James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Page, 23 March 1804 (Abstract)

§ From John Page

23 March 1804, Richmond. “You will oblige me by taking the trouble to comply with my request written on the inclosed Letter.

“And I will thank you for informing me whether the Speaker of the House of Delegates transmitted to the President of the United States the Resolution of which the inclosed is a Copy;1 as I have but lately been able to procure it, & can receive no information here respecting its transmission. I suppose, as the Executive had no notification on this Subject from the Assembly, the Clerks, or any Member, that it has been sent to the President: if not, I will, with great pleasure, inclose him another Copy, as I heartily concur with the assembly in the sentiments expressed in their Resolution; and do congratulate you Sir on the glorious event to which it alludes.

“Mrs. Page unites with me in presenting our Compliments & best Wishes to yourself & Mrs. Madison.”

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