Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Sir Charles William Blunt, 11 October 1779

From Sir Charles William Blunt

ALS: American Philosophical Society

11 Octr. 1779—

Dear Sir

A very particular & worthy friend of mine Mr Luard having large concerns in the Island of Grenada, his private affairs & those of His family are deeply involved in the late capture of that Island. And its being judged advisable that he should visit Paris I thought it possible I might render my friend an essential service by a letter of recommendation to you. Trusting I shall not be thought to presume too much on old acquaintance & that degree of estimation you were always pleased to flatter me with, I beg leave in the warmest manner to bespeak in his favour your advice and such services as may be consistently in your power to afford him. If it shall please the Almighty that we live to see a cessation of the present calamities it will be no small happiness to me personally to thank you for your attention to this request. It will give you pleasure to be informed if you do not already know it, That we have at last brought the poor little Widows affairs to a happy conclusion. The balance of Interest is paid her & Bonds given for the principal at installments.3

I am Dear Sir Yr. most obedient humble Servt.

Chas: Wm: Blunt

Notation: Chas. Blunt Oct 11. 79

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3Mary Hewson’s inheritance from her aunt, Mrs. Tickell, had been in the process of settlement since 1775; see in particular XXII, 301n, XXVI, 360n.

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