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Results 49021-49050 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy and transcript: National Archives By a letter of July 16th. the Superscription of Letters to “Our great faithful beloved Friend & Ally” was submitted to yr. Judgement. You ought however to be told Mr. Gerard has one to deliver directed in the same manner, the double of which you herewith receive, to be kept for him, to serve in case he may have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society From the Sight of this hand writing, you will, I dare say, expect some dissertation on Military, Political, and in a word on Public Affairs— how far you are from guessing the object of My letter will clearly Appear in a little time. I am not a scavant , My Good friend, I am nothing But a Rough soldier, and would hardly do for a Committee-Man, tho you know...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you be so good as to get the inclosed letter convey’d to Mr A——r Lee, if he is near you and it can be done easily? If not, be so good as to burn it. Being obliged for particular reasons to avoid politics, it is a short acknowledgmt: of the favour he did me by a letter I received from him at the beginning of last Summer, and contains nothing of much...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me fait l’honneur de vous Ecrire cette lettre Pour vous prié davoir la bonte de me faire L’honneur de vouloir me rendre le Service de vous interesse Pour moy au Sujet de mon Echange. Jespere Monsieur cette grace de vous nayant personne qui puise mieu faire cela que vous: aupres de mon ministre. Jespere Monsieur que vous ne moublier Pas. Ayant deja Servit...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress;(II) copy: Library of Congress Mr. L’Amiral, Monsieur, m’a fait passer un memoire qui lui à êté adressé par le nommé françois Vermeille qui represente que s’etant embarqué sur le Corsaire Americain le Revanche en 1777. il fut mis avec sept autres Marins sur une prise qu’ils conduisoient à Bilbao lorsqu’ils ont êté repris par...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer mr. Jeremiah Allen a neighbour & a most worthy acquaintance of ours, comes to France Partley on Business & on pleasure, I take the Liberty to Recommend him warmly to your Civilities Which will ad to the many Obligations allready Confer’d on Your Dutyfull Nephew & Hble Servant Notation: Jona. Williams. Boston Oct 14. 1779 A merchant hoping to...
Copy: Library of Congress Inclosed I Send you the Commissions desired for the Black Prince and The Black Princess. You will be so good as to fill up the Blanks properly and take the Bonds from the Parties, of which I Send one only, not having time to copy it: but that may be done with you for the other Vessel. I have the honour to be Sir &c. Clark believes that BF sent new commissions rather...
Copy: Library of Congress I write this Line just to acknowledge the Recepit of your greable Favours of the 2d. 3d. & 6th. Instant. I hope you are now well with your family, and that I shall soon hear from you what Part your Governement takes with regard to our Little Squadron. I am ever Your’s affectionately
LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress (two), National Archives (two); extract: National Archives I received the Account of your Cruize & Engagement with the Serapis, which you did me the honour to send me from the Texel. I have since received your Favour of the 8th from Amsterdam. For some Days after the Arrival of your Express scarce any thing was talked of at Paris and...
Copies: Harvard University Library, Library of Congress I receivd the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. inst. with an Abstract of your Journal; I thank you for your care in sending it so early, & I congratulate you on the success of your cruize. But I am sorry to find, there are charges against you for disobedience of Orders, & also that the Ministry here think the great...
LS : National Archives; copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour to write to me the 7th. Instant, acquainting me with the Arrival of Commodore Jones at Amsterdam, for which I am obliged to you, as well as for the friendly Reception and Assistance you have afforded that brave Officer. I suppose M. de Chaumont who is your Correspondent, and had the Care of equipping...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed to you by Mons. Colomb, who came out to America with the Marquiss de la Fayette, & has served with Reputation in the Army of the United States, and now returns to Visit his Country, and Freinds, I take therefore the Liberty to introduce him to your Acquaintence and to refer you to him for Information of the State of Our Army, and its...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have the Honer of informing you that two Setts of Exchange four Bills to each Sett for 900 Livres Tournois each No 1 in Faver of Nicholas Fouquet and No 2 in Faver of Mark Fouquet payable at thirty Days Sight have been this Day drawn upon you pursuant to the enclosed Act of Congress of the 12th. Instant; and I am directed by the Board of Treasury to...
LS : Library of Congress; partial copy: National Archives Congress have appointed the honble. John Jay esq minister plenipotentiary for negotiating a treaty of amity and commerce and of alliance between his Catholic Majesty and the united states of America And the honble. John Adams esqr. minister plenipotentiary for negotiating a treaty of peace and a treaty of commerce with Great Britain....
Copy: Library of Congress I received Lately your Letter of the 13th. of may, with the Papers relative to the Loss of the Brigantine fairplay. I had on the first Intelligence of that accident from the west Indies, made application to the Minister of the marine in favour of the sufferers, and received from him the answer of which I formerly Sent you a Copy; but as that may have miscarried, I now...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letters you did me the honour of writing to me the 30th of July and 18th. of August last, by the Mercury Packet Boat and by a french Cutter, the other Dispatches Capt. Samson was entrusted with, came all Safe to hand; and I Should have dipatch’d him sooner, if I had not found it necessary to detain him in order to Send by him to Congress some Advices of...
