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Results 49001-49030 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
LS : American Philosophical Society L’accueil gracieux que vous me fites, quand J’eus l’honneur de vous être presenté par Monsieur Le Professeur de Báer, les offres généreuses que vous ÿ ajoutates de vôtre Crédit et de vôtre pouvoir dans les occasions où je pourrois en avoir besoin, m’enhardissent aujourd’hui d’avoir recours à vous, Monsieur, afin qu’il vous plaise en faire usage à mon egard...
Copy: Library of Congress I have no objection to the taking the Parole of the Captains or Officers on Condition of the Security you mention. But as the Prisoners taken by arm’d Vessels under our Colours are by giving me a means of exchanging so many of our Country men some satisfaction to me for the Trouble these Vessels occasion me in examining all the Proces Verbaux , making out the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 2. Instant, relating to the Capture of your Vessel by the General Mifflin, Capt. Babcock. I shall transmit by the first good Opportunity your Letter with the Papers it enclosed to the Government of the Massachusetts Bay, which is the State where the Owners of that Privateer reside, and where they have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society From what I heard in Paris the day I came away, there seem’d a probability that the Captain who commands the Alliance Frigate would be dismiss’d. If that Event should take place, I should think myself happy to succeed him in the command of her. I hope your Excellency can have no sort of apprehensions that I should in any shape, or under any circumstances,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Thos. Oliver of Lowlayton, Mr Richd. Oliver’s Cousin & the partner of Mr Lovel, thinks it adviseable to send the inclosed; & as he seemed anxious about it, I did not prevent his satisfying his own mind & being also satisfied about my good wishes to the Alderman. Being told that the Grenada people who went on Sunday, would take no letters I deferred...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours dated april 15. directed to the Commissioners and enclosing two Bils of Exchange N. 161 for 60. and N. 494 for 36 Dollars, being both Third Bills. The last viz, that for 36. Dollars will be paid but it ought to be endors’d Elisabeth Brown. The other for 60. Dollars has been paid; those mentioned in your Postcript as Sent by Messrs. Sterry and Murry I...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. Instant, together with the Procedure d’Instruction of the Ransom of the Sloop Limont, made by the American Privater the Black Prince, Capt. Stephen Merchant, and am oblig’d to you for the care you took in sending the Same. With much Regard. I have the honour to be. Sir &c. Or Destouches, as...
AL (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library Your kind Letter, my dear Friend, was long in coming; but it gave me the Pleasure of knowing that you had been well in October & January last. The Difficulty, Delay & Interruption of Correspondence with those I love, is one of the great Inconveniencies I find in living so far from home: but we must bear these & more, with Patience, if we can; if...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A very particular & worthy friend of mine Mr Luard having large concerns in the Island of Grenada, his private affairs & those of His family are deeply involved in the late capture of that Island. And its being judged advisable that he should visit Paris I thought it possible I might render my friend an essential service by a letter of recommendation to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Although triplicates of the enclosed have been forwarded to France, yet, dubious if either Set have reached your Hands, I beg Leave, by so good an Opportunity as the French Frigate, to trouble you with opening these—and, if nothing respecting the withinmentioned Loss is already done, to renew my Request in Behalf of the Owners—again asking your Excuse for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay l’honneur de vous Remetre cy Joint une Lettre qui m’a eté fort Recommandée pour Vous, quoiqu’a l’adresse de mon frere; elle m’a eté Remise ce matin; J’y en ajoute une autre que Jay Receu d’un Américain avec deux Paquets qui ne sont pas prêssés & qu’il ma dit de Vous envoyer par occasion; J’espêre d’en etre le Porteur. Je Vous ai envoyé par Rouën, une...
