Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Stephen Sayre, 10 October 1779

From Stephen Sayre1

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Valenciens 10th octor. 17792


From what I heard in Paris the day I came away, there seem’d a probability that the Captain who commands the Alliance Frigate would be dismiss’d. If that Event should take place, I should think myself happy to succeed him in the command of her.

I hope your Excellency can have no sort of apprehensions that I should in any shape, or under any circumstances, disgrace the American Flagg.

I am with great respect, your Excelcys. most obedt. & respectful Servt.

Stephen Sayre

Notation: Sayre Mr. Stephen 10 Oct. 1779.—

1Sayre had last written BF from Amsterdam in June: XXIX, 653–5. He had since visited Passy where he had requested a letter of marque from BF for a warship he had proposed building (XXIX, 181–3, 639–40): BF to Dumas, Nov. 8, 1779 (Library of Congress).

2Valenciennes is en route to Amsterdam; Sayre next wrote BF on Nov. 21 from there (APS).

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