LS : National Archives (two); AL (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives The foregoing is a Copy of my last. I have now before me your several Favours therein mentioned, viz of June 13. July 9 & 16. and Augt. 6. I received the Journals of Congress from Jany. 1st. to June 12. which you took care to send me: But the Vols 1. & 2d which you mention...
LS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I have lately received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 7th of May last, relating to the Loss of the Brigantine, Fair Play . I had before made the Application desired, and obtained an Order to the Governor of Guadaloupe for making the Compensation. I hope therefore that the Business is effected; but if any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Gerard having been detained thus long, affords me an opportunity of informing you that Sally has presented us with another fine Boy; she was safely Delivered on Thursday the 7th. Instant, and I have the pleasure to tell you, that she and the baby are as well as we could wish or expect— Miss Sally Duffield is now with us, she sends Compliments to you &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Recevez avec bonté mes remercimens et ceux de mon digne frere, pour l’interet que vous avez bien voulu prendre dans le tems à son affaire auprès de Mr. de Sartine. Ce ministre doit voir avec bien de l’etonnement, ainsi que tous les Courtisans qu’un officier aussi subalterne que mon frere vis a vis Mr. D’argout, soit sorti d’un conseil de guerre si...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Arrivé à vingt Lieues de Forbach, je me suis empressé de venir rendre mon hommage à La personne du monde qui a le plus de droits sur mon respect, mon dévouement et ma reconnoissance. Il y a huit jours, Monsieur, que j’ai Le bonheur de vivre près d’elle, de la voir, de l’entendre, de l’admirer. Combien de fois déja vous avés été le sujet de nos...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 28. du mois der [dernier]. Le Roi à qui j’ai rendu Compte de la demande que vous me faites de permettre au Batiment parlementaire destiné à l’Echange des Prisonniers Americains et Anglois, d’aborder dans le port de Morlaix, a bien voulu consentir à lui accorder cette permission; J’ai...
AL : American Philosophical Society Miss Joyce presents her best respects to Docter Franklin sends him a letter Inclosed to her from Lisbon— Mr. & Mrs. D’arcy desires their most affte Compliments to Docter Franklin Mr. D’arcy’s Ammendment still continues. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / a / Passy Possibly a niece who lived with the d’Arcys: Butterfield, Adams Correspondence , III ,...
Copy: Library of Congress I received but the other day your favour of feby. 4. It has been round by the West Indies. The Letter it inclos’d for Mr. Parker is forwarded. I forwarded to you lately a Letter from your friend Mr. Samuel Taber in Holland. Your mistaking his name and calling him Jonathan occasioned one of your Letters to wander and be opened before it got to his hands. I suppose you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Finding that Mr. Jay, who is appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Madrid, goes with Mr. Gerard by way of France, and probably will stop at Paris a short time, I commit this, with the inclosed, and a packet of Magazines to his care; He carries his Lady with him, the Daughter of Governor Livingston, she is a fine sensible Woman, and will do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honoured with your letter of the 30th. Ulto.— It gives me particular pleasure to hear you have receiv’d several packets—making no doubt but those to my care were among them.— Permit me to return you thanks for your desire of accomodating me.— Sir John Lambert at Paris advises me that all the Bills I sent him on the Hble. the Commissrs: are accepted...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici, dans la Gazette de Leide, le Mémoire de Sir Joseph. L’Avis de l’Amirauté là-dessus, dont nous sommes fort contents notre Ami & moi, est que l’on observera à l’égard de cette Escadre, le Reglement fait par cette Rep. en 1756 à l’égard des vaisseaux de guerre & armateurs de toutes les Puissances étrangeres. Cet avis a été fait commissorial, pour servir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We received a letter from our friend Cap. Jones dated on board the ship of war Seraphis 3d. Inst. at Anchor off the Texel, giving us the very pleasing acct. of his victory of the 23d. Sepr. last and desiring us to forwd. through your hands, any letters we might have received for him: in complyance therwith, we inclose you a packet for him wch. we pray you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to be troublesome in laying my case before & hope you will See me redressed. I am a native of Philladelphia & was taken prisoner by the English & was in prison there for two years & at the end of which I Contrived to Escape out of prison, & then entered in the french service on Board a privateer. I took the liberty of getting into a Boat at St....
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 11th: Inst: and the Bark you have been so good as to procure for me is also come safe to hand. You have obliged me exceedingly by this friendly attention. If it helps, as you wish to prolong my life, it will at the same time prolong my Remembrance of your kindness.— I am glad to understand that you have Thought of a Visit to Paris. It...