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Results 49111-49140 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace the first moment I have enjoyed since the vintage to present you my best respects and to acquaint you of the quantity and quality of our late crop of Wine. The quantity has not answer’d our expectations, the vintage affords not quite a one third of a full crop, but the quality is excellent. As your Excellency flattered me with the hope of having...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft); Algemeen Rijksarchief I send you herewith copy of the Letter I received yesterday, with a loose Seal, from his Exc. the french Ambassador, & which I forwarded the Same day with another of mine, of which also I join an Extract. If we can but get safe our Squadron to Dunkirk, then it must be acknowledged that the Sending of it in a Dutch Port,...
Copy: Archives Nationales M. de sartine fait ses complimens à Monsieur franklin, et a l’honneur de le prévenir qu’il vient d’etre rendû un Arrêt du Conseil portant que la Requête du Sr. Walpole sera communiquée aux Srs. Alexander pour y répondre dans la quinzaine; les choses demeurant en même état où elles étoient avant l’Ordonnance de M le Comte de Durat les Srs. Alexandre ont écrit à M le...
One new account begins during the period covered by this volume: XXIV. Jonathan Williams, Jr.’s Account with Franklin for Officers’ and Soldiers’ Clothing, January 7, 1780, to May 31, 1781: National Archives, 44 pp. This seems to be a complete accounting of Williams’ expenses incurred in procuring and shipping the congressional order for military uniforms and other supplies. The first two...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’aurai l’honneur de vous recevoir avec le plus grand Empressement ainsi que Madame de Brillon, le jour que vous indiqués. Je Regretterai de ne pouvoir donner à cette dame toute la Satisfaction qu’elle desire, mon harmonica n’étant point monté et ne pouvant l’être d’ici à ce têms. Je Serai flatté si je peux vous mettre à même de reconnoitre la Réalité et...
AL (draft) and two copies: Library of Congress A Gentleman from Holland, one of the Senators of Ziricsee, M. Van Noemer, being desirous of settling in our State, with his Family, and being well recommended to me, as a Person of Character, for Learning & Virtue, & likely to make a good & useful Citizen, I beg leave to present him to your Excellency, and to request for him those Civilities &...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 25th. Past, with Sundry Letters enclos’d from Mr. Fraser to you, and being now convinc’d that you are an honest American, and have not been a Volunteer in the English Service, I shall immediately endeavour to procure your Discharge. In the meantime, you may draw on me for five Louis d’ors, which I shall pay on sight of your Bill to assist you...
AL : American Philosophical Society Me voila donc réduitte a vous écrire mon bon papa et a vous dire que je vous aime; il étoit plus doux sans doutte de vous le laissér lire dans mes yeux; comment vaisje passér les mercredis et les samedis—point de thé, point d’échécs, point de musique, point d’éspérance de voir, d’embrassér mon bon papa—il me semble que la privation que j’éprouve de votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Money, as usual, was at the core of most requests addressed to Franklin in the course of this volume: outright pleas for financial help or inquiries for clarification of the American currency system. Jean Haag, whose letter is published below, needs money to get back to Charleston. A painter who gives his name simply as Paul writes on December 29 to ask for...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je reçois, Monsieur, la lettre que Vous me faittes l’honneur de m’écrire, et je donne sur le champ des ordres pour que le sr. smith soit observé avec la plus grande exactitude. Je charge même l’officier de police de se rendre chès vous pour vous prier de lui procurer les details qui pouraient lui être nécessaires, et prendre vos ordres. Je suis avec un...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Dumas left us last week, as he told us his presence should be required at the Hague from whence we gott his advice how to supply Mr Landay with money for his voyage to Paris, agreable to the orders of Your Excellency. At the same time our homme d’affaires at the Helder mentiond some matters to us we thought best to look into ourSelfs, and have arranged...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself this pleasure, under different dates by the Frigate Confederacy, that sailed about a Week ago having on board Monsr. Gerard & Mr. Jay as Passengers— I now inclose you second Bills for another years Interest of your money in the loan office, amounting to 486 Dollars— I hope the safe arrival of the first Bills will render these...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Humble Petition of several of the private Men of late belonging to the Brig Cabot Sheweth That your Petitioners have now been in Captivity three years the 22nd October last in the former Part of our Captivity we were Prisoners in Ireland along with Mr. George Thayer and after being in Ireland nine Months we were brought to Mill Prison were we still...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans la copie que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous envoyer, de l’avis du College d’Amsterdam, il y a une faute: au lieu du Placard de L. h. P. du 3 Nov. 1779, ce doit être 1756. Mr. De Neufville me marque avoir été Samedi au Helder, pour y arranger l’avancement de diverses choses: “qu’il y a découvert les menées des Angl. pour y mettre de la confusion s’il étoit...
