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Results 49001-49010 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
LS : American Philosophical Society L’accueil gracieux que vous me fites, quand J’eus l’honneur de vous être presenté par Monsieur Le Professeur de Báer, les offres généreuses que vous ÿ ajoutates de vôtre Crédit et de vôtre pouvoir dans les occasions où je pourrois en avoir besoin, m’enhardissent aujourd’hui d’avoir recours à vous, Monsieur, afin qu’il vous plaise en faire usage à mon egard...
Copy: Library of Congress I have no objection to the taking the Parole of the Captains or Officers on Condition of the Security you mention. But as the Prisoners taken by arm’d Vessels under our Colours are by giving me a means of exchanging so many of our Country men some satisfaction to me for the Trouble these Vessels occasion me in examining all the Proces Verbaux , making out the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 2. Instant, relating to the Capture of your Vessel by the General Mifflin, Capt. Babcock. I shall transmit by the first good Opportunity your Letter with the Papers it enclosed to the Government of the Massachusetts Bay, which is the State where the Owners of that Privateer reside, and where they have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society From what I heard in Paris the day I came away, there seem’d a probability that the Captain who commands the Alliance Frigate would be dismiss’d. If that Event should take place, I should think myself happy to succeed him in the command of her. I hope your Excellency can have no sort of apprehensions that I should in any shape, or under any circumstances,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Thos. Oliver of Lowlayton, Mr Richd. Oliver’s Cousin & the partner of Mr Lovel, thinks it adviseable to send the inclosed; & as he seemed anxious about it, I did not prevent his satisfying his own mind & being also satisfied about my good wishes to the Alderman. Being told that the Grenada people who went on Sunday, would take no letters I deferred...
Copy: Library of Congress I received yours dated april 15. directed to the Commissioners and enclosing two Bils of Exchange N. 161 for 60. and N. 494 for 36 Dollars, being both Third Bills. The last viz, that for 36. Dollars will be paid but it ought to be endors’d Elisabeth Brown. The other for 60. Dollars has been paid; those mentioned in your Postcript as Sent by Messrs. Sterry and Murry I...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. Instant, together with the Procedure d’Instruction of the Ransom of the Sloop Limont, made by the American Privater the Black Prince, Capt. Stephen Merchant, and am oblig’d to you for the care you took in sending the Same. With much Regard. I have the honour to be. Sir &c. Or Destouches, as...
AL (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library Your kind Letter, my dear Friend, was long in coming; but it gave me the Pleasure of knowing that you had been well in October & January last. The Difficulty, Delay & Interruption of Correspondence with those I love, is one of the great Inconveniencies I find in living so far from home: but we must bear these & more, with Patience, if we can; if...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A very particular & worthy friend of mine Mr Luard having large concerns in the Island of Grenada, his private affairs & those of His family are deeply involved in the late capture of that Island. And its being judged advisable that he should visit Paris I thought it possible I might render my friend an essential service by a letter of recommendation to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Although triplicates of the enclosed have been forwarded to France, yet, dubious if either Set have reached your Hands, I beg Leave, by so good an Opportunity as the French Frigate, to trouble you with opening these—and, if nothing respecting the withinmentioned Loss is already done, to renew my Request in Behalf of the Owners—again asking your Excuse for...