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Results 49101-49150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am this day honored by your letter of the 3d, & “as the unbounded calumnies of the federal party have obliged you to throw yourself on the verdict of your country, for trial,” the United States are under infinite obligations to them, for this their conduct; as it will secure to the republican cause, the only candidate, in whom the public could cordially unite; & in regard to yourself, will...
Agreeably to the request of the Senate and House of Representatives delivered me by their joint committee of inrolled bills, I now return the inrolled bill, intituled ‘An act for the relief of the captors of the Moorish armed ships Meshouda & Mirboha’ to the House of Representatives in which it originated. RC ( DNA : RG 233, PM , 8th Cong., 1st sess.); endorsed by a clerk. PoC ( DLC ). RC (...
I have yours of Jany. 8. by Mr. Baring who arrived lately in the packet. From the view I am able to take of the subject I am of opinion that my appointment to Louisiana will be incompatable with the duties I am to perform in this quarter. To conclude a treaty with this govt., or to make such an experiment as wod. authorise me to say that one cannot be had, to regulate on just principles the...
It is with great diffidence I ever undertake to recommend a person to you for an appointment to any office, but Mr. Thomas Claiborne Hoomes (a relation of Colo. Hoomes of Caroline) having requested me to solicit for him, some appointment in the western country, I take the liberty of introducing him as a candidate for the office of Secretary or Clerk to some officer, who may be appointed in any...
I have this morning met with Major Cutler , from the vicinity of Marietti, who says, Mr Whipple never was known to be intoxicated as he could learn, on his voyge from Ohio (via the West Indies) to Philadelphia, or at any time when employed. On his arrival at Port, he will some times take a little frolic but not to the neglect of business—He says Mr Whipple, has given perfect satisfaction to...
I had taken the liberty (at a former period) to mention Mr Frederick Bates to Mr Phelps of N York as a Candidate for the Office Secretary, Should a new territory be erected in this part of the Country.—Mr Phelps has requested me to furnish him with additional information on the subject, but will probably leave the seat of Government before it can arrive.— I therefore take the liberty of...
14 March 1804, Washington. “‘The ship Fortune belonging to the Bacries at Algiers, after having been put under the American flag to carry our captives from Algiers to Marseilles, was afterward kept or placed a new under that flag for the purposes of the Bacries alone; and when laden on their account, and captured and condemned by the British the Bacries demanded and compelled Mr. Barlow to...
14 March 1804, Providence. Encloses a copy of the act of the Rhode Island General Assembly ratifying the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution. FC ( R-Ar ). 1 p. A copy of the act is filed in the general records of the U.S. government at the National Archives ( DNA : RG 11, U.S. Documents Having Legal Effect, Ratified Amendments).
14 March 1804, Salem. “I have wrote to the Honble. Mr. Pickering, requesting him to call on you respecting Captn. Ingersoll Spanish award which belong to me, & which our Consul Mr Young recd the money for and apply’d it to the use of our Government as I informed you. As there seemed to be some difference in our opinion about Interest I shall take it exceeding kind if you would be so good as to...
When the Constitution of pennsylva. was revised it was believed that many persons held offices that were ill qualified for the trust, and that being appointed either by a single Branch Legislature as a popular Executive consisting of a Member from each County. The appointments were too often conferred in Consequence of Bargains among the Members to serve each others friends, and that the same...
The inclosed is a case of the first impression and therefore needs consideration. the Louisianians have been heretofore allowed an appeal from their Govr. to the Govr. Genl. at Cuba. this seems intended as such an appeal. but tho’ Congress have authorised me to give to any person all the powers of the officers of the then existing government, yet I do not know that this includes the Govr....
We beg leave to recommend to your notice, Mr. Andrew Epple , who solicits an appointment as Clerk to some one of the courts to be established in the Western country; Mr. Epple is a native of Philadelphia, a young Gentleman of unimpeachable charecter, and of respectable family, he has studied, and has for some time been engaged in the practice of the Law—We are Sir your mo: Obt. Servts. RC (...