ALS : Dartmouth College Library J’esperois trouver le moment de vous rendre mes devoirs et de vous porter le 6e. vole. du Monde Prim. pour lequel vous m’avez fait l’honneur de souscrire, lorsque j’en ai toujours été empeché par une suite d’evenemens de toute espece. Je prens donc la liberté de vous l’envoyer, avec une reconnoissance pour le volume suivant. J’y joins egalement un exemplaire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With a trüe satisfaction I have seen that the Royal influence in the irish parliament, fell very short of Ministerial expectations, and that some patriots Begin to speack a Bold language, and mention the Blessed words of independency and the Rights of Mankind— In the eyes of people that would be strangers to parliamentary Barking, such Speeches would be...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library It is by the greatest restriction that your humble Petitioners endeavoured to once make mention of the reasons hereunto annexed, were it not out of the greatest, and most Substantial proofs of impulsion, and as it is the sole province of our design, to nudate the Identical interveiws, that your Excellency may have, when further Explicated. Your...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Vicomte de sarsfield Envoije scavoir des Nouvelles de Monsieur francklin; il le supplie de remettre au porteur de ce billet La Lettre qu’il a Eü La Bonté de Luy promettre. Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur francklin / chez Monsieur de / chaumont / A Passy Endorsed: Sir W York’s Memoire Notation in William Temple Franklin’s hand: Notes of no Consequence Our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Necessity forces me to inform your Excellency, that I am one of the unhappy Number, now in confinement in this prison, for what they please to style a Rebel, I was master of the Contl: Sloop of Warr, the Providence, John Pick Rathborn Esqr. Commr. & was so unfortunate as to be rose upon, in a Brigg, a Prize, on my Passage for Boston, Capt. Calef the bearer...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Mes dernieres sont du 25, 28, 29, & 31 Oct. & 2 Nov. Celleci ira demain par voie de Rotterdam. Voici copie de la permission de mettre à terre les blessés prisonniers de la commission expediée par le Commodore en conséquence au L. Col. Wuibert; & de la convention entre les Commodores, Américain & Anglois. Notre Ami m’a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho I have Not been honor’d with an Answer to any of My Respects to your Eccel: Since the begining of the War with Great Britain, yet I See with Pleasure that you have not Entirely dispised my Representations, and find you have Condecended to write Several times in my favour to the Conde de Floridablanca, Minister of State at this Court, Who by Order of his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I who is Confind here send these few lines to inform you how I came to be Confin’d. On the 18th. Octr. I Desartd from a Merchantman in Loriont call’d the Breton after sarving four months in the said ship. When I came to Nantz I ship’d with Capt. Smith being in hopes to get to my Natural Country. Likewise 4 more came with me from the said Ship and having a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je paye éxactement mes déttes mon bon papa. Vous avés dû recevoir une léttre mecredi en voici une pour samedi; je ne suis pas de ceux qui disent, il faut se méttre a l’aise avéc ses amis. Si l’on ne leur tient pas ce qu’on leur a promis dans de petites choses, ils doivent éstre sur que nous ne négligerions pas les grandes—un grand sérvice est chose rare, et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Yr. Favour of the 29th. is just received, & the packet for the Commodore will be forwarded this very night, as were formerly yr. other Letters for the same, & for Capt. Landais without any Loss of time. The Commodore is not yet quite ready to sail. They say it will be so in the week to come; & then the day depends from the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the winter of 1779 applications for commissions in the American army continue to arrive. The first letter, written on November 6 and printed below, is from a captain of volunteers on a French privateer who would like a more assured future in the form of a brevet in the American service. The greater number of applications, however, come from soldiers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will I hope pardon the Libbertey I take in troubiling yough with a letter but As it is of Sum consequence to mee I hope Your Excellency will look over it in a more feavourable light. I have a Brother at Boston who has oft wright for Mee to Gover to him and Except of part of his Fortune which I have often tryd for Since my detention In france...
Copies: Library of Congress; National Archives (two) Les circonstances exigent, Monsieur, que l’Expedition de l’Escadrille aux ordres de M. Jones soit terminée au Texel, il paroit indispensable de donner une nouvelle destination aux differents bâtiments qui la composent. Vous étez le maitre, Monsieur, de disposer de la fregate Americaine l’alliance d’après les vues que vous pouvez avoir...
ALS : Anne and Paul Fenske, Rapid City, South Dakota (1981); copy: Library of Congress I received duly your several Favours of Oct. 18. 22. 25. 28. 29. & Nov. 2. Your Reasons for the speedy Depart of the Squadron, are good. I am glad the Affair of the Deserters is so well got over, as appears from your Extracts. I am exceedingly well satisfied with the Conduct of your Government and with the...
LS and copy: National Archives; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I wrote to you on the 15th past, since which I have not had the Pleasure of hearing from you. I have just received a Letter from M. De Sartine, of which the inclosed is a Copy. You will see in it that the Cruise is ended; and the Ship Alliance dismissed, with an Injunction that none of the King’s Subjects...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the Request of my Friend Colonel John Mitchell, I take the liberty of introducing to your Civilities, the Bearer Mr: John Rainey, who goes to France upon a Commercial Plan, should he require your Advice, or Assistance in procuring passports to Holland or elsewhere, I beg leave to recommend him to you for them— The Family continue well and join me in Love...