Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from “Comte” Julius de Montfort de Prat, 19 October 1779

From “Comte” Julius de Montfort de Prat

ALS: American Philosophical Society

ruë montmartre vis avis celle du Croissant a Paris
Ce 19 8bre. 1779


As I am at present at Paris on some Besonies, I Shall be much obliged to you for Sending to me my Plan on the general Education of the distinguished american youth, your Exellency will be good Enough, I hope, for letting me Know What is wanted in the plan to obtain the approbation of the high rulers of the united states & to take the must proper means to perform well the wants(?) of a true citizen of america Such as I desire to be & such as I Should desire to render every individual Living in that happy independent country.

As soon as I shall receive The plan with your observations, I’ll correct it accordingly & Shall take a new copy of it.

I hopes, sir, that your Excellency constantly animated by the public good, will be kind enough to me to recommand an institution So much wanted in the united states & only capable, indeed, to create greatness in a republican citizen of our newly rised empire.

Be pleased, sir to take your proper time to examine my plan; such an important affair is to be looked on as very serious & too much precipitation must be feard.3

I am with the highest respect and esteem Sir, your Most obedient humble servant

Juls. Ct. Montfort.

Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Le Docteur franklin / ministre plénipotentiaire des Etats unis / de L’amérique a La Cour de france / A Passy

Notation: Count Montfort Oct 19. 79

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3The writer, to whom BF lent Priestley’s work on education (XXVIII, 178; XXIX, 453), sent a note to WTF on the same day, asking him to add his observations to BF’s on the Plan d’Education and to correct its English. He conveys the feelings of admiration that WTF evoked in a charming young woman with whom they both dined and predicts that, though a provincial at present, she will make her mark in Paris (APS). She may have been the “de Stenay” who inquired about WTF’s health on a “jeudi matin,” also mentioning Montfort and his ideas which would benefit America. APS.

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