and cannot yet go abroad.— The rest of our Friends are well, and often enquire after you. I intended to have sent you some more Letters; but my Time has been all devour’d by Business and Visitors. The inclos’d Pacquet...
From the tenderness of Friendship and the Weakness of Compassion and humanity, I have promised two Gentlemen to mention their names to you, as Candidates for Mr Daltons late Office, Captain Tucker and Mr Deblois. A Friendship of forty Years with the former, and of fifty Six years with Mr Dalton have deeply interested my Feelings in behalf of both these Gentlemen. But what Signify Feelings when...
I hope you will not communicate to any body the hints I give you about our Prospects: but they appear every day worse and worse. House Rent at 2700 dollars a Year 1500 dollars for a Carriage 1000 for one Pair of Horses— All the Glasses ornaments kitchen furniture—the best Chairs settees, Plateaus &c all to purchase—All the China Delph or Wedgwood Glass & Crockery of every sort to purchase—and...