(I) ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I have not yet got an answer from government relative to the proposition of Exchanging upon contract agrements in writing. I have renewed my application for an answer, & therefore hope to have it soon. In the mean, I wish to forward the Continuation of the Cartel by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I had the honor to write your Excellency a line from the Hague on the 8th.— His Excellency the French Ambassador and the Agent have no doubt marked the situation of Affairs with respect to the Squadron, as concerned with this Government and with the Enemy.— I am doing every thing in my Power towards fulfiling the Advice which I...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Matter I am going to write upon is of A delicate Nature, and Nothing But My Love for America, the sense I have of theyr interests, and the entire, unbounded Confidence, I trust on your friendship and secrecy could engage me to use with you on this subject all possible freedom. From private intelligences, I am to suppose that a Negotiation has been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As it hath been the favoúr of yoúr Excellency that we have found our Selfs honourd with the providing of the Squadron of Comandore J P. Jones Esqr. we thought it oúr duty again to assure yoúr Excellency that we will pay the utmost attention to this expedition; and obey his orders in every respect. We were informed that Sr. Joseph York made private...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This goes per favr. of Monssr. De Changne Captn. of the Sensible (French fregate) with a Small Casse Containing 24 Cake of Crown Soap that your worthy Sister made at Governor Green about Six weeks ago when I was present with Mrs. Collas. Mrs. Mecom Desired me to Acquint you the Soap was not as white as she could wish, but as she has wrote you Since...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote you by the same conveyance with this on the 8th. Int., and the detention the bearer has met with gives me an opportunity to forward a few more news papers; as well as to inform you that I have got things in such a way with Capn. C——m as to render his situation much more comfortable and easy to himself. I wish I had it in my power to say as much...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief The included paper will show your Excy. & Mr. De Cht. how affairs stand here concerning the Squadron. They will go out again, as soon as they shall be refitted, with which they go on at a great rate. It would not be prudent to write down here the place where they will be bound to. You will hear of it in time. The Captain...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives Mr. Gerard having been particularly applied to relative to the Affairs of M. Du Coudray by the Heirs has the original Certificate of which this is the Triple; but Doctr. Franklin will mark out for himself a Line of Conduct referring properly to the Civility due to Mr. Gerard and the Interest of Mr. Du Coudray’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am sensible the favor I am about to ask of you require many apoligizes, & yet when I consider that you are never so happy as when you have an opportunity of shewing your humanity, & of communicating happiness to others: I flatter myself you will pardon the liberty I take; As I was the other day expressing the sense I had of the politeness, & civility I...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy and transcript: National Archives By a letter of July 16th. the Superscription of Letters to “Our great faithful beloved Friend & Ally” was submitted to yr. Judgement. You ought however to be told Mr. Gerard has one to deliver directed in the same manner, the double of which you herewith receive, to be kept for him, to serve in case he may have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society From the Sight of this hand writing, you will, I dare say, expect some dissertation on Military, Political, and in a word on Public Affairs— how far you are from guessing the object of My letter will clearly Appear in a little time. I am not a scavant , My Good friend, I am nothing But a Rough soldier, and would hardly do for a Committee-Man, tho you know...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you be so good as to get the inclosed letter convey’d to Mr A——r Lee, if he is near you and it can be done easily? If not, be so good as to burn it. Being obliged for particular reasons to avoid politics, it is a short acknowledgmt: of the favour he did me by a letter I received from him at the beginning of last Summer, and contains nothing of much...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me fait l’honneur de vous Ecrire cette lettre Pour vous prié davoir la bonte de me faire L’honneur de vouloir me rendre le Service de vous interesse Pour moy au Sujet de mon Echange. Jespere Monsieur cette grace de vous nayant personne qui puise mieu faire cela que vous: aupres de mon ministre. Jespere Monsieur que vous ne moublier Pas. Ayant deja Servit...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress;(II) copy: Library of Congress Mr. L’Amiral, Monsieur, m’a fait passer un memoire qui lui à êté adressé par le nommé françois Vermeille qui represente que s’etant embarqué sur le Corsaire Americain le Revanche en 1777. il fut mis avec sept autres Marins sur une prise qu’ils conduisoient à Bilbao lorsqu’ils ont êté repris par...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer mr. Jeremiah Allen a neighbour & a most worthy acquaintance of ours, comes to France Partley on Business & on pleasure, I take the Liberty to Recommend him warmly to your Civilities Which will ad to the many Obligations allready Confer’d on Your Dutyfull Nephew & Hble Servant Notation: Jona. Williams. Boston Oct 14. 1779 A merchant hoping to...
Copy: Library of Congress Inclosed I Send you the Commissions desired for the Black Prince and The Black Princess. You will be so good as to fill up the Blanks properly and take the Bonds from the Parties, of which I Send one only, not having time to copy it: but that may be done with you for the other Vessel. I have the honour to be Sir &c. Clark believes that BF sent new commissions rather...
Copy: Library of Congress I write this Line just to acknowledge the Recepit of your greable Favours of the 2d. 3d. & 6th. Instant. I hope you are now well with your family, and that I shall soon hear from you what Part your Governement takes with regard to our Little Squadron. I am ever Your’s affectionately
LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress (two), National Archives (two); extract: National Archives I received the Account of your Cruize & Engagement with the Serapis, which you did me the honour to send me from the Texel. I have since received your Favour of the 8th from Amsterdam. For some Days after the Arrival of your Express scarce any thing was talked of at Paris and...
Copies: Harvard University Library, Library of Congress I receivd the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. inst. with an Abstract of your Journal; I thank you for your care in sending it so early, & I congratulate you on the success of your cruize. But I am sorry to find, there are charges against you for disobedience of Orders, & also that the Ministry here think the great...