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Results 4901-4930 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am happy to hear of your safe arrival tho not at the port, I wished to hear you were. You will...
Last Evening we had an Account from Newbury that a Vessell was Arrived there from Bilbao, but...
The House of Joseph Guardoqui and Sons of Bilbao, have sent you some necessaries to the Amount of...
How does my Dear Mrs. Warren through a long and tedious Winter? in which I have never been...
I have sent you, one yard of fine Cambrick, at 14 Livres an Ell, two of a coarser sort at 6...
I have already sent to the Marquis de la Fayette, a Number of Letters for you, and the Children,...
I had scarcly closed my packet to you when I received your Letters dated Ferrol and Corunna. I am...
I cannot close the packet, without acknowledging the recept of your Letter, and thanking you for...
I must attempt a few lines to you (tho very much troubled with whitlows upon my fingers) in reply...
The Post but now arrived will be again on his Way in an Hour; I retire therefore from a Circle of...
I have to thank my Friend Mrs. Adams for a very agreable Letter Received a few days since. I...
Altho this is the first time I ever took up my pen to address you, I do it in perfect confidence...
I have sent you Things from Bilbao, by Captain Babson, and a small present by the M. de la...
Mr. Brown, whom I left at Passy, when I returned to you, and whom I found here, upon my return to...
On Monday Morning I had the Honor to go with his Excellency and Mr. D ana to breakfast with the...
I have never answered your Letter of the 8th. of June, that I remember, and there is nothing in...
I have not particularly answered your amiable Letter of 10 Decr. Your tender Anxiety distresses...
I duly received your Favour of December the 12, and thank you for your Attention to the Widows,...
Make Latin, Explain Cicero Erasmus Appendix Peirce Phaedrus. Learn greek Racines greek Grammar...
I have received your Letter, giving an Account of your Studies for a day. You should have dated...
As there is a very good opportunity of writing to you by a Gentleman from South carolina who is...
Your Letter last evening received from Bilboa relieved me from much anxiety, for having a day or...
I yesterday asked Mr. Pechigny if he thought it would do brother Charles any good to begin upon...
I most sincerely rejoice with you on the safe Arrival of Mr. Adams in Spain after so short a...
I have just now received your Letter, of Yesterday, and am very well pleased with it, because it...
This goes by Colonel Fleury, whom you know, who desires to carry a Letter to you. My three Boys...
Mr. Izard goes off, the day after tomorrow, and will carry this, and all the News there is. We...
It is so long since the enclosed was written that I am almost ashamed to send it. However I wish...
There is a great deal of hatred against the Govt. in England as you will see by the song...
By Mr. Guile who is bound to Amsterdam and from thence to France, I embrace this opportunity of...