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Results 49011-49060 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
49011 Hamilton, Alexander Barbé-Marbois, Marquis de From Alexander Hamilton to Marquis de Barbé-Marbois, [7 … 1781-02-07 The first step to reformation as well in an administration as in an individual is to be sensible...
49012 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 7 February … 1781-02-07 New Windsor [ New York ] February 7, 1781 . Hopes that the French have been able to take...
49013 Ingenhousz, Jan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jan Ingenhousz, 7 February … 1781-02-07 ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a lettre some weaks ago containing an account of...
49014 Franklin, Benjamin All Captains and Commanders of American Armed … From Benjamin Franklin to All Captains and Commanders … 1781-02-07 Copy: Public Record Office, London It being authentically represented to me, that the worthy...
49015 Washington, George General Orders, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
49016 Destouches, Charles-René-Dominique Sochet Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Destouches, 7 … 1781-02-07 jay l’honneur d’informer votre Éxellence, que Mr Le Ch[evali]er de La Luzerne, m’ayant apris Le...
49017 Gerry, Elbridge Washington, George To George Washington from Elbridge Gerry, 7 February … 1781-02-07 Having lately seen an intercepted Letter of the 20th of November last, written by Mr Lovell, &...
49018 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1781-02-07 The enclosed was handed me by Lt Col. Com’dt Sprout. From what I can learn the case is briefly...
49019 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1781-02-07 In pursuance of Your Excellency’s instructions to me, dated the 7th ulto, I proceeded to the...
49020 Washington, George Officer Commanding the New Jersey Brigade From George Washington to the Officer Commanding the … 1781-02-07 After posting a Captains Command at the entrance of Smiths Clove—and another at Pompton or...
49021 Washington, George Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … From George Washington to Lieutenant General … 1781-02-07 I am much obliged to you for the agreeable intelligence contained in your letter of the 29th of...
49022 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates in Congress Thomas Jefferson to Virginia Delegates in Congress, 7 … 1781-02-07 FC (Virginia State Library). The Courier d’Europe a vessel from Penet & Coy. having on board...
49023 American Philosophical Society Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the American Philosophical … 1781-02-07 The American Philosophic society on the 5th of January last held their first annual election...
49024 Campbell, Arthur Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur Campbell, 7 February … 1781-02-07 It now appears that the Indians that attacked Blackmores Fort, as mentioned in my last , were a...
49025 Claiborne, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Claiborne, 7 February … 1781-02-07 I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency, a copy of the estimate of supplies to be...
49026 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Claiborne, 7 February … 1781-02-07 We were not able to proceed to the consideration of the prices proposed to be given in your...
49027 Jefferson, Thomas Clarke, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Clarke, 7 February … 1781-02-07 By a letter from Mr. Hawkins Commissary at the Barracks I find that the deficiences in the issues...
49028 Jefferson, Thomas Davies, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Davies, 7 February … 1781-02-07 It was our intention that the tools should go with the workmen and hope they have accordingly...
49029 Jefferson, Thomas Dick, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Dick, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 I was willing to hope from your letter to me that you would still consent to conduct the gun...
49030 Jefferson, Thomas Harrison, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Harrison, 7 February … 1781-02-07 The inclosed papers will sufficiently explain themselves to you. They were put into my hands by...
49031 Jefferson, Thomas Hawkins, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Hawkins, 7 February … 1781-02-07 Finding by your letter of the 30th. of December that the justice of Commissary Clarke’s account...
49032 Jefferson, Thomas Hunter, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Hunter, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 By the Loss of many of our papers we find ourselves unable to say how stand our orders with you...
49033 Martin, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Martin, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 I hope you will Excuse the shortness of this as I accedenttally met the Barer on the Road having...
49034 Jefferson, Thomas Morris, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Morris, 7 February … 1781-02-07 Tho’ I consider our last appointment of you as having put the business prescribed by the inclosed...
