Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 24 March 1804

To the Senate

To the Senate of the United States of America.

I nominate James Bruff, now a Captain, to be Major in the corps of Artillerists, vice Richard S. Blackburn decd.

Richard Whiley, now a 1st. Lieutt. to be a Captain vice James Bruff promotd.

Simon Owens, a 2d Lieutt. to be 1st. Lieutenant vice 1st. Lieutt. G. W. Stall resignd

James Porter, an ensign, to be 2d. Lieutt. vice 2d. Lieutt. Owens promoted

Peter P. Schuyler, a 1st Lieutt. to be Captain vice George Salmon deceased.

Richard Buck, a 2d Lieutt. to be 1st. Lieutenant vice 1st. Lieutt. B. Wilkinson resignd.1

Henry R. Graham, a 2d. Lieutt. to be 1st. Lieutent. vice 1st. Lieutt. P. P. Schuyler promotd

William P. Clyma, an ensign, to be 2d. Lieutent. vice 2d. Lieutt. Richd. Buck promoted.

Reuben Chamberlin, an ensign, to be 2d. Lieutt. vice 2d. Lieutt. H. R. Graham promotd.

Samuel Gates of Massachusets to be a 2d. Lieutt. in the corps of Artillerists.

William Clark of Kentucky to be a 2d. Lieutt. in the corps of Artillerists.

John Roney of Pensylvania to be an Ensign in the 1st. regimt. of infantry.

Hezekiah Johnson junr of Maryland to be an Ensign in the 1st. regimt of infantry.

Robert Peyton of Virginia } to be ensigns in the 2d. regimt of infantry
John R. N. Luckett of Maryland
Benjamin S. Smoot of Maryland
James Bloodworth of N. Carolina
Anthony Forster of N. Carolina
Alfred Sebastian of Kentucky
George W. Sevier of Tennissee

Francis de Masson to be teacher of the French language in the corps of engineers.

Richard Davidson of Kentucky } to be Surgeon’s mates in the army of the US.
Hanson Catlett of Kentucky
George Hall of S. Carolina

Th: Jefferson

[Mar. 24. 04.]

RC (DNA: RG 46, EPEN, 8th Cong., 1st sess.); undated, supplied from PoC; endorsed by a Senate clerk. PoC (DLC); date and brackets added by TJ. Notation in SJL: “Military nomns.”

Lewis Harvie delivered TJ’s list of military nominations to the Senate on 24 Mch. The Senate read this message the same day and ordered it to lie for consideration. The chamber considered TJ’s nominations on the 26th and confirmed all of the promotions and appointments (JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States … to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828, 3 vols. description ends , 1:467-8).

1MS: “reignd.”

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