13 March 1804, Department of State. Asks “whether the accompanying certificates will warrant a change of the name of the grantee of the within patent as required in the enclosed letter?” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
13 March 1804, Paris. “The port of Havre continuing in State of Blockade and for some months past Without a single American Vessell—or any Business What ever doing in the Port, I have taken advantage of the moment to come here to look after some private Business (of Claims) but return in a few Days. Hearing of a Vessell sailing from Dieppe for Balto. I cover to care of Colo. Smith the last 3...
13 March 1804, Glasgow. Avails himself of a direct opportunity from Greenock to Philadelphia to send a copy of his 15 Feb. 1804 dispatch, along with his 31 Jan. letter to Monroe and Monroe’s 9 Feb. reply. “A little before I wrote to our minister—Mr Campbell, one of the owners of the Mary Ann, called at my office & said that he had understood that some information had been lodged with the...
J. Breckinridge now incloses to the president, the within for his Inspection.—There are two Characters there, perhaps both well known to the president; who I believe have no expectation of the office , and against either of whom, there cannot be a good exception: George Gilpin a man of fair character, a revolutionary officer, & above 60 years of age: & Colo. F. Payton , of good Character, &...
Your favor of Jan. 28. has been duly recieved, and I have read with great satisfaction your ingenious paper on the subject of the Missisipi, which I shall immediately forward to the Philosophical society, where it will be duly prized. to prove the value I set on it, & my wish that it may go to the public without any imperfection about it, I will take the liberty of submitting to your...
Yours of 9th. Instant I received to day, and by the enclosed you will see that I have shiped two Polygraphs for you: No. 2 is Brunelle’s. The Brig is now in the stream, and will sail early tomorrow. The present appearance of the weather promises her a good wind, and I hope she will arrive before your departure for Monticello. The Captain promises me, that as soon as he reaches Alexandria, he...
A. Trigg presents his compliments to the president of the United States and requests the favour of him to accept a small bag of lick Salt, as a Sample of the Salt made by Mr. William King in the County of Washington and State of Virginia. At this establishment it takes something less than 3½ Bushels of Water to make a Bushel of Salt and the Works yields between two and three hundred Bushels of...
Your letter of the 31st. of January has come to hand. The information it conveyed respecting the importation of Negroes was communicated to Congress together with the letter it enclosed from Mr. Leonard. The doubts which have arisen respecting the Ship from St. Domingo have relation, as far as yet appears, to two points—1st. whether the passengers ought to be permitted to come up to New...
I received from Mr. Paterson your favor of 28th Octr yesterday. I had previously been honoured by one from the president on the same subject. On hearing of Jerome Bonapartes marriage I broke the business to some of the ministers & to Mr. Joseph Bonaparte. They all agreed in sentiment with each other, & believed that the first Consul would be very much irritated & extreamly hurt, tho they...
I have recd. yr. communications by Mr. Baring, & shall write you in reply by Mr. Smith who sails the day after tomorrow (son of Genl. Smith) to New York. I shall avail myself of the same opportunity to write the President an acknowledgment of his. The object of this is to make known to you the bearer, a Mr. Herries, who visits our country with a view to make an establishment in the western or...
Maria continues in the same situation as when I wrote last —If she mends at all it is so little that it cannot be discerned by me— On Thursday her month expires —I shall endeavour to prevail on her to leave her room immediately, to lay aside her phials, & depend on gentle exercise and fresh air for her recovery— The child continues well—It has been I am told uncommonly healthy from its...
I sincerely wish something might be done for Mr Hanson. But he is not himself aware of the nature of the duties of the proposed auditor. He is not merely to settle the accounts, but to superintend the collection of the revenue. This, which has heretofore engrossed more than one half of the Comptroller’s personal attention to the detriment of his other duties, requires daily decisions on the...
I was duly favor’d with yours of the 7th. inclosing 40$, and directing me to pay Colo. Harvie on account of John Rogers $41. 10 100 , which I have done. Very little alteration has taken place in our Tobacco market for some time past; the current price is now, & has been for several weeks, 37/6. for good crops which are seen when inspected, 40/. may generally be obtained—and some few of very...