49035 Jefferson, Thomas Muter, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 Specie Artificers of the best kind 5/.  or 25℔. tobacco Common Do. 3/9 18¾ Boat wrights of the...
49036 Muter, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Muter, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 I have a letter from the quarter master , in which he informs me “That the cartridge blocks at...
49037 Nelson, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Nelson, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 In consequence of your Letter to me to assist Captain Joel with a Vessel for an enterprize...
49038 Ross, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Ross, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 By Borrowing and purchasing I have procured a sufficient quantity of Canvass for the 100 tents...
49039 Jefferson, Thomas Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … From Thomas Jefferson to Steuben, 7 February 178[1] 1781-02-07 The bearer hereof Colo. Gaines a militia Officer in the County of Amherst being desirous to...
49040 Jefferson, Thomas Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … From Thomas Jefferson to Steuben, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 The inclosed Letter contains the first notification the Executive have received of the existence...
49041 Subaltern Officers Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Subaltern Officers of the … 1781-02-07 Albemarle Barracks, 7 Feb. 1781 . “We the Subalterns of the Regiment of Guards beg leave to lay...
49042 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates From Thomas Jefferson to the Virginia Delegates in … 1781-02-07 The Courier d’Europe a vessel from Penet & Coy. [Company] having on board military stores for...
49043 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams and Charles Adams, 8 … 1781-02-08 I fear you will think Mamma is unmindfull of you if she does not write you a few lines by so good...
49044 Adams, John Dana, Francis From John Adams to Francis Dana, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 I had yesterday the Pleasure of receiving two Letters from you, one dated Feb. 1. and one without...
49045 Adams, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 Thus you See that I began the Mischief, and I assure you I am ready to finish it, if properly...
49046 Adams, John Searle, James From John Adams to James Searle, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 Yesterday I was honoured with yours of the 1. Feb. I agree with you, that affairs look very well...
49047 Neufville, Jean de, & Fils (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Jean de Neufville & Fils, 8 February … 1781-02-08 After the late conference yoúr Excellency honourd me with, we should have had the honoúr to...
49048 Lee, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Lee, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 The Bearer of this, Mr. Brailsford a native of South Carolina, is now on his way to America with...
49049 Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise Boivin d’Hardancourt Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon: Letter and … 1781-02-08 AL : American Philosophical Society Voici mon bon papa, une folie de votre fille faitte pour...
49050 Neufville, Leendert de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Leendert de Neufville, 8 … 1781-02-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society I am much oblidged by the honour Your Excellency did me of...
49051 Washington, George General Orders, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 Varick transcript , DLC:GW . On this date, Lt. William Colfax, commandant of GW’s guard, wrote...
49052 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 8 February … 1781-02-08 I have been duly ⟨honored⟩ with Your Excellency’s favor of the ⟨31st of⟩ January. I have also...
49053 Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Duportail … 1781-02-08 I arrived yesterday here and I am informed that an express is setting off immediately for head...
49054 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1781-02-08 I have been honored with your’s of the 6th —have ordered Major Throop with his Detachment to join...
49055 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 8 February … 1781-02-08 I have just received intelligence, which though from a private hand, I believe is to be relied...
49056 Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant General … 1781-02-08 I am exceeding glad of the good news which your Excellency gives me about the entire reduction of...
49057 Davies, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Davies, 8 February … 1781-02-08 Your several favors came to hand yesterday, but neither the tools nor the taylors are yet...
49058 Gates, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 8 February 1781 1781-02-08 Berkeley County, 8 Feb. 1781. Letter introducing James McAlister, county commissioner and issuing...
49059 Jefferson, Thomas Huntington, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Huntington, 8 February … 1781-02-08 I have just received intelligence which though from a private hand , I beleive is to be relied...
49060 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 8 February … 1781-02-08 Your Excellency will receive enclosed, two important Acts of Congress of the 3d and 7th Instant,...