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Results 4901-4910 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Draft: Lyme Historical Society-Florence Griswold Association, Inc., Old Lyme, Conn. You Will Pardon this Trouble and My Freedom In using your Name When I inform you that Mr. Webster for Whom is the Enclosed Desired me thus to Make use of your Name to Carry a Letter to him with the Assurance that he had your Favorable permission for it. Since I have this Occasion to Speak to you Allow me sir in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have wrote to you by every Packet that has sailed and one that has not, I mean that of the present Month, which not being in England at the time, has been detained for the next, in the mean time, I write a line or two, by a Merchant Vessel that sails tomorrow or next day. I got pretty early intelligence of Major Barker’s arrival in England, but at the...
Letterbook copy: General Post Office, London This document is preceded in the letterbook by a letter of the same date from Anthony Todd, secretary of the British Post Office, to Charles Jenkinson, secretary to the Treasury, indicating that the paper would be given to George Grenville “the beginning of next Week” and that Jenkinson might “depend on a Copy of it.” Todd probably prepared at least...
A Narrative of the Late Massacres, in Lancaster County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, By Persons Unknown. With some Observations on the same . Printed in the Year M , DCC , LXIV . (Yale University Library) News of the massacre of six Indians at Conestoga Manor by men from Paxton and Donegal, two communities on the Susquehanna, on December 14, 1763, reached Governor Penn on...
Your favour of the 22d of August last I have had the pleasure to receive, as also the Wine accompanying of it which lyes yet untasted, but from your recommendation of it I shall suppose it good and therefore desire you will send me such another Pipe and draw as before upon Robert Cary Esqr. & Co. who are advised thereof and will pay accordingly. If no oppertunity shoud offer soon to Potomack...
4906Cash Accounts, February 1764 (Washington Papers)
Contra Feby 2— By Servants Mr Wormleys £0.10. 6 By Ferriage at Urbanna 0. 3. 0 By Ditto at Piscataway 0. 1. 3 3— By Expences at Hobbs hole 9/4. Do at Evans’s 7/6 0.16.10 By Do at Bowlers 4/9—little Ferry 1/3 0. 6. 0 4— By Servants 7½ 0. 0. 7 1/2 By Ferriage & Exps. at Boyds hole 0.12. 0 By other Expences there
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1763–1764 (Philadelphia, 1764), p. 43. The plan of early January to send the Indians lodged on Province Island to Sir William Johnson for safety had failed because the New York authorities had refused to cooperate. Governor Penn received a letter on Saturday, January 21, from Capt. J. Schlosser of the Royal American Regiment...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just received your Favour by the extra Packet of Nov. 26. and am pleas’d to find a just Resentment so general in your House against Mr. W.’s seditious Conduct, and to hear that the present Administration is like to continue. If Money must be raised from us to support 14 Batallions, as you mention, I think your Plan the most advantageous to both the...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours of Jan 27. and have received one from my Son dated New York Feb 2 informing that being apprehensive of the badness of the Roads on the change of Weather, He had returned your Horse and intended to take his passage in the Newport packet boat with some other Gentlemen who were waiting for it. However He is not yet arrived. I am...
The Inclosed is a Copy of my last of the 22d Ulto—We have been curiously entertained of late with the description of an Engine lately constructed (I beleive in Switzerland, and undergone some Improvements since in England) for taking up Trees by the Roots—among other things it is related that Trees of considerable Diameter are forced up by this Engine—that Six hands in working one of them will...