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Results 49101-49130 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Since the Return of the German Troops to the Barracks a Great Proportion of the Regiment of...
Je suis encore inconsolable de la publication précipitée de la Résolution: car elle m’a fait...
I am still disconsolate about the precipitous publication of the resolution. Because of it, I...
[ New Windsor, New York ] February 10, 1781 . Reports that conference between French and American...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 10, 1781 . Asks Knox to supply Captain Lewis Garanger with...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 10, 1781 . Recapitulates verbal directions given Pickering...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai lhonneur de vous renvoyer sous ce pli une traite du Loan...
49108General Orders, 10 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolutions: Congress...
Your Excellencey will recive by this Oppertunity, an Address from a number of the Officers in...
I address Your Excellency in the behalf of Mr Lee, Mr Lord, Mr Avery & myself: Officers of the...
I have been honored with your’s of the 7th and have sent orders to Capt. Wellis to relieve the...
In the conference between the Count De Rochambeau and myself, it was agreed, that if by the aid...
Mr De Granger has represented to me that his delay in executing the experiments prescribed to him...
I have been duly favored with your Letters of the 7th 17th & 25th of Janry—The distractions in...
The inclosed instructions were begun though not completed at the time they are dated; but the...
Williamsburg, 10 Feb. 1781. “The City of Williamsburg having procured a Waggon, Team &c. as...
Before my arrival at this Post I met with Mr. Randolph from Pittsburg. Col. W. Harrison is...
I now do myself the pleasure of transmitting you information on the several heads of your...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 16h Ulto. is before me. The enemy are in the vicinity of Moravian...
I am sorry that the inattention of the Continental Officer Colo. Finnie and Major Forsythe to...
Philadelphia, 10 Feb. 1781. More information is now available on the movements of the “French...
[ Richmond, 10 Feb. 1781. War Office Journal (Vi) contains the following entry under this date:...
[ Richmond, 10 Feb. 1781. War Office Journal (Vi) contains the following entries under this date:...
Information having been given the Board that sundry Horses of British property, having been left...
Mr. Carter Just now delivered me your Excellency’s Letter with the other Papers for this County...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With this your Excellency will receive the Book which I...
I received a day or two agone the vocabulary which I desir’d you to send, for which I am much...
I have the Honour to inform You that Charles was matriculated the 29th. of last Month, by the...
I thank you for the Translation, which came to hand yesterday. I do myself the Honour to inclose...
My long silence has not been owing to any want of regard or attention to you, but has been solely...