The President, 1804 To John March Jany: 10 To Blank Book, 100 Leaves 8vo: red Leather $1.25 25 Domestic Encyclopædia, vol: 4th boards 2.50 " Binding Grose’s Glossary , 8vo: Calf, gilt 1.00 " Binding Politique Economie , 2 vols: 8vo: gilt
I have been tardy in remitting the hire of your slaves for the last year, and am not able to do it now fully. I have this day remitted to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond for yourself and mr Charles Smith, one half the sum due you both, to wit 433⅓ dollars for which I inclose you an order, & I will during the next month place the other half in their hands subject to your order. inability...
I live in that retired manner that affords much time for reflection, which must be my apology for addressing you at this time, as memory has been so kind as to present you very frequently of late as one that has ever taken an interesd in my welfare. And I can say that Friendship has indeed been the Wine of life to me. I feel that you are not indefferent to the happiness of me and my dear...
Since our last of the 27. ulto. a Duplicate of which goes under Cover, the Spaniards have sent off a small Part of their Troops; and we have received repeated verbal Assurances from several of their Officers that a final Evacuation by them is fixed for the 20 of the present Month; and appearances seem to indicate the Reality of their Intention. We have received two Letters from the...
As my mission abroad had no other connexion with the money department of our Govt. than wht. arose from the payment and receipt of my annual appointments, I made it a point carefully not to have the custody, or to become accountable for any money belonging to the public. Hence I have concluded that I have no accounts to settle with the treasury. But as however this department keeps the accts....
11 March 1804, Department of State. Asks that a warrant for $200 “be issued in favor of Peleg Wadsworth … to satisfy a Bill for that sum drawn by Mrs. Rebecca Arundel, mother of Richard OBrien…, to be paid out of the fund applicable to the salaries of the Consuls of the U. States with the Barbary Powers, and to be charged to Richard OBrien.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
11 March 1804. “By my information it is learned that a Treaty or Treatyies is to take place between the United States and sundry Nations of Indians on the Western waters. If the president of the United States through the medium of you my good Sir, would think proper to appoint me one of the Commissioners for that porpose, I flatter myself that it would not reflect the least discredit to the...
Letter not found. 11 March 1804. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Brenan, 16 Mar. 1804 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request for a passport.
I duly received your liberal donation of two Hundred dollars & have placed it in the hands of a Committee, appointed by our corporation for distribution to the sufferers, by the fire, they only shall know from me, that you was the good donor; with a request that no private donations should be published in the news papers. the Conflagration was tremenduous & awful, beyond description, the great...
You will not I hope think me chargeable with impertinence or presumption when I take the liberty to request your attention to a subject, which altho’ in a great measure of a personal nature, may not in its consequences be altogether unconnected with social happiness.—You have probably heard of an academical institution , which is about to be organised in S. Carolina.—I have announced myself to...
Albany, March 10, 1804. Convey to the heirs of Rutger Bleecker the land in Cosby Manor which Hamilton had purchased in trust for them in 1797. DS , Oneida County Clerk’s Office, Utica, New York. Bleecker had been an Albany merchant. See “Deed from Peter Goelet, Robert Morris, and William Popham,” April 4, 1797 . See also the introductory note to Philip Schuyler to H, August 31, 1795 , and...
In a paper which was received by the last mail from the Seat of Government, it was stated that a law had passed the Senate prohibiting the foreign importation of Slaves into this Province. This intelligence has occasioned great agitation in this city and in the adjacent Settlements. The African trade has hitherto been lucrative, and the farmers are desirous of increasing the number of their...
10 March 1804, New Orleans. Has been informed by Daniel Clark that he considers himself no longer authorized to expend the sums appropriated for the relief of seamen in New Orleans. Presumes Clark is correct and asks “that this humane duty be re-committed” to Clark or another person. “There cannot any where exist a greater necessity for a provision of the kind alluded to, than in this port....
