Results 48971-49000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
48971 Jones, Walter Madison, James To James Madison from Walter Jones and Others, 7 … 1799-02-07 While the Sentiments we entertain of your Talents, your Experience & your Probity, have made your...
48972 Jenings, Edmund Adams, John To John Adams from Edmund Jenings, 11 April 1783 1783-04-11 I have received Letters from your Excellency of the 24 th & 28 th Ult. what accompanied the last...
48973 Monroe, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Monroe, 15 February … 1789-02-15 I take the liberty to submit the enclos’d to your perusal. It was written before the meeting of...
48974 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 August 1768] 1768-08-15 15. Went to Court. Mr. Igns. Digges Mr. Lee and Mr. Hill came here. Ignatius Digges (1707–1785)...
48975 Madison, James Randolph, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Randolph, 15 July 1783 1783-07-15 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in JM’s hand. Cover franked by him and addressed to...
48976 Warden, David Bailie Madison, James To James Madison from David Bailie Warden, 18 August … 1810-08-18 General armstrong having informed me verbally of the appointment of Mr. Russell as Charge...
48977 Coffyn, Francis Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Coffyn, 8 January … 1782-01-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer to my last letter of 29. ultmo....
48978 Washington, George [September 1762] 1762-09-08 8. Carried the last of my Tobo. to H[untin]g C[ree]k W[arehouse]. Finished sowing Wheat at Muddy...
48979 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Henry Knox, 2 November 1783 1783-11-02 I had the pleasure to reply to your Letter of the 15th of October to go by the Post before the...
48980 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 8 July 1816 1816-07-08 The business with Mr Bagot being suspended, & that with Algiers on acct of the Deys letter which...
48981 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Adams, 24 May 1800 1800-05-24 I had the honor of receiving, an hour since, your letter of the 22d instant, with the copy of one...
48982 Grasse-Tilly, François-Joseph-Paul, comte de Washington, George To George Washington from François-Joseph-Paul, comte … 1781-09-17 It appears more eligible to occupy the anchoring ground near Cape Henry, than the position which...
48983 Morris, Gouverneur Enclosure: Abstract of Mr. G. Morris’s plan of American … 1789-04-19 MS ( DLC ); entirely in TJ’s hand; endorsed by him: “Finance. G. Morris’s system.” The copy...
48984 Melmoth, Courtney Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, 18 April … 1778-04-18 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Very sudden and particular Business deprive me and Mrs....
48985 Jefferson, Thomas Monroe, James Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 24 September 1814 1814-09-24 The events which have lately taken place at Washington , & which truly disgrace our enemies much...
48986 O’Brien, Lewis M. Madison, James To James Madison from Lewis M. O’Brien, 23 May 1801 1801-05-23 Letter not found. 23 May 1801 . Acknowledged in JM to O’Brien, 14 Dec. 1801 (DNA: RG 59, IC, vol....
48987 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Assembly From Thomas Jefferson to the Speaker of the House of … 1781-03-06 I beg leave to lay before the General assembly the inclosed letter from the honble. Majr. Genl....
48988 Macarty, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Macarty, 8 July 1787 1787-07-08 L’Orient, 8 July 1787 . The plates he had mentioned are 36 livres a dozen; there are also two...
48989 Franklin, Benjamin Strahan, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 27 July 1756 1756-07-27 ALS : Yale University Library The above is a Copy of my last. Since which I have received from...
48990 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 8 April 1778 1778-04-08 Yours of March 29th by Genrl Woodford was deliverd me on monday, with regard to Sellg the Negroes...
48991 Skinner, Tompson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tompson Skinner, 28 April 1807 1807-04-28 I have A firm persuasion that the Selection of the most Suitable Characters—to fill the Offices...
48992 Wagner, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Wagner, with Notes for a … 1804-10-05 A blank temporary common for this office was sent to the Southward before the last session of...
48993 Hamilton, Alexander LeRoy, Herman From Alexander Hamilton to Herman LeRoy, 12 December … 1803-12-12 New York, December 12, 1803. Discusses the contents of a letter “this morning received from Mr....
48994 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 October 1787] 1787-10-12 Friday. 12th. Genl. Pickney going away after breakfast I rid to Muddy hole Dogue run &...
48995 Kilty, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Kilty, 11 July 1801 1801-07-11 Permit me to request your acceptance of an Edition of the Laws of Maryland which I have lately...
48996 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 July 1774] 1774-07-26 26. Wind Southerly & turnd a good deal Warmer.
48997 Roland, Jean Marie Madison, James To James Madison from the Minister of the Interior of … 1792-10-10 Abstract. 10 October 1792, Paris. In accordance with the National Assembly’s decree of 9 Sept....
48998 Mason, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Mason, 7 July 1806 1806-07-07 The loss I experienced a few Days agoe, of my Summer Residence, by fire, and the consequent...
48999 Washington, George Evening Orders, 3 May 1756 1756-05-03 Evening Orders. The General Court Martial, whereof Captain Stewart was President, is dissolved....
49000 Pichon, Louis-André Madison, James To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 5 September … 1801-09-05 Cit. Pichon presents his respects to Mr. Madison and thinks it proper to forward him the letter...