James Madison Papers

James Madison to Robert M. Patterson, 18 October 1830

Montpellier Ocr. 18. 1830

Dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 15th. It would certainly be very agreeable for the reasons you suggest to grant the indulgences wished by Mr Garland. But if the objection as a precedent be got over, there is a more serious difficulty in the defect of a dispensing power. The Rector as such has no power whatever in the recess of the Board of Visitors. All the delegated Power, is in the Executive Committee, in which he is but one of 3 Members. Whatever the other 2 General Cocke & Mr. Randolph, may think justified by the peculiarity of the case, will be cheerfully acceded to by me. Perhaps Mr. Garland by taking lodgings out of the University, and availing [himself of the acco]modatin[g] dispositions of the Professors, may substantially attain his object

Draft (DLC).

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