10 March 1804, Falmouth. “I should have sent thee the list of American Shipping ere this, but my Consular Agent at Plymouth has not yet favored me with it, I therefore send thee the remainder [not found]. There were several other Vessels touched off the port & whose names I have not obtained.” “Two or three American Ships have lately been detained by the British Cruisers, an account of which I...
10 March 1804, Richmond. “When I had the Honor of a personal Interview with you at your Office … I did not take the Liberty of communicating such Sentiments as were personally interesting. I acknowledge with frankness even at this advanced tide of my life; My Ardour is roused, and burns with a desire not easily to be Expressed, to embark the Remnant of my future life in this vast & extensive...
I recieved last night your favor of the 3d. and am glad that a workman has been with you to enable himself to build a sawmill for me on the model of yours. he is employed by a person who is to rent the mill of me. I have no doubt of the excellence of the plan. I have not yet seen your paring machine but will call at the patent office for that purpose. should I like it, where nearest could I...
The appointment of Tucker Howland to be keeper of the Light house near Georgetown S.C. is approved RC ( DNA : RG 26, MLR ); addressed: “The Secretary of the Treasury”; with Gallatin’s note on address sheet to John Brown, a clerk: “Please to give immediate information both to him & to the Superintt. A.G.”; endorsed by a clerk. Not recorded in SJL . On 12 Mch., Gallatin signed letters to tucker...
Finding that there is a bill in the Senate which contemplates the creation of an additional Auditor , I beg leave, in case the bill pass into a law, respectfully to solicit the appointment. Of my competency to the discharge of it’s duties, it does not, perhaps, become myself to speak. Nor should I be induced to do it, but from the necessity of obviating an inference that may, to the prejudice...
The Original Manuscript, of which the following is a copy , was communicated to me by Mr. King, our late Minister Plenipotentiary at the court of London, in a letter of Dec. 20. 1803. the transaction which it records, altho’ of little extent or consequence, is yet marked in the history of Virginia as having been the only rebellion or insurrection which took place in the colony during the 168...
The unusual obstructions to travelling prevented my receiving your esteemed favor of the 24th. ult. till a day or two ago. I am sensible to that discernment which has discovered in the " con Amore " of the Italians, the real temper in which I wrote the Outline. I wish it had been more just to you, and that I could find encouragement, now that the Public attention is engaged in designating a...
I had the honor of receiving, yesterday, your Excellency’s letter of the 6th instant. It is agreeable to me to find in it a confirmation of the inference, that you had given no countenance to the supposition of my agency or cooperation in the project, to which the story of Judge Purdy relates; and it only remains for me to regret that it is not in your power to furnish the additional clue, of...
Le soussigné, a plusieurs fois eu l’honneur d’entretenir Mr. le Secrétaire d’Etat du Commerce illégitime qui depuis l’époque ou l’armée française est arrivée à St. Domingue en 1802, et où l’Etat de révolte de cette Colonie a été notifié au Gouvernement Américain, s’est fait publiquement des divers Ports des Etats Unis avec les points de l’isle que les révoltés ont successivement occupés, et...
9 March 1804, New Orleans. “The former Spanish Secretary for this Province, Don André [López Armesto] waited upon me this morning, and said that two vessels were now taking in the military Stores of his Catholic Majesty and that between the 15th. and 20th. instant the Troops, Arms &c of Spain will all be embarked for Pensacola.” Received a letter “this morning” from Laussat stating “that the...
9 March 1804, Richmond. “Confidence in your philanthropy, rather than any claim to your consideration founded on private intercourse or friendship, emboldens me to request, for a moment, your attention to a circumstance which altho’ of a personal nature, may not perhaps in your estimation, be altogether unimportant to society. You have probably read or heard some account of the University...
May it Please your honor I beg your honor will Excuse me in writing to the prsedint but am under A Disseagreeable situation I have been very unfortinate For this five or six years past by losses at Different times At sea I was taking by the french once and Carred into Godalupe and lost all I had and the winter before last I was Cast Away on mount Desert Iland and like to have perrished and...